Manage Comparisons

Manage Comparisons allows you to create, search, edit, and export comparisons for your institution. Use comparisons to view your institution's WorldCat holdings against the holdings of other institutions.
  • Authoritative list comparisons
    Discover how to create an authoritative list comparison in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
  • Hathi comparisons
    Discover how to create a Hathi comparison in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
  • List of blanket permission libraries
    Find an A-Z list of all libraries with blanket permissions in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
  • Peer comparisons
    Discover how to create a one-to-one or one-to-many comparison and how to obtain permission to run a peer-to-peer comparison in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
  • Predefined group comparisons
    Discover how to create a predefined group comparison in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
  • Work with comparisons
    Discover how to extend, reactivate, remove, and deactivate a comparison in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.
  • WorldCat comparisons
    Discover how to create a WorldCat comparison in WorldShare Collection Evaluation.