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Records reports (Fundamentals)

 Note: If you are a WMS library or using full WorldShare Collection Manager, see Records reports

If you have not configured email reports, see Institution settings, Reports for instructions.

Record reports contain information about records you output from Collection Manager Fundamentals. They are separated into reports about deleted records, new records, and updated records. Each report includes details about the associated files of records (deleted, new, and updated files of records).

Record reports have a size limit of less than 5,000 rows. If the limit is exceeded, the remainder of the report is not available via email or in the OCLC Usage Statistics Portal. You will see the following message: "Your report does not contain all of the data. You are viewing [number] rows of [number] total rows."

Records reports

Report General information included in the report Columns included in the report Notes

Deleted Records

Reporting Period

Institution Name

Institution Symbol

Total number of records


Collection Name



OCLC Number

File Name

Multiple occurrence

The Delete Records Report displays titles that have been deleted from your collections.

New Records

Reporting Period

Institution Name

Institution Symbol


Collection Name



OCLC Number

Record not delivered*

File Name

Multiple occurrence

The New Records Report displays titles that have been added to your collections.

*The Record not delivered column is especially of interest to libraries that changed a collection-level record delivery setting Record Output to Do not include records already held in WorldCat so that Collection Manager does not deliver records for items you already held in WorldCat. The items not delivered as New records will appear in the report with the word NONDELIVERY in the Records not delivered column. You can use the information for your statistics.

Monthly Records

Reporting Period

Institution Name

Institution Symbol


Collection Name




The Monthly Records Report provides a monthly summary of activity. It shows the number of records output for each provider, collection, and if records were new, updates, or deletes. It also includes the total number of records delivered.

Record delivery is counted by a combination of OCLC number, library symbol, and date. The example below would represent one Update, one New, and one Delete record:

OSU OCLC#1 Provider 1 Collection A New

OSU OCLC#1 Provider 2 Collection B Update

OSU OCLC#1 Provider 3 Collection C Delete

 Note: If you enabled Include a complete set of records with every delivery for Subsequent Record Output in your collection's settings, the delivered updated records will be included in the Records Delivered total.

Updated Records

Reporting Period

Institution Name

Institution Symbol


Collection Name



OCLC Number

File Name

Update Reason


Multiple occurrence

The Updated Records Report displays titles in your collection that have been updated and lists why the record was updated. See Reasons for updated records for more information.

Update Reason

Updated Record Reports contain an Update Reason column. If you select to receive Update Records reports, the content of the reports will depend on the settings you choose in Institution Settings > MARC Records > WorldCat Updates as follows:

If you selected to receive WorldCat update records:

  • Details about what was enhanced in the WorldCat record / what triggered output of an updated record will be included in your report.

If you did not select to receive WorldCat update records (you selected None):

  • Details about enhancements to the WorldCat record will not be included in your report. However, you will receive an updated record when an OCLC control number (an OCLC number) changes.

Consider selecting the Updated Records report to ensure you are notified about OCLC number merges.


The Action column can have the value New, Deleted, or Updated.

A report representing a collection that had a DDA title triggered for purchase could appear as follows:

Action Update reason
NEW Removed from collection eblebookspda - Added to collection eblebooks
DELETED Removed from collection eblebookspda - Added to collection eblebooks
UPDATED OCLC control number change—WorldCat record variable field(s) change: 505, 520

Reasons for updated records

Map data values to all of your records in Institution Settings > MARC Records > Customize Records in the Add Fields section. Choose a Tag, Ind 1, Ind 2, and sub-field. Choose a value from the drop-down list. Please see the data values in Table 1 for details.

See Add Fields - Data Values