Why does searching within an object not highlight the search term in the image preview?
Applies to
The Search this record function in CONTENTdm can be used to search transcript metadata for occurrences of specific terms, and when an occurrence is found the message "# Results found" will be displayed for a single object or "# Results found in:" with the pages indicated for a compound object.
Additionally, the term will appear highlighted in the image preview if the Project Client integrated ABBYY OCR functionality was used to create the transcript metadata. Term highlighting will only work with metadata generated in the Project Client because the ABBYY transcription also produces coordinates that inform CONTENTdm on where the highlight should appear within the image preview. Imported transcript metadata lacks the coordinate data that enables the highlighting functionality.
The Project Client does not support ingesting metadata with coordinate systems other than that of ABBYY for the purposes of highlighting search terms.
Additional information
See OCR for more on Project Client metadata functionality.