014 Linkage Number (R)
Indicators and subfield codes
First Indicator
0 Holdings record number
1 Bibliographic record number
Second Indicator
Subfield Codes
‡a Linkage Number (NR)
‡b Source of number (NR)
‡z Canceled or invalid linkage number (R)
Field definition and scope
Control number, assigned by a bibliographic network, of a separate holdings record or its related bibliographic record for which a separate holdings record is made. In separate holdings records distributed by a network, the holdings record control number is carried in field 001 (Control Number) and the control number of the related bibliographic record is carried in field 004 (Control Number for Related Bibliographic Record). An organization receiving the holdings record may transfer the control numbers from fields 001 and 004 to field 014 and place its own holdings record number and related bibliographic record control number in fields 001 and 004. The originating network is identified in subfield ‡b (Source of number).
Guidelines for applying content designations
First Indicator - Type of linkage number
Whether the control number contained in subfield ‡a (Linkage number) or ‡z (Canceled/invalid linkage number) is for a holdings record or for a related bibliographic record.
0 - Holdings record
Linkage number is the control number of separate holdings record.
1 - Bibliographic record number
Control number is the control number of the MARC bibliographic record that is related to the separate holdings record.
Second Indicator - Undefined
The second indicator position is undefined and contains a blank ().
- Undefined
‡a - Linkage Number
Subfield ‡a contains a control number transferred from either field 001 (Control Number) or field 004 (Control Number for Related Bibliographic Record) of a holdings record distributed by a major bibliographic network. The type of control number is identified by the value in the first indicator position.
014 1 8395872 ‡b OCoLC
‡b - Source of number
Subfield ‡b contains the MARC organization code for the network whose control number is contained in subfield ‡a or ‡z. See Organization Code Source Codes for a listing of organization code sources used in MARC 21 records.
014 1 ‡a 1605897 ‡b OCoLC
‡z - Canceled or invalid linkage number
Subfield ‡z contains a canceled or invalid linkage number. Each canceled or invalid linkage number is contained in a separate subfield ‡z.
014 0 0000-49030 ‡z 0000-39730 ‡b [Organization code]