Level 0 – algemeen niveau naar BIB (shared bibliographic data) – van GGC naar WorldCat: 0000-4026
PICA3 | PICA name | (R|NR) | PICA+ | Rules/Dependencies | MARC21 | M21 name | M(R|NR) |
0000 |
ILN-bits, supplier code a.o. |
(NR) |
001@ |
x |
" ; " |
Supplier code |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
" : " |
Identification in PiCarta of Online Contents journal |
$b |
x |
" , " |
Indication of part of Online Contents |
$c |
x |
" = " |
Indication for ORS |
$d |
x |
" / " |
Status of order in LBS in ACQ |
$e |
x |
" (" ")" |
OPAC flag (Y or N) |
$o |
x |
ILN-bits, userbits |
$0 |
x |
Source and date of creation |
(NR) |
001A |
Local Call Numbers |
Source and date |
(NR) |
$0 |
$0 |
Source and date |
[?] |
Source and date of the last transaction |
(NR) |
001B |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"_" |
Timestamp |
(NR) |
$t |
x |
Source and date |
(NR) |
$0 |
Original cataloging agency |
(NR,A,A) |
Source and date |
(NR) |
$0 |
$bdut |
Language of cataloging |
(NR,A,A) |
Source and date |
(NR) |
$0 |
Transcribing agency |
(NR) system supplied |
Source and date |
(NR) |
$0 |
"if ($(1 for 4) = "1996")" |
$ehmstcn |
Description conventions |
(R,A,A) |
Source and date |
(NR) |
$0 |
$efobidrtb |
Description conventions |
(R,A,A) |
? |
$d |
Modifying agency |
(R,A,A) |
Source and date of owner |
001D |
x |
Source and date |
$0 |
x |
000U |
Data for open URL |
001P |
x |
" . " |
Supplier code |
$a |
x |
" ; " |
Start of period |
$d |
x |
" : " |
End of period |
$e |
x |
" = " |
Code organization / department (supplier) |
$h |
x |
" / " |
Code organization / department (intermediary) |
$i |
x |
Type of document |
$0 |
x |
000Q |
Validation warnings |
001Q |
x |
Input date of tag |
$a |
x |
":" |
Source (e.g. external library number) |
$b |
x |
", " |
Message number (in validation) |
$c |
x |
" = " |
Message text (in validation) |
$d |
x |
000A |
Owner main record |
001X |
x |
" ; " |
ORS-flag |
$A |
x |
" : " |
ORS-flag |
$B |
x |
Owner |
$0 |
x |
GOO sourcecode |
001Z |
x |
Sourcecode |
$0 |
x |
Content type |
(R) |
002C |
Content Type |
(R,A,O) |
Term |
(R) |
$a |
$a |
Content type term |
(R,?) |
Code |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Content type code |
(R,?) |
Sorting number |
(NR) |
$X |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number |
(R) |
used standard |
(NR) |
$2 |
$2 |
Source |
(NR,?) |
Description of a part of the material |
(NR) |
$3 |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,?) |
Media type |
(R) |
002D |
if $2 is not "obdrager" |
Media Type |
(R,A,O) |
Term |
(R) |
$a |
$a |
Content type term |
(R,?) |
Code |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Content type code |
(R,?) |
Sorting number |
(NR) |
$X |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number |
(R) |
used standard |
(NR) |
$2 |
$2 |
Source |
(NR,?) |
Description of a part of the material |
(NR) |
$3 |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,?) |
Carrier type |
(R) |
002E |
Carrier Type |
(R,A,O) |
Term |
(R) |
$a |
$a |
Content type term |
(R,?) |
Code |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Content type code |
(R,?) |
Sorting number |
(NR) |
$X |
$8 |
Field link and sequence number |
(R) |
used standard |
(NR) |
$2 |
$2 |
Source |
(NR,?) |
Description of a part of the material |
(NR) |
$3 |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,?) |
Carrier type |
(R) |
002E |
if 002D$a = microform |
(R,A,A) |
Term |
(R) |
$a |
$a |
Type of reproduction |
(NR,M,M) |
010X |
Record Control Number (PPN) |
(NR) |
003@ |
not ?section m21x_wcd_title_sequences |
001 |
Control Number |
(NR,M,M) |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$0 |
Control Number |
(NR,M,M) |
010X |
Record Control Number (PPN) |
(NR) |
003@ |
?section m21x_wcd_title_sequences |
Other System Control Number |
(R) system supplied |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$b |
System control number |
(NR) system supplied |
OCLC library identifier |
(NR) system supplied |
2060 |
NCC Number |
003A |
x |
Number |
$0 |
x |
2095 |
Exchange Record Control Number |
003B |
x |
"#" "#" |
Supplier |
$a |
x |
Number |
$0 |
x |
2096 |
PPN in source database and indication source (PiCarta International) |
003C |
x |
"#" "#" |
Source |
$a |
x |
PPN source |
$0 |
x |
2094 |
PPN of deduplicated record |
003D |
x |
$0 |
x |
Control Number of the linked record in remote database (s.a. WorldCat) |
(R) |
003O |
not ?section m21x_wcd_title_sequences |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"#" "#" |
Remote Source Id (s.a. OCoLC) |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
System control number |
(NR,M,M) |
" (" ")" |
Flag indicating whether the record has been merged with an existing record in the remote database. |
(NR) |
$b |
x |
Control Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
System control number |
(NR,M,M) |
x |
$z |
Canceled/invalid control number |
(R,O,O) |
Control Number of the linked record in remote database (s.a. WorldCat) |
(R) |
003O |
?section m21x_wcd_title_sequences |
001 |
Control Number |
(NR,M,M) |
Control Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$0 |
(NR,M,M) |
2098 |
OCLC Work ID |
003W |
x |
"#" "#" |
Label |
$a |
x |
Number |
$0 |
x |
ISBN, binding, price |
(NR) |
004A |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
ISBN (length 10) |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
"=" |
ISBN (length 13) |
(NR) |
$A |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification on ISBN |
(NR) |
$c |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
if $0 of $A or 011$a < 19 |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
if $0 of $A or 011$a < 19 |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
if $0 of $A or 011$a < 19 |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,O,O) |
ISBN, binding, price |
(NR) |
004A |
if not $0 and not $A and 011$a < 19 |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Privacy |
$I2 |
Undefined |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
$h |
Purchase price |
(NR,O,O) |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
$h |
Purchase price |
(NR,O,O) |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
$h |
Purchase price |
(NR,O,O) |
Second and next ISBN |
(R) |
004B |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
ISBN (length 10) |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
"=" |
ISBN (length 13) |
(NR) |
$A |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification on ISBN |
(NR) |
$c |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
if $0 of $A or 011$a < 19 |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
if $0 of $A or 011$a < 19 |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
if $0 of $A or 011$a < 19 |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,O,O) |
Second and next ISBN |
(R) |
004B |
if not $0 and not $A and 011$a < 19 |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Privacy |
$I2 |
Undefined |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
$h |
Purchase price |
(NR,O,O) |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
$h |
Purchase price |
(NR,O,O) |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
$h |
Purchase price |
(NR,O,O) |
ISBN as key |
(R) |
004C |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
ISBN (length 10) |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
"=" |
ISBN (length 13) |
(NR) |
$A |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification on ISBN |
(NR) |
$c |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
if $0 of $A or 011$a < 19 |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
if $0 of $A or 011$a < 19 |
$a |
International Standard Book Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
if $0 of $A or 011$a < 19 |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,O,O) |
ISBN as key |
(R) |
004C |
if not $0 and not $A and 011$a < 19 |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Privacy |
$I2 |
Undefined |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
$h |
Purchase price |
(NR,O,O) |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
$h |
Purchase price |
(NR,O,O) |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
$h |
Purchase price |
(NR,O,O) |
Erroneous ISBN |
(R) |
004D |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
ISBN (length 10) |
(NR) |
$0 |
$z |
Canceled/invalid ISBN |
(R,A,A) |
"=" |
ISBN (length 13) |
(NR) |
$A |
$z |
Canceled/invalid ISBN |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification on ISBN |
(NR) |
$c |
x |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,O,O) |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,O,O) |
Catalogue number |
(R) |
004E |
"if $l = ""ISTC"" " |
Other Standard Identifier |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
Label |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
$2istc |
Source of number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
Catalogue number |
(R) |
004E |
"if $l = ""EAN"" " |
Other Standard Identifier |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
Label |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
" : " |
(NR) |
$f |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
(NR) |
$m |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
Catalogue number |
(R) |
004E |
"if $l and target 000$0(7) in ""gij"" " |
Publisher Number |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of publisher number |
$I2 |
Note/added entry controller |
Label |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Publisher number |
(NR,A,A) |
"#" |
(NR) |
$l |
$b |
Source |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
(NR) |
$c |
$q |
Qualifying information |
(R,A,A) |
Catalogue number |
(R) |
004E |
"if target 000$0(7) = ""c"" " |
Publisher Number |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of publisher number |
$I2 |
Note/added entry controller |
Label |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Publisher number |
(NR,A,A) |
"< " |
(NR) |
$p |
$a |
Publisher number |
(NR,A,A) |
"#" |
(NR) |
$l |
$b |
Source |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
(NR) |
$c |
$q |
Qualifying information |
(R,A,A) |
Catalogue number |
(R) |
004E |
else |
Other Standard Identifier |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
"#" |
(NR) |
$l |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,M,M) |
" : " |
(NR) |
$f |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
(NR) |
$m |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
(NR) |
004F |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification ISMN |
(NR) |
$c |
x |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
Second and next ISMN |
(R) |
004G |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification ISMN |
(NR) |
$c |
x |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
ISMN as key |
(R) |
004H |
x |
" (" ")" |
Qualification ISMN |
(NR) |
$c |
x |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
x |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
"< " |
(NR) |
$p |
x |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
Erroneous ISMN |
(R) |
004I |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
(NR) |
$0 |
$z |
Canceled/invalid standard number or code |
(R,A,A) |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
$c |
Terms of availability |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification ISMN |
(NR) |
$c |
x |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
2201 |
International article number |
(NR) |
004L |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Canceled/invalid standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
ISSN, binding, price |
(NR) |
005A |
(if 000$0(8) = b, i, s) |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Level of international interest |
$I2 |
Undefined |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
International Standard Serial Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification on ISSN |
(NR) |
$c |
x |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
x |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
x |
$2 |
Source |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$l |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$m |
Canceled ISSN-L |
(R,A,A) |
Erroneous ISSN |
(R) |
005B |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Level of international interest |
$I2 |
Undefined |
(NR) |
$0 |
$z (if valid) |
Canceled ISSN |
(R,A,A) |
(NR) |
$0 |
$y (if not valid) |
Incorrect ISSN |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification on ISSN |
(NR) |
$c |
x |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
x |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
Related ISSN |
(R) |
005C |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Level of international interest |
$I2 |
Undefined |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
International Standard Serial Number |
(NR,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification on ISSN |
(NR) |
$c |
x |
" : " |
Terms of availability/price |
(NR) |
$f |
x |
"*" |
Binding |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" (" ")" |
Comment on $f |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
006A LC Number |
(NR) |
006A |
(NR,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
LC Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
LC control number |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$b |
NUCMC control number |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$z |
Canceled/invalid LC control number |
(R,A,A) |
BNB Number |
(NR) |
006B |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
BNB Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
National bibliography number |
(R,A,A) |
$2bnb |
Source |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$z |
Canceled/Invalid national bibliography number |
(R,A,A) |
Brinkman Number |
(NR) |
006C |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Brinkman Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
National bibliography number |
(R,A,A) |
$2bccb |
Source |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$z |
Canceled/Invalid national bibliography number |
(R,A,A) |
CCP Number |
(NR) |
006D |
section format_m21x |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
CCP Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
$2CCP |
Source of number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
CCK Number |
(NR) |
006E |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
CCK Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
