About batch processing
Find an overview of how batch processing works in Connexion client.
- Batch processing is available for WorldCat and Library of Congress (LC) authority file searches and for processing record actions on bibliographic and authority records.
- Run batch processing for multiple local files at once.
- The client stores searches and actions you set on records until you batch process the file. See Offline/online cataloging using local files for more about using local files.
- After you run a batch, the results are downloaded to the same local file.
- The client creates batch reports stored in the default local file. The reports are not separate files.
- When you run another batch using the same file, data for the new batch run overwrites existing data in the batch reports for the file.
- See Batch set or delete holdings by OCLC number for the alternative quick batch procedure to set or delete holdings on bibliographic records by OCLC number without first downloading the records.