Available data sync collections
Bibliographic collection
Ordering a Bibliographic data sync collection includes options for Reclamations (updating your entire database of records) and Ongoing collections (maintaining your holdings with regular updates). If new to this service, or if it has been a while since your holdings have been consistently maintained, we recommend starting with a Reclamation and then continuing with an Ongoing collection to ensure your holdings remain up to date. Options within the data sync collection allow for further breakout of institutional bibliographic record requirements including the following:
- Tags and subfields used for OCLC and Local System Number
- Options to add or replace records in WorldCat
- Language of Cataloging options
- Tags related to records to be excluded from processing
- Local Bibliographic Data to be retained
- Enabling MARC Record Delivery (WorldCat or the Institution's records)
Essential to the process will be conversations with your Database Specialist. This will be especially significant when you are sending in your entire database of records in order to determine whether a post-process scan/delete run is required or not. In addition, interaction with the assigned Database Specialist will ensure for a complete understanding of the entire data sync process. The Database Specialist will also work in conjunction with consultative services to determine the type of data sync collection required, and any translation table details necessary for processing of Groups.
To create this collection, see Bibliographic collection.
Note: MARC data is required for all bibliographic collections.
Local Holdings Records collection
Create a Local Holdings Records data sync collection to maintain your institution's LHR information in WorldCat.
OCLC local holdings records (LHRs) are separate holdings records attached to a related WorldCat bibliographic record that provide holdings details beyond the OCLC institution symbol. Individual LHRs report holdings information for a single copy of an item. An institution may have one or many LHRs for any given bibliographic record in WorldCat.
OCLC LHRs are based on the MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data (MFHD). OCLC LHRs can be represented at Levels of Specificity 2 or above as defined by Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items (ANSI/NISO Z39.71).
To create this collection, see Local holdings records collection.
General requirements
Requirement | Description |
Data standards |
Records should meet standards for representation and exchange of holdings data according to MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data (MFHD). Holdings statements should meet the standards for identification, record, and display of holdings data according to Holdings Statements for Bibliographic Items (ANSI/NISO Z39.71). Holdings statements should use Latin alphabet abbreviations as found in Appendix B of Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition, 2002 Revision. |
Single holdings record |
Each holdings record sent in the set of records for a specific bibliographic record must represent the holdings data for only one copy. LHR data sync does not accept holdings data embedded in bibliographic records or process multiple holdings in one holdings record. |
Complete set of holdings records |
If only one holdings record in a set attached to a single bibliographic record has changed, you must send the whole set of holdings records (not just the changed record). OCLC requires all holdings records for a bibliographic record because the LHR data sync collection software does not match individual holdings records. LHR data sync collections replace all LHRs for a bibliographic record with the whole set of holdings records sent. |
Ongoing service/One-time collection
LHR data sync collections are intended to be ongoing. Regular updates are suggested, but the schedule varies according to individual needs. You may also update with a one-time collection and then maintain local holdings records (LHRs) online through WorldShare Record Manager.
Collection duration
Submitted files are automatically swept for processing once the collection has been accepted by OCLC.
Delete WorldCat Holdings collection
Ordering a delete WorldCat holdings collection essentially replaces the previous Cancel Holdings Only project.This collection allows you to delete your holdings from specific records in WorldCat by providing MARC records. The following bibliographic information are required to complete your collection:
- Tags and subfields used for OCLC and Local System Number
- Language of Cataloging options
To create this collection, see Delete WorldCat holdings collection.
Delete Local Holdings Records collection
This collection allows you to delete local holdings records (LHRs) by providing the following MFHD data. The following data elements are required to complete your collection:
- Tags and subfields used for OCLC
- Local System Number
- Local System Bibliographic Record Number
To create this collection, see Delete local holdings records collection.