$2CCK |
Source of number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
2075 |
BNTL Number |
(NR) |
006F |
x |
BNTL Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
DB Number |
(NR) |
006G |
x |
DB Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
2035 |
ISTC Number |
(NR) |
006H |
section format_m21x |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
ISTC Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
$2ISTC |
Source of number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
CTC Number |
(NR) |
006J |
section format_m21x |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
CTC Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
$2CTC |
Source of number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
OCLC Record Control Number |
(NR) |
006L |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
System control number |
(NR,M,M) |
CLC Number |
(NR) |
006M |
section format_m21x |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
CLC Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
$2CLC |
Source of number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
SWETS Number |
(NR) |
006N |
x |
"*" "*" |
Year |
(NR) |
$h |
x |
"#" "#" |
Supplier |
(NR) |
$l |
x |
"<" ">" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
UPC number |
(R) |
006Q |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of standard number or code |
$I2 |
Difference indicator |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
Standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
" / " |
Added numbers |
(NR) |
$t |
$d |
Additional codes following the standard number or code |
(NR,A,A) |
2180 |
MCN nummer |
(NR) |
006V |
x |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
2181 |
Original source number |
? |
006Z |
not ?section m21x_wcd_title_sequences |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
System control number |
(NR,M,M) |
(NR) |
007C |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
(NR) |
$0 |
$a |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$z |
Canceled/invalid CODEN |
(R,A,A) |
Supplier production number |
(R) |
007D |
x |
" / " |
"Filename (obsolete subfield; not for use!) " |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
"#" "#" |
Label supplier |
(NR) |
$l |
x |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
2265 |
Publisher´s number article |
(R) |
007N |
"if $I = ""BNI""" |
3 |
Control Number Identifier |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" "#" |
Publisher |
(NR) |
$l |
$0BNI |
2265 |
Publisher´s number article |
(R) |
007N |
"if $l = ""BNI""" |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
$abni |
System control number |
(NR,M,M) |
"<" ">" |
NL indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
2275 |
Fingerprint |
(R) |
007P |
(R,O,O) |
$I2 |
Undefined |
" - " |
Fingerprint |
(R) |
$c |
$a |
First and second groups of characters |
(NR,A,A) |
" - " |
Fingerprint |
(R) |
$c |
$b |
Number of volume or part |
(NR,A,A) |
$2stcnf |
Source |
(NR,M,M) |
$5NL-HaKB |
Institution to which field applies |
(R,A,A) |
"#" |
Part |
(R) |
$a |
x |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
x |
$c |
Date |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$d |
Number of volume or part |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$e |
Unparsed fingerprint |
(NR,A,A) |
2290 |
Contractnumber |
(NR) |
007Z |
x |
Number |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
0599 |
Data for ILL |
(R) |
009@ |
x |
"_" |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
(NR) |
$b |
x |
"-" |
(NR) |
$d |
x |
Location original |
(NR) |
009A |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Additional information about custodian |
$I2 |
Undefined |
" <" ">" |
Shelf-mark |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Custodian |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" |
Country |
(NR) |
$b |
"if $b = ""NL""" |
$cNetherlands |
Country |
(R,O,O) |
"#" |
Country |
(NR) |
$b |
"if $b = ""NL""" |
$gne |
Repository location code |
(NR,O,O) |
Library |
(NR) |
$c |
$a |
Custodian |
(NR,M,M) |
" / " |
Department |
(NR) |
$d |
x |
x |
$b |
Postal address |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$d |
Telecommunications address |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
Location master microforms |
(NR) |
009B |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Additional information about custodian |
$I2 |
Undefined |
" <" ">" |
Shelf-mark |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Custodian |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" |
Country |
(NR) |
$b |
"if $b = ""NL""" |
$cNetherlands |
Country |
(R,O,O) |
"#" |
Country |
(NR) |
$b |
"if $b = ""NL""" |
$gne |
Repository location code |
(NR,O,O) |
Library |
(NR) |
$c |
$a |
Custodian |
(NR,M,M) |
" / " |
Department |
(NR) |
$d |
x |
x |
$b |
Postal address |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$d |
Telecommunications address |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
Location and shelf-mark |
(NR) |
009C |
Locatie |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Shelving scheme |
$I2 |
Shelving order |
Location and shelf-mark |
(NR) |
$a |
"before "" : "" or "" :"" or "": "" or "":""" |
$a |
Locatie |
(NR,O,O) |
Location and shelf-mark |
(NR) |
$a |
"after "" : "" or "" :"" or "": "" or "":""" |
$b |
Sublocation or Collection |
(R,O,O) |
if 002$0(1) in "DF" |
(NR,M,M) |
Location and shelf-mark |
(NR) |
$a |
if ":" after ":" , else whole subfield |
$f |
Inclusive dates |
(NR,A,A) |
Place, (abbreviated) name of organisation, followed by recent inventory number of unicum |
(R) |
009D |
Locatie |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Shelving scheme |
$I2 |
Shelving order |
text |
(NR) |
$a |
"before "" : "" or "" :"" or "": "" or "":""" |
$a |
Locatie |
(NR,O,O) |
text |
(NR) |
$a |
"after "" : "" or "" :"" or "": "" or "":""" |
$b |
Sublocation or Collection |
(R,O,O) |
Location of Originals/Duplicates Note |
(R,O,O) |
text |
(NR) |
$a |
"before "" : "" or "" :"" or "": "" or "":""" |
$a |
Custodian |
(NR,M,M) |
$gnl |
Repository location code |
(NR,O,O) |
if 002$0(1) in "DF" |
(NR,M,M) |
text |
(NR) |
$a |
if ":" after ":" , else whole subfield |
$f |
Inclusive dates |
(NR,A,A) |
4090 |
Locatie gelinkte data |
? |
009E |
x |
" =D " |
Description |
(NR) |
$d |
x |
" =F " |
Filename |
(NR) |
$f |
x |
" =M " |
Method (TTLDOC a.o.) |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
" =S " |
(NR) |
$s |
x |
" =T " |
Document type (cover, text a.o.) |
(NR) |
$t |
x |
4269 |
Location linked data |
? |
009L |
x |
" =I " |
Identifier |
(NR) |
$i |
x |
" =S " |
Source / supplier |
(NR) |
$s |
x |
" =T " |
Type |
(NR) |
$t |
x |
408X |
(R) |
009P |
"if $z does not contain ""@cdr.nl""" |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Access method |
$I2 |
Relationship |
" =A " |
(NR) |
$a |
$u |
Uniform Resource Identifier |
(R,A,A) |
" =B " |
Filename |
(NR) |
$b |
x |
" =C " |
Path |
(NR) |
$c |
x |
" =D " |
File size |
(NR) |
$d |
x |
" =E " |
Compression format |
(NR) |
$e |
x |
" =M " |
Type connection |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
" =N " |
Gate number |
(NR) |
$n |
x |
" =P " |
Name host computer |
(NR) |
$p |
x |
" =Q " |
IP-address host computer |
(NR) |
$q |
x |
" =R " |
Name/location host organisation |
(NR) |
$r |
x |
" =S " |
E-mail address host organisation |
(NR) |
$s |
x |
" =T " |
E-mail address focal point |
(NR) |
$t |
x |
" =Y " |
Comment |
(NR) |
$y |
$y |
Link text |
(R,O,O) |
"#" "#" |
Comment |
(NR) |
$z |
$z |
Public note |
(R,O,O) |
"<" ">" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
File format |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
x |
$a |
Host name |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$b |
Access number |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$c |
Compression information |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$d |
Path |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$f |
Electronic name |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$h |
Processor of request |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$i |
Instruction |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$j |
Bits per second |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$k |
Password |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$l |
Logon |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$m |
Contact for access assistance |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$n |
Name of location of host |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$o |
Operating system |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$p |
Port |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$q |
Electronic format type |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$r |
Settings |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$s |
File size |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$t |
Terminal emulation |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$v |
Hours access method available |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$w |
Record control number |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$x |
Nonpublic note |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$2 |
Access method |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,A,A) |
000T |
URL checker |
009T |
x |
" =A " |
Broken URL |
$a |
x |
" =B " |
Error |
$b |
x |
" =C " |
Event date |
$c |
x |
Language designation |
(NR) |
010@ |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Translation indication |
$I2 |
Source of code |
"/1" |
Language of the publication |
(R) |
$a |
if not in target 000$0(7) IJ |
$a |
Language code of text/sound track or separate title |
(R,A,A) |
"/1" |
Language of the publication |
(R) |
$a |
if in target 000$0(7) IJ |
$d |
Language code of sung or spoken text |
(R,A,A) |
"/2" |
Interlanguage |
(R) |
$b |
$k |
Language code of intermediate translations |
(R,A,A) |
"/3" |
Language of the original |
(R) |
$c |
if not in target 000$0(7) IJ |
$h |
Language code of original and/or intermediate translations of text |
(R,A,A) |
"/3" |
Language of the original |
(R) |
$c |
if in target 000$0(7) IJ |
$n |
Language code of original libretto |
(R,A,A) |
"/4" |
Language of the summary |
(R) |
$d |
if not in target 000$0(7) IJ |
$b |
Interlanguage |
(R,A,A) |
"/4" |
Language of the summary |
(R) |
$d |
if in target 000$0(7) IJ |
$e |
Language code of librettos |
(R,A,A) |
"/5" |
Language of subtitles |
(R) |
$e |
"if 002@ pos. 1 = ""B"" " |
$j |
Language code of subtitles or captions |
(R,A,A) |
"/5" |
Language of the table of contents |
(R) |
$e |
"if not 002@ pos. 1 = ""B"" " |
$f |
Language of the title page |
(R,O,O) |
"/6" |
Language of the title page |
(R) |
$f |
$a |
Language code of text/sound track or separate title |
(R,A,A) |
"/7" |
Language of the parallel title |
(R) |
$g |
$a |
Language code of text/sound track or separate title |
(R,A,A) |
"/8" |
Dialect |
(R) |
$h |
$a |
Language code of text/sound track or separate title |
(R,A,A) |
"/9" |
Generated language |
(R) |
$i |
x |
x |
$g |
Language code of accompanying material other than librettos |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$m |
Language code of original accompanying materials other than librettos |
(R,A,A) |
$2 |
Source of code |
(NR,A,A) |
Language fiction |
(NR) |
010A |
x |
Language of the publication |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
Language of cataloguing / Description convention |
(NR) |
010E |
Cataloging Source |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Language of cataloguing |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Language of cataloging |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
if not #010$b |
$bdut |
Language of cataloging |
(NR,A,A) |
Description convention |
(R) |
$e |
$e |
Description conventions |
(R,A,A) |
x |
if not #010$e |
$efobidrtb |
Description conventions |
(R,A,A) |
PublicationDate |
(NR) |
011@ |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Sequence of publishing statements |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Date of publication |
(NR) |
$a |
$c |
Date of publication, distribution, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
"-" |
Date of closing |
(NR) |
$b |
$c |
Date of publication, distribution, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
" = " |
Date of the first edition |
(NR) |
$e |
x |
" $ " |
Date in original |
(NR) |
$n |
$c |
Date of publication, distribution, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Date of manufacture |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
PublicationDate |
(NR) |
011@ |
"if not 245 and if target(#000$0(7) = ""t"")" |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Date of publication |
(NR) |
$a |
$f |
Inclusive dates |
(NR,A,A) |
"-" |
Date of closing |
(NR) |
$b |
$f |
Inclusive dates |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
Date in original |
(NR) |
$n |
$f |
Inclusive dates |
(NR,A,A) |
Date of publication |
(NR) |
011A |
if not 045R |
(NR,O,O) |
$I1 |
Type of time period in subfield $b or $c |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Date of publication |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Time period code |
(R,A,A) |
"-" |
Date of closing |
(NR) |
$b |
$a |
Time period code |
(R,A,A) |
" = " |
Date of the first edition |
(NR) |
$e |
x |
" $ " |
Date in original |
(NR) |
$n |
x |
$b |
Formatted 9999 B.C. through C.E. time period |
(R,A,A) |
$c |
Formatted pre-9999 B.C. time period |
(R,A,A) |
Date of publication |
(NR) |
011A |
if not 045R |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Thesaurus |
Date of publication |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Chronological term |
(NR,M,M) |
"-" |
Date of closing |
(NR) |
$b |
$a |
Chronological term |
(NR,M,M) |
$2local |
Source of heading or term |
(NR,A,A) |
Date of reproduction |
(NR) |
011B |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Date of publication |
(NR) |
$a |
$d |
Date of reproduction |
(NR,A,A) |
"-" |
Date of closing |
(NR) |
$b |
x |
" = " |
Date of the first edition |
(NR) |
$e |
x |
" $ " |
Date in original |
(NR) |
$n |
x |
Creation date before the Christian era |
(NR) |
011E |
x |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
Copyright Year |
(NR) |
011F |
Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice |
(R,O,O) |
Text |
(R) |
$c |
$c |
Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice |
(R,,) |
Date of Production (temporarily tag) |
