09. Field M08G – Visual materials - Main/master level
For more MARC 21 documentation:
- Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008v.html
- OCLC, WorldCat https://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/fixedfield.htmnl
Character | Description | CBS MARC tag/sbf. | PICA+ tag/sbf. | Import, online cataloguing and MARC 21 export |
Visual materials | M08G | 014G | ||
18-20 | Running time for motion pictures and videorecordings | $a | $a |
The value must be one of the official allowed codes. In WorldCat, the value 0 - Successive entry - is considered as a default for continuing resources, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021). This field is generated when position 06 - Type of record - of the Leader is equal to g - Projected medium -, k - Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic -, o - Kit - or r - Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object -.
The value can be added or updated.
21 | Undefined | $b | $b |
The value is not put in subfield $b. Thus, it is ignored.
The value is not added.
The value blank is generated.
The value blank is generated. |
22 | Target audience | $c | $c |
In WorldCat, the value blank - Unknown or not specified - is considered as a default for different types of material, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
23-27 | Undefined | $d | $d |
The values are not put in subfield $d. Thus, they are ignored.
The values are not added. Subfield $d is repeatable and contains one value. When one subfield $d is present (theoretically), it must occur 5 times.
The values blank blank blank blank blank are generated.
The values blank blank blank blank blank are generated. |
28 | Government publication | $e | $e |
In WorldCat, the value blank - Not a government publication - is considered as a default for several types of material, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
29 | Form of item | $f | $f |
In WorldCat, the value blank - None of the following - is considered as a default for different types of material, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
30-32 | Undefined | $g | $g |
The values are not put in subfield $g. Thus, they are ignored.
The values are not added. Subfield $g is repeatable and contains one value. When one subfield $g is present (theoretically), it must occur 3 times.
The values blank blank blank are generated.
The values blank blank blank are generated. |
33 | Type of visual material | $h | $h |
In WorldCat, the value | - No attempt to code - is considered as a default for visual material.
The value can be added or updated.
34 | Technique | $i | $i |
In WorldCat, the value n – Not applicable - is considered as a default for visual material, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
Next fields have the same structure:
M06G | 012G | Projected medium | 00 = g | Visual materials |
M06K | 012K | Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic | 00 = k | Visual materials |
M06O | 012O | Kit | 00 = o | Visual materials |
M06R | 012R | Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object | 00 = r | Visual materials |