09. ResourceTypes and CCWeb templates Laatst bijgewerkt Opslaan als pdf The translation on this website may be generated by machine translation. The quality and accuracy of machine translation can vary significantly from one text to another. Read the page in original English here. 01. Introduction02. ResourceTypes03. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Language material (not online)04. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Notated music05. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Manuscript notated music06. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Cartographic material07. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Manuscript cartographic material08. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Projected medium09. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Nonmusical sound recording10. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Musical sound recording11. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic12. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Computer file13. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Online textual material14. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Mixed materials15. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occurring object16. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Manuscript language material17. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Kit18. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Default (language material (not online))19. CCWeb templates - Bibliographic records - Subfields per field20. CCWeb templates - Authority records21. CCWeb templates - Authority records - Subfields per field