(NR) |
011G |
Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice |
(R,A,A) |
Text |
(R) |
$c |
$c |
Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice |
(R,A,A) |
Date of Distribution (temporarily tag) |
(R) |
011H |
Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice |
(R,A,A) |
Text |
(R) |
$c |
$c |
Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice |
(R,A,A) |
Date of Manufacture (temporarily tag) |
(R) |
011I |
Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice |
(R,A,A) |
Text |
(R) |
$c |
$c |
Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice |
(R,A,A) |
012@ Reproduction code |
(NR) |
012@ |
x |
Code |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
It contains ... |
(R) |
014@ |
section format_m21x |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Code |
(NR) |
$0 |
table stcn014at |
$a |
General note |
(NR,M,M) |
1402 |
A/S/W-code publishers |
(NR) |
015A |
x |
Code |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
AVI-code (Analyse van Individualiseringsvormen) |
(NR) |
015B |
x |
Code |
(NR) |
$0 |
x |
Coded data about the musical instruments |
(R) |
016C |
x |
"/A" |
Code |
(R) |
$a |
x |
"/B" |
Code |
(R) |
$b |
x |
General coded data |
(NR) |
016D |
see below |
Pos. 1 code a - one color |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $d a |
one color |
Pos. 1 code a - one color |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $d a |
one color |
Pos. 1 code b - multicolored |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $d c |
multicolored |
Pos. 1 code b - multicolored |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $d c |
multicolored |
Pos. 1 code c - multicolored by hand |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $d c |
multicolored |
Pos. 1 code c - multicolored by hand |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $d c |
multicolored |
Pos. 2 code a - index present in same item |
(NR) |
$a |
008/31 1 |
index present |
Pos. 2 code b - index present in accompanying document |
(NR) |
$a |
008/31 1 |
index present |
Pos. 2 code y - no index |
(NR) |
$a |
008/31 0 |
no index |
Pos. 3 code a - explanatory text in same item |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 3 code b - explanatory text in accompanying document |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 3 code y - no explanatory text |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code a - contours |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 a |
contours |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code b - obliquely shaded |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 b |
shading |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code c - color gradient |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 c |
gradient and bathymetric tints |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code d - hachures |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 d |
hachures |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code e - bathymetry/soundings |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 e |
bathymetry/soundings |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code f - form lines |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 f |
form lines |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code g - spot heights |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 g |
spot heights |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code h - other methods in color |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 z |
other |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code i - drawn land forms |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 j |
land forms |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code j - morphographic method |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 i |
pictorally |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code k - bathymetry/isolines |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 k |
bathymetry/isolines |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code m - rock drawings |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 m |
rock drawings |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code x - other methods |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 z |
other |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code y - no relief shown |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 <blank> |
no relief shown |
Pos. 4/5/6/7 code z - method unknown |
(NR) |
$a |
008/18-21 | |
no attempt to code |
Pos. 8-9 code a. - azimuthal projections |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 au |
azimuthal, specific type unknown |
Pos. 8-9 code aa - Aitoff |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 aa |
Aitoff |
Pos. 8-9 code ab - gnomic |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 ab |
gnomic |
Pos. 8-9 code ac - Lambert's azimuthal equal area |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 ac |
Lambert's azimuthal equal area |
Pos. 8-9 code ad - orthographic |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 ad |
orthographic |
Pos. 8-9 code ae - azimuthal equidistant |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 ae |
azimuthal equidistant |
Pos. 8-9 code af - stereographic |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 af |
stereographic |
Pos. 8-9 code ag - general vertical nearsided |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 ag |
general vertical nearsided |
Pos. 8-9 code am - modified stereographic for Alaska |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 am |
modified stereographic for Alaska |
Pos. 8-9 code an - Chamberlin trimetric |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 an |
Chamberlin trimetric |
Pos. 8-9 code ap - polar stereographic |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 ap |
polar stereographic |
Pos. 8-9 code au - azimuthal, other |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 az |
azimuthal, other |
Pos. 8-9 code az - azimuthal, type unknown |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 au |
azimuthal, specific type unknown |
Pos. 8-9 code b. - cylindrical projections |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bu |
cylindrical, specific type unknown |
Pos. 8-9 code ba - Gall |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 ba |
Gall |
Pos. 8-9 code bb - Goode's homolographic |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bb |
Goode's homolographic |
Pos. 8-9 code bc - Lambert's cylindrical equal area |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bc |
Lambert's cylindrical equal area |
Pos. 8-9 code bd - Mercator |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bd |
Mercator |
Pos. 8-9 code be - Miller |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 be |
Miller |
Pos. 8-9 code bf - Mollweide |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bf |
Mollweide |
Pos. 8-9 code bg - sinusoidal |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bg |
sinusoidal |
Pos. 8-9 code bh - transverse Mercator |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bh |
transverse Mercator |
Pos. 8-9 code bi - Gauss-Krüger |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bi |
Gauss-Krüger |
Pos. 8-9 code bj - equirectangular |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bj |
equirectangular |
Pos. 8-9 code bk - Krovak |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bk |
Krovak |
Pos. 8-9 code bl - Cassini-Soldner |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bl |
Cassini-Soldner |
Pos. 8-9 code bo - oblique Mercator |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bo |
oblique Mercator |
Pos. 8-9 code br - Robinson |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 br |
Robinson |
Pos. 8-9 code bs - space oblique Mercator |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bs |
space oblique Mercator |
Pos. 8-9 code bu - cylindrical, type unknown |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bu |
cylindrical, specific type unknown |
Pos. 8-9 code bz - cylindrical, other type |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 bz |
cylindrical, other |
Pos. 8-9 code c. - conic projections |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 cu |
conic, specific type unknown |
Pos. 8-9 code ca - Alber's equal area |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 ca |
Alber's equal area |
Pos. 8-9 code cb - Bonne |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 cb |
Bonne |
Pos. 8-9 code cc - Lambert's conformal conic |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 cc |
Lambert's conformal conic |
Pos. 8-9 code cd - polyconic |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 cp |
polyconic |
Pos. 8-9 code ce - conic equidistant |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 ce |
equidistant conic |
Pos. 8-9 code cu - conic, type unknown |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 cu |
conic, specific type unknown |
Pos. 8-9 code cz - conic, other type |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 cz |
conic, other |
Pos. 8-9 code d. - other projection |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 zz |
other |
Pos. 8-9 code da - armadillo |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 da |
armadillo |
Pos. 8-9 code db - butterfly shaped |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 db |
butterfly |
Pos. 8-9 code dc - Eckert |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 dc |
Eckert |
Pos. 8-9 code dd - Goode's homolosine |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 dd |
Goode's homolosine |
Pos. 8-9 code de - Miller's bipolar |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 de |
Miller's bipolar oblique conformal conic |
Pos. 8-9 code df - Van der Grinten |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 df |
Van der Grinten |
Pos. 8-9 code dg - Dimaxion |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 dg |
Dimaxion |
Pos. 8-9 code dh - Cordiform |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 dh |
Cordiform |
Pos. 8-9 code dl - Lambert conformal |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 dl |
Lambert conformal |
Pos. 8-9 code uu - projection type unknown |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 |
projection not specified |
Pos. 8-9 code ww - multiple projections |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 zz |
other |
Pos. 8-9 code yy - not in projection |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 || |
no attempt to code |
Pos. 8-9 code zz - other projection |
(NR) |
$a |
008/22-23 zz |
other |
Pos. 10-11/12-13 - prime meridian codes |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 14-15/16-17 - "vierkantennetcode" |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Coded physical data (cartographic material) |
(NR) |
016E |
see below |
Pos. 1 code a - physical form: two-dimensional |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 1 code b - physical form: three-dimensional |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
008/25 d |
globe |
Pos. 2/3 - first map image |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 4-5 code aa - physical medium: paper |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e a |
paper |
Pos. 4-5 code aa - physical medium: paper |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e a |
paper |
Pos. 4-5 code ab - physical medium: wood |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e b |
wood |
Pos. 4-5 code ab - physical medium: wood |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e b |
wood |
Pos. 4-5 code ac - physical medium: stone |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e c |
stone |
Pos. 4-5 code ac - physical medium: stone |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e c |
stone |
Pos. 4-5 code ad - physical medium: metal |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e d |
metal |
Pos. 4-5 code ad - physical medium: metal |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e d |
metal |
Pos. 4-5 code ae - physical medium: synthetic material |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e e |
synthetic |
Pos. 4-5 code ae - physical medium: synthetic material |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e e |
synthetic |
Pos. 4-5 code af - physical medium: skin |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e f |
skin |
Pos. 4-5 code af - physical medium: skin |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e f |
skin |
Pos. 4-5 code ag - physical medium: textiles |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e g |
textiles |
Pos. 4-5 code ag - physical medium: textiles |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e g |
textiles |
Pos. 4-5 code ah - physical medium: digital, computer compatible |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e z |
other |
Pos. 4-5 code ah - physical medium: digital, computer compatible |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e z |
other |
Pos. 4-5 code ak - physical medium: plastic |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e i |
plastic |
Pos. 4-5 code ak - physical medium: plastic |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e i |
plastic |
Pos. 4-5 code aj - physical medium: glass |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e j |
glass |
Pos. 4-5 code al - physical medium: vinyl |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e l |
vinyl |
Pos. 4-5 code al - physical medium: vinyl |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e l |
vinyl |
Pos. 4-5 code an - physical medium: parchment (vellum) |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e n |
vellum |
Pos. 4-5 code an - physical medium: parchment (vellum) |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e n |
vellum |
Pos. 4-5 code ap - physical medium: plaster |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e p |
plaster |
Pos. 4-5 code ap - physical medium: plaster |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e p |
plaster |
Pos. 4-5 code ai - physical medium: digital, computer incompatible |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e z |
other |
Pos. 4-5 code ai - physical medium: digital, computer incompatible |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e z |
other |
Pos. 4-5 code az - physical medium: other non-photographic materials |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e z |
other |
Pos. 4-5 code az - physical medium: other non-photographic materials |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e z |
other |
Pos. 4-5 code ba - physical medium: flexible base photographic, positive |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e q |
flexible base photographic, positive |
Pos. 4-5 code bb - physical medium: flexible base photographic, negative |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e r |
flexible base photographic, negative |
Pos. 4-5 code bc - physical medium: non-flexible base photographic, positive |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e s |
non-flexible base photographic, positive |
Pos. 4-5 code bd - physical medium: non-flexible base photographic, negative |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e t |
non-flexible base photographic, negative |
Pos. 4-5 code bz - physical medium: other photographic materials |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e y |
other photographic medium |
Pos. 4-5 code uu - physical medium: unknown |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e u |
unknown |
Pos. 4-5 code uu - physical medium: unknown |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e u |
unknown |
Pos. 4-5 code bv - physical medium: leather |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e v |
leather |
Pos. 4-5 code bv - physical medium: leather |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e v |
leather |
Pos. 4-5 code zz - physical medium: other |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $e z |
other |
Pos. 4-5 code zz - physical medium: other |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
007$a d; $e z |
other |
Pos. 4-5 code yy - physical medium: unknown (not coded) |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
see comment |
no attempt to code |
Pos. 4-5 code yy - physical medium: unknown (not coded) |
(NR) |
$a |
globes |
see comment |
no attempt to code |
Pos. 6 code a - cartographic end product: by hand (manuscript, model etc.) |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 6 code b - cartographic end product: printed (offset, etching, woodcut etc.) |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 6 code c - cartographic end product: photography (on non- transparent material) |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 6 code d - cartographic end product: microphotography (on transparent material) |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 6 code y - cartographic end product: not a cartographic end product (yet) |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $g c |
production/reproduction details: pre-production |
Pos. 6 code z - cartographic end product: other techniques |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 7 code a - Reproduction technique: by hand |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 7 code b - Reproduction technique: print |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 7 code c - Reproduction technique: photographic |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 7 code d - Reproduction technique: photocopy |
(NR) |
$a |
maps |
007$a a; $g b |
production/reproduction details: photocopy |
Pos. 7 code y - Reproduction technique: no reproduction |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 8 - geodetic accuracy |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Pos. 9 code a - form of publication: autonomous |
(NR) |
$a |
008/25 a |
type of cartographic material: single map |
Pos. 9 code b - form of publication: in parts |
(NR) |
$a |
008/25 b |
type of cartographic material: map series |
Pos. 9 code f - form of publication: serial publication |
(NR) |
$a |
008/25 c |
type of cartographic material: map serial |
Pos. 9 code g - form of publication: globe |
(NR) |
$a |
008/25 d |
type of cartographic material: globe |
Pos. 9 code c - form of publication: atlas |
(NR) |
$a |
008/25 e |
type of cartographic material: atlas |
Pos. 9 code d - form of publication: loose supplement |
(NR) |
$a |
008/25 f |
type of cartographic material: separate supplement to another work |
Pos. 9 code e - form of publication: bound with publication |
(NR) |
$a |
008/25 g |
type of cartographic material: bound as part of another work |
Pos. 9 code u - form of publication: unknown |
(NR) |
$a |
008/25 u |
type of cartographic material: unknown |
Pos. 9 code x - form of publication: other |
(NR) |
$a |
008/25 z |
type of cartographic material: other |
Pos. 9 code y - form of publication: unknown (not coded) |
(NR) |
$a |
see comment |
no attempt to code |
Pos. 10 code a - sensor height: on the earth |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $d a |
surface |
Pos. 10 code b - sensor height: from the sky |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $d b |
airborne |
Pos. 10 code c - sensor height: from space |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $d c |
spaceborne |
Pos. 11 code a - position of sensor: low oblique (with horizon) |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $e a |
low oblique |
Pos. 11 code b - position of sensor: high oblique (without horizon) |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $e b |
high oblique |
Pos. 11 code c - position of sensor: vertical |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $e c |
vertical |
Pos. 12-13 - spectral bands |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
not converted |
Pos. 14 - quality of image |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
not converted |
Pos. 15 code 0 - cloud cover: cloudless |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $f 0 |
0-9% |
Pos. 15 code 1 - cloud cover: one eighth covered by clouds |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $f 1 |
10-19% |
Pos. 15 code 2 - cloud cover: two eighths covered by clouds |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $f 2 |
20-29% |
Pos. 15 code 3 - cloud cover: three eighths covered by clouds |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $f 3 |
30-39% |
Pos. 15 code 4 - cloud cover: four eighths covered by clouds |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $f 5 |
50-59% |
Pos. 15 code 5 - cloud cover: five eighths covered by clouds |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $f 6 |
60-69% |
Pos. 15 code 6 - cloud cover: six eighths covered by clouds |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $f 7 |
70-79% |
Pos. 15 code 7 - cloud cover: seven eighths covered by clouds |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $f 8 |
80-89% |
Pos. 15 code 8 - cloud cover: completely covered by clouds |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
007$a r; $f 9 |
90-100% |
Pos. 16-17 - ground resolution |
(NR) |
$a |
remote sensing images |
not converted |
Coded date of the contents (non-cartographic material) |
(NR) |
016F |
x |
Code |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
" $ " |
????? |
(NR) |
$n |
x |
Coded date of the contents (cartographic material) |
(NR) |
016F |
Pos. 1 code 1 - date: one date |
(NR) |
$a |
$I1 = 0 |
single date/time |
Pos. 1 code 2 - date: two dates |
(NR) |
$a |
$I1 = 1 |
multiple single dates/times |
Pos. 1 code 3 - date: three dates |
(NR) |
$a |
$I1 = 1 |
multiple single dates/times |
Pos. 1 code 4 - date: period between two dates |
(NR) |
$a |
$I1 = 2 |
range of dates/times |
Pos. 1 code 5 - date: estimation of period between two dates |
(NR) |
$a |
$I1 = 2 |
range of dates/times |
Pos. 2/13/24 code - (minus) - date: before Christ |
(NR) |
$a |
$b pos. 1 = c |
B.C. |
Pos. 2/13/24 code + (plus) - date: Christian Era |
(NR) |
$a |
$b pos. 1 = d |
C.E. |
Pos. 3-6/14-17/25-28 code 0000-9999 - date: year |
(NR) |
$a |
$b pos. 2-5 |
year |
Pos. 7-8/18-19/29-30 code 01-12 - date: month |
(NR) |
$a |
$b pos. 6-7 |
month |
Pos. 9-10/20-21/31-32 code 01-31 - date: day |
(NR) |
$a |
$b pos. 8-9 |
day |
Pos. 11-12/22-23/33-34 code 00-24 - date: hour |
(NR) |
$a |
$b pos. 10-11 |
hour |
Coded indication of the scale (cartographic material) |
(NR) |
016G |
(R,A,O) |
Pos. 1 code 0 - number of scales: one scale |
(NR) |
$a |
$I1 = 1 |
single scale |
Pos. 1 code 1 - number of scales: sliding scale |
(NR) |
$a |
SI1 = 3 |
range of scales |
Pos. 1 code 2 - number of scales: two or more scales |
(NR) |
$a |
SI1 = 3 |
range of scales |
Pos. 1 code 3 - number of scales: horizontal and vertical scale |
(NR) |
$a |
SI1 = 3 |
range of scales |
Pos. 1 code 4 - number of scales: vertical scale only |
(NR) |
$a |
SI1 = 1 |
single scale |
Pos. 1 code 5 - number of scales: scale in code longer than 9 positions |
(NR) |
$a |
SI1 = 1 |
single scale |
Pos. 2 code 0 - type of scale: linear scale |
(NR) |
$a |
$a a |
linear scale |
Pos. 2 code 1 - type of scale: angular scale |
(NR) |
$a |
$a b |
angular scale |
Pos. 2 code 2 - type of scale: other type of scale |
(NR) |
$a |
$a z |
other type of scale |
Pos. 3-11/13-21 code of 9 digits - scale designation |
(NR) |
$a |
$b |
Pos. 12/22 - code . (period) - closing off character |
(NR) |
$a |
not converted |
Analysis of the type of document in coded form |
(NR) |
016H |
see below |
Pos. 1 - nature of image |
not converted |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code aa - form aspects of document: atlas |
007$a a; $b d |
atlas |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ab - form aspects of document: atlas map |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ac - form aspects of document: map |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ad - form aspects of document: wall map |
007$a a; $b j 008/33-34 o |
map special form characteristics: wall map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ae - form aspects of document: wall atlas |
not converted |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code af - form aspects of document: navigational chart |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ag - form aspects of document: town map |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ah - form aspects of document: cadastral plan |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ai - form aspects of document: architectural drawing or plan |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code aj - form aspects of document: picture postcard |
007$a a; $b j 008/33-34 j |
map picture card; post card |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ak - form aspects of document: map on calendar |
007$a a; $b j 008/33-34 k |
map calendar |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code al - form aspects of document: map as puzzle |
007$a a; $b j 008/33-34 l |
map puzzle |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code am - form aspects of document: map as paper model |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code an - form aspects of document: index/sheet index |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ao - form aspects of document: map with limited cartographic information (sketch map, tourist brochure, route map, orientation map, etc.) |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ap - form aspects of document: topographic elevational drawing |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code aq - form aspects of document: gore map |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ar - form aspects of document: lineprinter map |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code as - form aspects of document: block diagram |
007$a a; $b g |
diagram |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code at - form aspects of document: profile |
007$a a; $b k |
profile |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ba - form aspects of document: architectural rendering |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code bb - form aspects of document: globe |
008/25 d |
globe |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code be - form aspects of document: Braille map |
007$a a; $b j 008/29 f |
map Braille |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code fa - form aspects of document: facsimile map |
007$a a; $b j; $f f |
map facsimile |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code la - form aspects of document: uncontrolled photomap |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code lb - form aspects of document: controlled photomap |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code lc - form aspects of document: photomosaic |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code ld - form aspects of document: photomap |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 2-3/4-5/6-7 code le - form aspects of document: orthophotomap |
007$a a; $b j |
map |
Pos. 8-9/10-11/12-13 - cartographic reproduction technique |
not converted |
Pos. 14/15 code a - location of capture: on the earth |
007$a r; $d a |
altitude of sensor: surface |
Pos. 14/15 code b - location of capture: from the sky |
007$a r; $d b |
altitude of sensor: airborne |
Pos. 14/15 code c - location of capture: from space |
007$a r; $d c |
altitude of sensor: spaceborne |
Pos. 16/17 code a - type of satellite: meteorological satellite |
007$a r; $h a |
platform use category: meteorological |
Pos. 16/17 code b - type of satellite: surface observing satellite |
007$a r; $h b |
platform use category: surface observing |
Pos. 16/17 code c - type of satellite: space observing satellite |
007$a r; $h c |
platform use category: space observing |
Pos. 16/17 code m - type of satellite: mixed uses satellite |
007$a r; $h m |
platform use category: mixed uses |
Pos. 18-19/20-21/22-23 - name of satellite |
not converted |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code aa - capture technique: video recording |
007$a r; $j zz |
data type: other |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code ab - capture technique: false colour photography |
007$a r; $j zz |
data type: other |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code ac - capture technique: multispectral photography |
007$a r; $j ma |
multispectral, multidata |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code ad - capture technique: multispectral scanning |
007$a r; $j ma |
multispectral, multidata |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code av - capture technique: combination of various techniques with visible light |
007$a r; $j aa |
visible light |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code dz - capture technique: near infrared |
007$a r; $j da |
near infrared |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code db - capture technique: middle infrared |
007$a r; $j db |
middle infrared |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code dc - capture technique: far infrared |
007$a r; $j dc |
far infrared |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code dd - capture technique: thermal infrared |
007$a r; $j dd |
thermal infrared |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code de - capture technique: shortwave infrared (SWIR) |
007$a r; $j de |
shortwave infrared (SWIR) |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code df - capture technique: reflective infrared |
007$a r; $j df |
reflective infrared |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code da - capture technique: infrared scanning |
007$a r; $j dz |
other infrared data |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code dv - capture technique: combination of various techniques with infrared scanning |
007$a r; $j dv |
combinations |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code ga - capture technique: sidelooking airborne radar (SLAR) |
007$a r; $j ga |
sidelooking airborne radar (SLAR) |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code gb - capture technique: synthetic aperture radar (SAR) |
007$a r; $j gb |
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) - single frequency |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code gu - capture technique: SAR-multi- frequency (multichannel) |
007$a r; $j gc |
SAR-multi-frequency (multichannel) |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code gd - capture technique: SAR-like polarization |
007$a r; $j gd |
SAR-like polarization |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code ge - capture technique: SAR-cross polarization |
007$a r; $j ge |
SAR-cross polarization |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code gf - capture technique: infometric SAR |
007$a r; $j gf |
infometric SAR |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code gg - capture technique: polarmetric SAR |
007$a r; $j gg |
polarmetric SAR |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code gc - capture technique: passive microwave mapping |
007$a r; $j gu |
passive microwave mapping |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code gz - capture technique: other microwave data |
007$a r; $j gz |
other microwave data |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code ja - capture technique: far ultraviolet |
007$a r; $j ja |
far ultraviolet |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code jb - capture technique: middle ultraviolet |
007$a r; $j jb |
middle ultraviolet |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code jc - capture technique: near ultraviolet |
007$a r; $j jc |
near ultraviolet |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code jv - capture technique: ultraviolet combinations |
007$a r; $j jv |
ultraviolet combinations |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code jz - capture technique: other ultraviolet data |
007$a r; $j jz |
other ultraviolet data |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code mb - capture technique: multi- temporal |
007$a r; $j mb |
multi-temporal |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code mm - capture technique: combination of various data types |
007$a r; $j mm |
combination of various data types |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code nn - capture technique: not applicable |
007$a r; $j nn |
not applicable |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code pa - capture technique: sonar -- water depth |
007$a r; $j pa |
sonar -- water depth |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code pb - capture technique: sonar -- bottom topography images, sidescan |
007$a r; $j pb |
sonar -- bottom topography images, sidescan |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code pc - capture technique: sonar -- bottom topography, near-surface |
007$a r; $j pc |
sonar -- bottom topography, near-surface |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code pd - capture technique: sonar -- bottom topography, near-bottom |
007$a r; $j pd |
sonar -- bottom topography, near-bottom |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code pe - capture technique: seismic surveys |
007$a r; $j pe |
seismic surveys |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code pz - capture technique: other acoustical data |
007$a r; $j pz |
other acoustical data |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code ra - capture technique: gravity anomalies (general) |
007$a r; $j ra |
gravity anomalies (general) |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code rb - capture technique: free-air |
007$a r; $j rb |
free-air |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code rc - capture technique: Bouguer |
007$a r; $j rc |
Bouguer |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code rd - capture technique: isostatic |
007$a r; $j rd |
isostatic |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code sa - capture technique: magnetic field |
007$a r; $j sa |
magnetic field |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code ta - capture technique: radiometric surveys |
007$a r; $j ta |
radiometric surveys |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code uu - capture technique: unknown |
007$a r; $j uu |
unknown |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code zz - capture technique: other |
007$a r; $j zz |
other |
Pos. 24-25/26-27/28-29 code yy - capture technique: unknown (not coded) |
see comment |
no attempt to code |
Coded indication of the notation (notated music) |
(NR) |
016G |
General coded data CCK |
(NR) |
017@ |
x |
Code |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
Country code |
(NR) |
019@ |
(NR,O,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"/1" |
Country code of the first publisher |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
MARC country code |
(R,M,M) |
"/2" |
Country code of the second and next publisher |
(R) |
$b |
$a |
MARC country code |
(R,M,M) |
x |
$b |
Local subentity code |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$c |
ISO country code |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$2 |
Source of local subentity code |
(R,A,A) |
Note for characteristic data |
(R) |
020A |
see fcv |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Dissertation note |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$b |
Degree type |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$c |
Name of granting institution |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$d |
Year of degree granted |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$o |
Dissertation identifier |
(R,O,O) |
Note for characteristic data |
(R) |
020A |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
General note |
(NR,M,M) |
Note for target group |
(R) |
020C |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Display constant controller |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Target audience note |
(R,M,M) |
x |
$b |
Source |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
Conversion of coded data periodicals and series into text |
(R) |
020F |
see fcv |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
General note |
(NR,M,M) |
Conversion of coded data periodicals and series into text |
(R) |
020F |
"if ""Niet verder verschenen"" or if not converted to 500 or 321" |
(NR,A,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Current publication frequency |
(NR,M,M) |
x opted out |
$b |
Date of current publication frequency |
(NR,A,A) |
Conversion of coded data periodicals and series into text |
(R) |
020F |
"if ""former fequency"" or "" ;"" "";"" ""daarna"" or ""m.i.v."" or ""later"" " |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Former publication frequency |
(NR,M,M) |
(NR) |
$a |
$b |
Dates of former publication frequency |
(NR,A,A) |
4206 |
Note language |
(R) |
020G |
x |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
Note bibliography/index |
(R) |
020I |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Bibliography, etc. note |
(NR,M,M) |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
"if present(""#003 $0BNI"") $a(1 to "" "")" |
$b |
Number of references |
(NR,O,O) |
Title and statement of responsibility area |
(NR) |
021A |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Main title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Title |
(NR,M,M) |
" ; " |
Second main title by the same author |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
Main title by another author or anonymous publication |
(NR) |
$c |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" : " |
Subtitle |
(R) |
$d |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" = " |
Parallel title |
(R) |
$f |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" / " |
1st statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$h |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
" *" "*" |
General indication of type of material |
(R) |
$n |
if 245$h not present |
$h |
Medium |
(NR,A,A) |
" !" "!" |
Parallel map number (cartographic document) |
(R) |
$o |
x |
"#" "#" |
Filing field |
(NR) |
$x |
x |
" + " |
Added title |
(NR) |
$y |
x |
" < " |
Added year |
(NR) |
$z |
x |
"<" ">" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
Expansion |
$8 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
x |
x |
$f |
Inclusive dates |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Bulk dates |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$k |
Form |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$s |
Version |
(NR,A,A) |
Title and statement of responsibility area |
(NR) |
021A |
if 021A$9 |
(R,A,A); (R,M,M) for "in" nalytics |
$I1 |
Note controller |
$I2 |
Display constant controller |
Main title |
(NR) |
$a |
$t |
Title |
(NR,M,M) |
Title beginning with @-sign |
(NR) |
$a |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
Volume number |
? |
$l |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
$w(NL_LeOCL) |
Record control number |
(R,A,A) |
$iMP |
Display text |
(R,?,?) |
$7nn |
Control subfield |
(NR,O,O) |
Title on the second or intermediate level of a multi-level description |
(NR) |
021B |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
"@" |
Title beginning with @-sign |
(NR) |
$a |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
Second main title by the same author |
(R) |
$b |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" : " |
Subtitle |
(R) |
$d |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" = " |
Paralleltitle |
(R) |
$f |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" / " |
Statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$h |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" / " |
Statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$h |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
"*" "*" |
Volume number |
(NR) |
$l |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
Data of title preceding @-sign |
(NR) |
$m |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
Data of title preceding @-sign |
(NR) |
$m |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" *" "*" |
General indication of type of material |
(R) |
$n |
x |
" !" "!" |
Parallel map number (cartographic document) |
(R) |
$o |
x |
"%" |
Volume number (for matching & merging) |
(R) |
$L |
x |
Dependent title |
(NR) |
021C |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
"@" |
Title beginning with @-sign |
(NR) |
$a |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
Second main title by the same author |
(R) |
$b |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" : " |
Subtitle |
(R) |
$d |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" = " |
Paralleltitle |
(R) |
$f |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" / " |
Filing field |
(R) |
$h |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" / " |
Statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$h |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
Volume number |
(NR) |
l (el) |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
Data of title preceding @-sign |
(NR) |
$m |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
Data of title preceding @-sign |
(NR) |
$m |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" *" "*" |
General indication of type of material |
(R) |
$n |
x |
" !" "!" |
Parallel map number (cartographic document) |
(R) |
$o |
x |
"\#" |
Filing field |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
"%" |
Volume number (for matching & merging) |
(R) |
$L |
x |
Section title |
(NR) |
021O |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
"@" |
Title beginning with @-sign |
(NR) |
$a |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
Second main title by the same author |
(R) |
$b |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" : " |
Subtitle |
(R) |
$d |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" = " |
Paralleltitle |
(R) |
$f |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" / " |
Filing field |
(R) |
$h |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" / " |
Statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$h |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
Volume number |
(NR) |
l (el) |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
Data of title preceding @-sign |
(NR) |
$m |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
Data of title preceding @-sign |
(NR) |
$m |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" *" "*" |
General indication of type of material |
(R) |
$n |
x |
" !" "!" |
Parallel map number (cartographic document) |
(R) |
$o |
x |
"%" |
Volume number (for matching & merging) |
(R) |
$L |
x |
Title on the second or intermediate level of a multi-level description |
(NR) |
021P |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
"@" |
Title beginning with @-sign |
(NR) |
$a |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
Second main title by the same author |
(R) |
$b |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" : " |
Subtitle |
(R) |
$d |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" = " |
Paralleltitle |
(R) |
$f |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" / " |
Filing field |
(R) |
$h |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" / " |
Statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$h |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
Volume number |
(NR) |
l (el) |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
Data of title preceding @-sign |
(NR) |
$m |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
Data of title preceding @-sign |
(NR) |
$m |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" *" "*" |
General indication of type of material |
(R) |
$n |
x |
" !" "!" |
Parallel map number (cartographic document) |
(R) |
$o |
x |
"%" |
Volume number (for matching & merging) |
(R) |
$L |
x |
Uniform heading |
(R) |
022A |
"if $a contains ""@Speeches"" or ""@Selections"" or ""@Laws,"" or ""@Works"" or ""@Editorials""" |
(NR,O,O) |
$I1 |
Uniform title printed or displayed |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Uniform title |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" |
Sorting number for bibles and biblebooks |
(NR) |
$b |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Language code |
(NR) |
$c |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
More detailed information about $a |
(NR) |
$d |
"if contains ""arr"" " |
$o |
Arranged statement for music |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
More detailed information about $a |
(NR) |
$d |
"if not contains ""arr' " |
$s |
Version |
(NR,A,A) |
"_" """ |
Surname |
(NR) |
$e |
x |
" ; " |
Volume title |
(NR) |
$h |
if pos 1 to 3 = Sel |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
Volume title |
(NR) |
$h |
if pos 1 to 3 = not Sel |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
"/2" |
Instrumentation |
(NR) |
$m |
$m |
Medium of performance for music |
(R,A,A) |
"/3" |
Number |
(NR) |
$n |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
"/4" |
Key |
(NR) |
$o |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
"/5" |
Extra information |
(NR) |
$p |
$h |
Medium |
"Do not use" |
"?" "?" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$6 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
x |
"<" ">" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
x |
$d |
Date of treaty signing |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,O,O) pre AACR2 |
x |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
Uniform heading |
(R) |
022A |
if 100 and 110 and 130 are not present |
(NR,A,A) |
$I1 |
Nonfiling characters |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Uniform title |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" |
Sorting number for bibles and biblebooks |
(NR) |
$b |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Language code |
(NR) |
$c |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
More detailed information about $a |
(NR) |
$d |
"if contains ""arr"" " |
$o |
Arranged statement for music |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
More detailed information about $a |
(NR) |
$d |
"if not contains ""arr' " |
$s |
Version |
(NR,A,A) |
"_" """ |
Surname |
(NR) |
$e |
x |
" ; " |
Volume title |
(NR) |
$h |
if pos 1 to 3 = Sel |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
Volume title |
(NR) |
$h |
if not pos 1 to 3 = Sel |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
"/2" |
Instrumentation |
(NR) |
$m |
$m |
Medium of performance for music |
(R,A,A) |
"/3" |
Number |
(NR) |
$n |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
"/4" |
Key |
(NR) |
$o |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
"/5" |
Extra information |
(NR) |
$p |
$h |
Medium |
"Do not use" |
"?" "?" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$6 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
x |
"<" ">" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
x |
$d |
Date of treaty signing |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,O,O) pre AACR2 |
x |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$t |
Title of a work |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
Uniform heading |
(R) |
022A |
if present (100 or 110 or 130) and not present 240 |
(NR,A,A) |
$I1 |
Uniform title printed or displayed |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Uniform title |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" |
Sorting number for bibles and biblebooks |
(NR) |
$b |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Language code |
(NR) |
$c |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
More detailed information about $a |
(NR) |
$d |
"if contains ""arr"" " |
$o |
Arranged statement for music |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
More detailed information about $a |
(NR) |
$d |
"if not contains ""arr' " |
$s |
Version |
(NR,A,A) |
"_" """ |
Surname |
(NR) |
$e |
x |
" ; " |
Volume title |
(NR) |
$h |
if pos 1 to 3 = Sel |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
Volume title |
(NR) |
$h |
if not pos 1 to 3 = Sel |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
"/2" |
Instrumentation |
(NR) |
$m |
$m |
Medium of performance for music |
(R,A,A) |
"/3" |
Number |
(NR) |
$n |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
"/4" |
Key |
(NR) |
$o |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
"/5" |
Extra information |
(NR) |
$p |
$h |
Medium |
"Do not use" |
"?" "?" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$6 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
x |
"<" ">" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
x |
$d |
Date of treaty signing |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,O,O) pre AACR2 |
x |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
Uniform heading |
(R) |
022A |
if present (100 or 110 or 130) and 240 |
(NR,A,A) |
$I1 |
Nonfiling characters |
$I2 |
Type of added entry |
Title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Uniform title |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" |
Sorting number for bibles and biblebooks |
(NR) |
$b |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Language code |
(NR) |
$c |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
More detailed information about $a |
(NR) |
$d |
"if contains ""arr"" " |
$o |
Arranged statement for music |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
More detailed information about $a |
(NR) |
$d |
"if not contains ""arr' " |
$s |
Version |
(NR,A,A) |
" " """ |
Surname |
(NR) |
$e |
x |
" ; " |
Volume title |
(NR) |
$h |
if pos 1 to 3 = Sel |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
" ; " |
Volume title |
(NR) |
$h |
if not pos 1 to 3 = Sel |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
"/2" |
Instrumentation |
(NR) |
$m |
$m |
Medium of performance for music |
(R,A,A) |
"/3" |
Number |
(NR) |
$n |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
"/4" |
Key |
(NR) |
$o |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
"/5" |
Extra information |
(NR) |
$p |
$h |
Medium |
"Do not use" |
"?" "?" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$6 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
x |
"<" ">" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
? |
x |
$d |
Date of treaty signing |
(R,A,A) |
? |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
? |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,O,O) pre AACR2 |
? |
x |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
? |
x |
$t |
Title of a work |
(NR,O,O) |
? |
x |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
? |
x |
$i |
Relationship information |
(R,?,?) |
? |
x |
$x |
International Standard Serial Number |
(NR,O,O) |
? |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
? |
x |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies |
(NR,A,A) |
Uniform heading |
(R) |
022A |
"if not present 245 and if target(#000$0(7) in ""cij"")" |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Title |
(NR,M,M) |
"/2" |
Instrumentation |
(NR) |
$m |
$a |
Title |
(NR,M,M) |
"/3" |
Number |
(NR) |
$n |
$a |
Title |
(NR,M,M) |
"/4" |
Key |
(NR) |
$o |
$a |
Title |
(NR,M,M) |
" " """ |
Surname |
(NR) |
$e |
$a |
Title |
(NR,M,M) |
" ; " |
Volume title |
(NR) |
$h |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
More detailed information about $a |
(NR) |
$d |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
(NR) |
$g |
$c |
Statement of responsibility, etc. |
(NR,A,A) |
Uniform heading |
(R) |
022A |
"if not present 245 and if target(#000$0(7) in ""cij"")" |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Note/added entry controller |
$I2 |
Type of title |
" " """ |
Surname |
(NR) |
$e |
$a |
Title proper/short title |
(NR,M,M) |
Variant of the main title of dependent analytical entry |
(NR) |
022B |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Note/added entry controller |
$I2 |
Type of title |
Main title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Title proper/short title |
(NR,M,M) |
" ; " |
Second main title by the same author |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" $ " |
Main title by another author or anonymous publication |
(NR) |
$c |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" : " |
Subtitle |
(R) |
$d |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" = " |
Parallel title |
(R) |
$f |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" / " |
1st statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$h |
x |
" ; " |
2nd and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$j |
x |
" *" "*" |
General indication of type of material |
(R) |
$n |
x |
" !" "!" |
Parallel map number (cartographic document) |
(R) |
$o |
x |
"#" "#" |
(NR) |
$x |
x |
" + " |
Added title |
(NR) |
$y |
x |
" < " |
Added year |
(NR) |
$z |
x |
"<" ">" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
(NR) |
$8 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
x |
x |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$f |
Date or sequential designation |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$h |
Medium |
"do not use" |
x |
$i |
Display text |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies |
(NR,A,O) |
Formal main title (manuscripts) |
(R) |
022S |
(NR,O,O) |
$I1 |
Uniform title printed or displayed |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Uniform title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Uniform title |
(NR,M,M) |
" %%" |
Indication of organisation or collection |
(NR) |
$1 |
x |
Filing title |
(R) |
025@ |
"if not #000$0(8) = ""s""" |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Note/added entry controller |
$I2 |
Type of title |
Main title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Title proper/short title |
(NR,M,M) |
" #" "#" |
Subtitle/field for indexing |
$b |
x |
Filing title |
(R) |
025@ |
"#000$0(8) = ""s""" |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Main title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Uniform title |
(NR,M,M) |
" #" "#" |
Subtitle/field for indexing |
$b |
x |
Key-title |
(R) if $c |
026@ |
(R, ISSN nat centre only) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Key title |
(NR,M,M) |
" (" ")" |
Qualification |
(NR) |
$b |
$b |
Qualifying information |
(NR,A,A) |
" : " |
Period |
(NR) |
$c |
$b |
Qualifying information |
(NR,A,A) |
Abbreviated key-title |
(NR) |
026C |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Type |
Short title |
(NR) |
$f |
$a |
Abbreviated title |
(NR,M,M) |
" (" ")" |
Added data to short title |
(NR) |
$g |
$b |
Qualifying information |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$2 |
Source |
(R,A,A) |
Secondary title entry |
(R) |
027A |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Note/added entry controller |
$I2 |
Type of title |
Title |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Title proper/short title |
(NR,M,M) |
" : " |
Subtitle |
(NR) |
$b |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
"<" ">" |
Indicator |
(NR) |
$S |
x |
x |
$f |
Date or sequential designation |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$h |
Medium |
"do not use" |
x |
$i |
Display text |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies |
(NR,A,O) |
Primary author |
(NR) |
028A |
(NR,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of personal name entry element |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"@" |
Access point (family name) |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
if $5 |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
if not $5 and if not $d |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
First name |
(NR) |
$d |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" "#" |
Addition to the first name |
(NR) |
$e |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Addition to the name |
(NR) |
$f |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
"*" "*" |
Years |
(NR) |
$h |
$d |
Dates associated with a name |
(NR,A,A) |
" <" ">" |
Solution of pseudonym |
(NR) |
$i |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
" = " |
Sorting field for permanent addition |
(NR) |
$k |
x |
"%" |
Permanent addition |
(NR) |
$l |
if $5 and roman number on end of subfield |
$b |
Numeration |
(NR,A,A) |
"%" |
Permanent addition |
(NR) |
$l |
if $5 |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
" + " |
Added title |
(NR) |
$y |
x |
" ^ " |
Added year |
(NR) |
$z |
x |
"$" "$" |
Code |
(R) |
$B |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
"@" """ |
First name as access point |
(NR) |
$5 |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
Expansion |
(NR) |
$8 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$e |
Relator term |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,O,O; pre AACR2 only) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$j |
Attribution qualifier |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,O,O; pre AACR2 only) |
x |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,O,O; pre AACR2 only) |
x |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,O,O; pre AACR2 only) |
x |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,O,O; pre AACR2 only) |
x |
$q |
Fuller form of name |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$t |
Title of a work |
(NR,O,O; pre AACR2 only) |
x |
$u |
Affiliation |
(NR,O,O) |
Coauthor/sender |
(R) |
028B |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of personal name entry element |
$I2 |
Type of added entry |
"@" |
Access point (family name) |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
if $5 |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
if not $5 and if not $d |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
First name |
(NR) |
$d |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" "#" |
Addition to the first name |
(NR) |
$e |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Addition to the name |
(NR) |
$f |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
"*" "*" |
Years |
(NR) |
$h |
$d |
Dates associated with a name |
(NR,A,A) |
" <" ">" |
Solution of pseudonym |
(NR) |
$i |
if not = ed |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
" <" ">" |
Solution of pseudonym |
(NR) |
$i |
if = ed |
$e |
Relator term |
(R,O,O) |
" = " |
Sorting field for permanent addition |
(NR) |
$k |
x |
"%" |
Permanent addition |
(NR) |
$l |
if $5 and roman number on end of subfield |
$b |
Numeration |
(NR,A,A) |
"%" |
Permanent addition |
(NR) |
$l |
if $5 |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
" + " |
Added title |
(NR) |
$y |
x |
" ^ " |
Added year |
(NR) |
$z |
x |
"$" "$" |
Code |
(R) |
$B |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
"@" """ |
First name as access point |
(NR) |
$5 |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
Expansion |
(NR) |
$8 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$h |
Medium |
"do not use" |
x |
$i |
Relationship information |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$j |
Attribution qualifier |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$m |
Medium of performance for music |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$o |
Arranged statement for music |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$q |
Fuller form of name |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$s |
Version |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$t |
Title of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$u |
Affiliation |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$x |
International Standard Serial Number |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies |
(NR,A,A) |
Secondary author/receiver |
(R) |
028C |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of personal name entry element |
$I2 |
Type of added entry |
"@" |
Access point (family name) |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
if $5 |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
if not $5 and if not $d |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
First name |
(NR) |
$d |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
"#" "#" |
Addition to the first name |
(NR) |
$e |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Addition to the name |
(NR) |
$f |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
"*" "*" |
Years |
(NR) |
$h |
$d |
Dates associated with a name |
(NR,A,A) |
" <" ">" |
Solution of pseudonym |
(NR) |
$i |
if not = ed |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
" <" ">" |
Solution of pseudonym |
(NR) |
$i |
if = ed |
$e |
Relator term |
(R,O,O) |
" = " |
Sorting field for permanent addition |
(NR) |
$k |
x |
"%" |
Permanent addition |
(NR) |
$l |
if $5 and roman number on end of subfield |
$b |
Numeration |
(NR,A,A) |
"%" |
Permanent addition |
(NR) |
$l |
if $5 |
$c |
Titles and other words associated with a name |
(R,A,A) |
" + " |
Added title |
(NR) |
$y |
x |
" ^ " |
Added year |
(NR) |
$z |
x |
"$" "$" |
Code |
(R) |
$B |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
"@" """ |
First name as access point |
(NR) |
$5 |
$a |
Personal name |
(NR,M,M) |
Expansion |
(NR) |
$8 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
Fuller form of name |
(NR) |
$q |
$q |
Fuller form of name |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$h |
Medium |
"do not use" |
x |
$i |
Relationship information |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$j |
Attribution qualifier |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$m |
Medium of performance for music |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$n |
Number of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$o |
Arranged statement for music |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$q |
Fuller form of name |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$s |
Version |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$t |
Title of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$u |
Affiliation |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$x |
International Standard Serial Number |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies |
(NR,A,A) |
Secondary author/receiver |
(R) |
028C |
"if not present 245 and if target(#000$0(7) = ""t"")" |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
First name |
(NR) |
$d |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
"/" |
Prefix |
(NR) |
$c |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
"@" |
Access point (family name) |
(NR) |
$a |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
Corporate Author |
(R) |
029F |
"if not (100 or 110 or (700 if target 000 pos. 7 is not ""t""))" |
(NR,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of corporate name entry element |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Main corporate body |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" , " |
Remaining parts of name of corporate body |
(NR) |
$g |
after ", " |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" . " |
Department |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to name |
(R) |
$c |
if no $b |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to name |
(R) |
$e |
if no $b |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" /8" |
Remaining additions to name |
(R) |
$d |
if no $b |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to name |
(R) |
$c |
if $b present, after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to name |
(R) |
$e |
if $b present, after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /8" |
Remaining additions to name |
(R) |
$d |
if $b present, after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to department |
(R) |
$x |
after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to department |
(R) |
$w |
after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /8" |
Remaining parts of name of department |
(R) |
$y |
after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
"$" "$" |
Code |
(R) |
$B |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$c |
Location of meeting |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$d |
Date of meeting or treaty signing |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$e |
Relator term |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,O,O; pre AACR2 only) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,O,O; pre AACR2 only) |
x |
$n |
Number of part/section/meeting |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$t |
Title of a work |
(NR,O,O; pre AACR2 only) |
x |
$u |
Affiliation |
(NR,O,O) |
Corporate Author |
(R) |
029F |
"if (100 or 110 or (700 if target 000 pos. 7 is not ""t""))" |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of corporate name entry element |
$I2 |
Type of added entry |
Main corporate body |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" , " |
Remaining parts of name of corporate body |
(NR) |
$g |
after ", " |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" . " |
Department |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to name |
(R) |
$c |
if no $b |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to name |
(R) |
$e |
if no $b |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" /8" |
Remaining additions to name |
(R) |
$d |
if no $b |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to name |
(R) |
$c |
if $b present, after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to name |
(R) |
$e |
if $b present, after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /8" |
Remaining additions to name |
(R) |
$d |
if $b present, after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to department |
(R) |
$x |
after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to department |
(R) |
$w |
after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /8" |
Remaining parts of name of department |
(R) |
$y |
after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
"$" "$" |
Code |
(R) |
$B |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$c |
Location of meeting |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$d |
Date of meeting or treaty signing |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$h |
Medium |
"do not use" |
x |
$i |
Relationship information |
(R,?,?) |
x |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$m |
Medium of performance for music |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$n |
Number of part/section/meeting |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$r |
Key for music |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$s |
Version |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$t |
Title of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$u |
Affiliation |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$x |
International Standard Serial Number |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies |
(NR,A,A) |
Tournament as subject |
(R) |
030@ |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of meeting name entry element |
$I2 |
Type of added entry |
Name congress |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" ; " |
Number congress |
(NR) |
$j |
$n |
Number of part/section/meeting |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Town congress |
(NR) |
$k |
$c |
Location of meeting |
(R,A,A) |
" : " |
Date congress |
(NR) |
$l |
$d |
Date of meeting |
(NR,A,A) |
" , " |
(Sub)section |
(R) |
$z |
$e |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
"$" "$" |
Code |
(R) |
$B |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
Meeting Name |
(R) |
030F |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of meeting name entry element |
$I2 |
Type of added entry |
Name congress |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Meeting name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" ; " |
Number congress |
(NR) |
$j |
$n |
Number of part/section/meeting |
(R,A,A) |
" (" ")" |
Town congress |
(NR) |
$k |
$c |
Location of meeting |
(R,A,A) |
" : " |
Date congress |
(NR) |
$l |
$d |
Date of meeting |
(NR,A,A) |
" , " |
(Sub)section |
(R) |
$z |
$e |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
"$" "$" |
Code |
(R) |
$B |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$h |
Medium |
"do not use" |
x |
$i |
Relationship information |
(R,?,?) |
x |
$j |
Relator term |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$q |
Name of meeting following jurisdiction name entry element |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$s |
Version |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$t |
Title of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$u |
Affiliation |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$x |
International Standard Serial Number |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies |
(NR,A,A) |
Congress (CCK)/receiver |
(R) |
030K |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of corporate name entry element |
$I2 |
Type of added entry |
Main corporate body |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" , " |
Remaining parts of name of corporate body |
(NR) |
$g |
after ", " |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" . " |
Department |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to name |
(R) |
$c |
if no $b |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to name |
(R) |
$e |
if no $b |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" /8" |
Remaining additions to name |
(R) |
$d |
if no $b |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to name |
(R) |
$c |
if $b present, after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to name |
(R) |
$e |
if $b present, after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /8" |
Remaining additions to name |
(R) |
$d |
if $b present, after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to department |
(R) |
$x |
after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to department |
(R) |
$w |
after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
" /8" |
Remaining parts of name of department |
(R) |
$y |
after " : " or " / " if same original subfield |
$b |
Subordinate unit |
(R,A,A) |
"$" "$" |
Code |
(R) |
$B |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$c |
Location of meeting |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$d |
Date of meeting or treaty signing |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$e |
Relator term |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$f |
Date of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$g |
Miscellaneous information |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$i |
Relationship information |
(R,?,?) |
x |
$k |
Form subheading |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$l |
Language of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$n |
Number of part/section/meeting |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$p |
Name of part/section of a work |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$t |
Title of a work |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$u |
Affiliation |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
x |
$5 |
Institution to which field applies |
(NR,A,A) |
Congress (CCK)/receiver |
(R) |
030K |
"if not 245 and if target(#000$0(7) = ""t"")" |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Main corporate body |
(NR) |
$a |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
" . " |
Department |
(R) |
$b |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
563X |
Entry heading for exhibition catalogue |
(R) |
030L |
Main corporate body |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
" . " |
Department |
(R) |
$b |
x |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to name |
(R) |
$c |
x |
" /8" |
Remaining additions to name |
(R) |
$d |
x |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to name |
(R) |
$e |
x |
" , " |
Remaining parts of name of corporate body |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" /9" |
Year |
(NR) |
$k |
x |
" /2" |
Chronological addition to department |
(R) |
$w |
x |
" /1" |
Geographical addition to department |
(R) |
$x |
x |
" /8" |
Remaining parts of name of department |
(R) |
$y |
x |
"$" "$" |
Code |
(R) |
$B |
x |
"?" "?" |
(NR) |
$6 |
x |
Expansion |
(NR) |
$8 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
x |
Numbering area (serials) |
(NR) |
031@ |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Format of date |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Number and/or date first issue |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Dates of publication and/or sequential designation |
(NR,M,M) |
" - " |
Number and/or date last issue |
(NR) |
$b |
$a |
Dates of publication and/or sequential designation |
(NR,M,M) |
" = " |
Number and/or date first issue (parallel numeration) |
(R) |
$c |
$a |
Dates of publication and/or sequential designation |
(NR,M,M) |
" / " |
Number and/or date last issue (parallel numeration) |
(R) |
$d |
$a |
Dates of publication and/or sequential designation |
(NR,M,M) |
" ; " |
Number and/or date first issue (new numeration) |
(R) |
$e |
$a |
Dates of publication and/or sequential designation |
(NR,M,M) |
" + " |
Number and/or date last issue (new numeration) |
(R) |
$f |
$a |
Dates of publication and/or sequential designation |
(NR,M,M) |
x |
$z |
Source of information |
(NR,O,O) |
Numbering area (articles) |
(NR) |
031A |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"/p" |
Pagination |
$h |
$a |
Extent |
(R,A,A) |
Numbering area (articles) |
(NR) |
031A |
if 039B |
(R,A,A)(R,M,M for in-analytics) |
$I1 |
Note controller |
$I2 |
Display constant controller |
"#" "#" |
Text |
(R) |
$a |
x |
"/d" |
Day |
(R) |
$b |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/m" |
Month |
(R) |
$c |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/v" |
Volume |
(R) |
$d |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/a" |
Issue |
(R) |
$e |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/n" |
Special issue |
(R) |
$f |
$t |
Title |
(NR,M,M) |
"/t" |
Number of pages |
(R) |
$g |
x |
"/p" |
Pagination |
(R) |
$h |
x |
"/j" |
Year |
(R) |
$j |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/D" |
Day |
(NR) |
$l |
x |
"/M" |
Month |
(NR) |
$m |
x |
"/V" |
Volume |
(NR) |
$n |
x |
"/A" |
Issue |
(NR) |
$o |
x |
"/S" |
Series indication |
(NR) |
$p |
x |
"/s" |
Series indication |
(R) |
$q |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/u" |
Year-month-day (YYYYMMDD) |
(NR) |
$u |
x |
"/v" |
Month-day (MMDD) |
(NR) |
$v |
x |
Comment |
(R) |
$y |
"if starts with ""publicatienr: "" " |
$o |
Other item identifier |
(R,O,O) |
Comment |
(R) |
$y |
"if not starts with ""publicatienr: """ |
$n |
Note |
(R,O,O) |
Numbering area (articles) |
(NR) |
031A |
if 038C |
(R,A,A)(R,M,M for in-analytics) |
$I1 |
Note controller |
$I2 |
Display constant controller |
"/d" |
Day |
(R) |
$b |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/m" |
Month |
(R) |
$c |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/v" |
Volume |
(R) |
$d |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/a" |
Issue |
(R) |
$e |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/p" |
Pagination |
(R) |
$h |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/j" |
Year |
(R) |
$j |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
"/s" |
Series indication |
(R) |
$q |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
Comment |
(R) |
$y |
"if starts with ""publicatienr: "" " |
$o |
Other item identifier |
(R,O,O) |
Comment |
(R) |
$y |
"if not starts with ""publicatienr: """ |
$n |
Note |
(R,O,O) |
Numbering area (articles) |
(NR) |
031A |
"if present(""#003 $0BNI"")" |
Local Call Numbers |
"/v" |
Volume |
(R) |
$d |
$a |
Volume |
(R,O,O) |
"/a" |
Issue |
(R) |
$e |
$b |
Issue |
(R,O,O) |
"/d" |
Day |
(R) |
$b |
$e |
Day |
(R,O,O) |
"/m" |
Month |
(R) |
$c |
$e |
Month |
(R,O,O) |
"/j" |
Year |
(R) |
$j |
$e |
Year |
(R,O,O) |
"/u" |
Year-month-day (YYYYMMDD) |
(NR) |
$u |
$g |
Year-month-day (YYYYMMDD) |
(R,O,O) |
"/v" |
Month-day (MMDD) |
(NR) |
$v |
$j |
Month-day (MMDD) |
(R,O,O) |
"/p" |
Pagination |
(R) |
$h |
$c |
Pagination |
(R,O,O) |
Holding reproduction |
(NR) |
031B |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
(Empty subfield) |
(NR) |
$a |
x |
"/d" |
Day |
(R) |
$b |
$m |
Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced |
(R,A,A) |
"/m" |
Month |
(R) |
$c |
$m |
Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced |
(R,A,A) |
"/v" |
Volume |
(R) |
$d |
$m |
Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced |
(R,A,A) |
"/a" |
Issue |
(R) |
$e |
$m |
Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced |
(R,A,A) |
"/s" |
Series indication |
(R) |
$f |
x |
"/k" |
Comment |
(R) |
$g |
x |
"/b" |
Starting year |
(R) |
$j |
x |
"/E" |
Last year |
(R) |
$k |
x |
"/D" |
Day |
(R) |
$l |
$m |
Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced |
(R,A,A) |
"/M" |
Month |
(R) |
$m |
$m |
Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced |
(R,A,A) |
"/V" |
Volume |
(R) |
$n |
$m |
Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced |
(R,A,A) |
"/A" |
Issue |
(R) |
$o |
$m |
Dates and/or sequential designation of issues reproduced |
(R,A,A) |
"/S" |
Series indication |
(R) |
$p |
x |
"/K" |
Comment |
(R) |
$q |
x |
";" |
Separator between every begin-cluster |
(R) |
$0 |
x |
" / " |
Depository period |
(NR) |
$1 |
x |
" * " |
First year of depository time |
(NR) |
$2 |
x |
" ! " |
Number of kept issues |
(NR) |
$3 |
x |
" @ " |
Comment on complete holdings |
(NR) |
$4 |
x |
" =" |
Indication parallel numbering |
(R) |
$5 |
x |
"-" |
Indication current holdings |
(R) |
$6 |
x |
Edition area |
(NR) |
032@ |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Edition data |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Edition statement |
(NR,M,M) |
" $ " |
Additional data of edition |
(NR) |
$b |
$a |
Edition statement |
(NR,M,M) |
" / " |
Statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$c |
$b |
Remainder of edition statement |
(NR,A,A) |
" ; " |
Second and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$d |
$b |
Remainder of edition statement |
(NR,A,A) |
"#" |
Filing field (arabic numbering) |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" = " |
Parallel data of edition |
(R) |
$k |
$b |
Remainder of edition statement |
(NR,A,A) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
Edition area reproduction |
(NR) |
032C |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Edition data |
(NR) |
$a |
$n |
Note about reproduction |
(R,O,O) |
" $ " |
Additional data of edition |
(NR) |
$b |
$n |
Note about reproduction |
(R,O,O) |
" / " |
Statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$c |
$n |
Note about reproduction |
(R,O,O) |
" ; " |
Second and following statement of responsibility |
(R) |
$d |
$n |
Note about reproduction |
(R,O,O) |
"#" |
Filing field (arabic numbering) |
(NR) |
$g |
x |
" = " |
Parallel data of edition |
(R) |
$k |
$n |
Note about reproduction |
(R,O,O) |
First publisher |
(NR) |
033A |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Sequence of publishing statements |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"#" "#" |
Address |
(R) |
$a |
x |
"%" "%" |
Address not on title page |
(R) |
$b |
x |
" : " |
Name of publisher |
(NR) |
$n |
$b |
Place of publication, distribution, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
Place of publication |
(R) |
$p |
$a |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
First publisher |
033A |
"if not present 245 and if target(#000$0(7) = ""t"")" |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Place of publication |
(R) |
$p |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
First publisher |
(NR) |
033A |
"if target 000$0(7) = ""c"" and not 004E$l " |
Publisher Number |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of publisher number |
$I2 |
Note/added entry controller |
" : " |
Name of publisher |
(NR) |
$n |
$b |
Source |
(NR,A,A) |
2nd and following publisher |
(R) |
033B |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Sequence of publishing statements |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"#" "#" |
Address |
(R) |
$a |
x |
"%" "%" |
Address not on title page |
(R) |
$b |
x |
" : " |
Name of publisher |
(NR) |
$n |
$b |
Place of publication, distribution, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
Place of publication |
(R) |
$p |
$a |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
2nd and following publisher |
(R) |
033B |
"if not present(""#245"") and if target(#000$0(7) = ""t"")" |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Place of publication |
(R) |
$p |
$b |
Remainder of title |
(NR,A,A) |
Printer |
(R) |
033C |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Sequence of publishing statements |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"#" "#" |
Address |
(R) |
$a |
x |
"%" "%" |
Address (not on title page) |
(R) |
$b |
x |
" : " |
Name printer |
(NR) |
$n |
$f |
Manufacturer |
(R,O,O) |
Place |
(R) |
$p |
$e |
Place of manufacture |
(R,O,O) |
STCN printer |
(NR) |
033D |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Sequence of publishing statements |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
"if not 033C; 1 to "" : """ |
$e |
Manufacturer |
(R,O,O) |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
"if not 033C; "" : "" to end" |
$f |
Place of manufacture |
(R,O,O) |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
if not target 260 |
$a |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
if not target 260 |
$b |
Place of publication, distribution, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
if not target 260 |
$c |
Date of publication, distribution, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
PPN printer STCN |
(R) |
033J |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of corporate name entry element |
$I2 |
Type of added entry |
" (" ")" |
Addition to name |
(NR) |
$e |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
Name |
(NR) |
$n |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" : " |
Place |
(NR) |
$p |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" $ " |
Function |
(NR) |
$s |
x |
Expansion |
(NR) |
$8 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
dependent on content target 260$b |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
PPN printer (early printed books) |
(R) |
033K |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Type of corporate name entry element |
$I2 |
Type of added entry |
" (" ")" |
Addition to name |
(NR) |
$e |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
Name |
(NR) |
$n |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" : " |
Place |
(NR) |
$p |
$a |
Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element |
(NR,M,M) |
" $ " |
Function |
(NR) |
$s |
x |
Expansion |
(NR) |
$8 |
x |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
$0 |
Authority record control number |
(R,O,O) |
dependent on content target 260$a or 260$b |
$4 |
Relator code |
(R,O,O) |
4046 |
Address manufacturer audiovisual materials |
(R) |
033L |
Naam |
(NR) |
$n |
Address |
(NR) |
$a |
Postoffice box |
(NR) |
$b |
Postal code |
(NR) |
$c |
Place |
(NR) |
$d |
Phone number |
(NR) |
$e |
Comment |
(NR) |
$m |
"!" "!" |
(NR) |
$9 |
Actual publisher |
(R) |
033M |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Sequence of publishing statements |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"#" "#" |
Address |
(R) |
$a |
$a |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
"%" "%" |
Address not on title page |
(R) |
$b |
$a |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
" : " |
Name of publisher |
(NR) |
$n |
$b |
Place of publication, distribution, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
Place of publication |
(R) |
$p |
$a |
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. |
(R,A,A) |
Publisher reproduction |
(NR) |
033N |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"#" "#" |
Address |
(R) |
$a |
"%" "%" |
Address not on title page |
(R) |
$b |
" : " |
Name of publisher |
(NR) |
$n |
$c |
Agency responsible for reproduction |
(R,A,A) |
Place of publication |
(R) |
$p |
$b |
Place of reproduction |
(R,A,A) |
Manufacturer reproduction |
(NR) |
033O |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"#" "#" |
Address |
(R) |
$a |
x |
"%" "%" |
Address not on title page |
(R) |
$b |
x |
" : " |
Name manufacturer |
(NR) |
$n |
$c |
Agency responsible for reproduction |
(R,A,A) |
Place of manufacture |
(R) |
$p |
$b |
Place of reproduction |
(R,A,A) |
Filmmaker of microforms |
(NR) |
033P |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
"#" "#" |
Address |
(R) |
$a |
x |
"%" "%" |
Address not on title page |
(R) |
$b |
x |
" : " |
Filmmaker |
(NR) |
$n |
$c |
Agency responsible for reproduction |
(R,A,A) |
Place of filmmaker |
(R) |
$p |
$b |
Place of reproduction |
(R,A,A) |
Pagination, volumes |
(NR) |
034D |
300 |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Extent |
(R,A,A) |
x |
$f |
Type of unit |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$g |
Size of unit |
(R,O,O) |
x |
$3 |
Materials specified |
(NR,O,O) |
Pagination, volumes |
(NR) |
034D |
"if not present 245 and if target(#000$0(7) = ""t"")" |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
"if ("" "" in $) ""$kBrieven"" or not ($ = 1)" |
$kBrieven |
Form |
(R,A,A) |
(NR) |
$a |
if ($=1) |
$kBrief |
Form |
(R,A,A) |
Pagination, volumes |
(NR) |
034D |
if 038C |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Note controller |
$I2 |
Display constant controller |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$g |
Related parts |
(R,A,A) |
Dimensions (height, depth, thickness) |
(NR) |
034I |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$c |
Dimensions |
(R,A,O) |
Accompanying material |
034K |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$e |
Accompanying material |
(NR,A,A) |
Accompanying material |
(NR) |
034K |
if target 000$0(7)="t" |
Physical Medium |
(R,O,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$k |
Layout |
(R,A,A) |
Illustration statement |
(NR) |
034M |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$b |
Other physical details |
(NR,A,O) |
Illustration statement |
(NR) |
034M |
if not present 245 and #002@$0(1)= I |
(NR,M,M) |
$I1 |
Title added entry |
$I2 |
Nonfiling characters |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Title |
(NR,M,M) |
Collational formula |
(NR) |
034P |
(R,A,O) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
General note |
(NR,M,M) |
Fysical data reproduction |
(NR) |
034Q |
"if ""film"" or ""fiche""in $" |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Fysical data |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Type of reproduction |
(NR,M,M) |
Fysical data |
(NR) |
$a |
$e |
Physical description of reproduction |
(NR,A,A) |
Musical presentation statement |
(NR) |
035E |
"not (#000$0(7) in ""ef""" |
(NR,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Musical presentation statement |
(NR,M,M) |
" = " |
Parallel text |
(R) |
$f |
x |
Scale indication (cartography) |
(NR) |
035E |
"(#000$0(7) in ""ef""" |
(R,A,A) |
$I1 |
Undefined |
$I2 |
Undefined |
Text |
(NR) |
$a |
$a |
Statement of scale |
(NR,M,M) |