WorldShare Circulation release notes, April 2022
Release Date: April 10, 2022
This release of WorldShare Circulation provides enhancements:
- User interface improvements for the Holds for Review report to make it easier to manage patron hold requests
- Bug fixes and performance improvements
Recommended actions
There are no recommended actions related to this release.
We encourage you to review all of the items in the release notes to determine whether there are items that might require additional action or follow up by your institution.
New features and enhancements
User interface enhancements for Holds for Review report
The user interface of the Holds for Review report have been enhanced to make it easier to manage patron hold requests.
The Hold Type column and related filter have been separated into two columns and filters to make it easier to find holds of a particular type:
- Hold Type indicates if the patron has requested any copy of a title or edition (Title Level), a specific barcoded item (Item Level), or a special request (Special Request). Please note that unbarcoded item-level holds will appear in the Special Requests category. See Available hold types for more details.
- External Requests indicates if a hold was created by an external system or another application such as WorldShare ILL, ZFL-Server, WorldShare Acquisitions, etc. Loaning an item from your own collection makes you the Supplier while borrowing from another library's collection makes you a Requester.
Also, a new column has been added for displaying the Patron Branch. Having this information in the display is useful when you are reviewing holds for patrons of multiple branches:
Note: As a result of these changes, the default column display for the Holds for Review report has been reset for all users as of this release. After the release, you may reselect your preferred columns, and the system will remember your preferences the next time you log into WorldShare.
Debt Collection has been retired
As of this release, WorldShare Circulation has retired the dedicated debt collection integration with Unique Management Services. No libraries are currently using this integration.
If your library is interested in integrating with Unique or any debt collection solution, campus bursar system, etc., then consider using the WMS Patron System Bill Connector. The Bill Connector was released in June 2021 to offer a flexible, system-agnostic solution for sharing information about patron fees and fines with campus and third-party systems.
Please contact OCLC Support if you have any questions.
Bug fixes
Patron filter sometimes fails on the Pickup Location report
The patron filter sometimes failed to 'stick' after selecting a patron for the Pickup Location report. When this issue occurred, the report would switch back to displaying holds for all patrons. This issue has now been fixed.
Network printing: Stale data and cursor focus
The cursor failed to focus on the Print button when the print preview dialog appeared for network printing of reports or receipts.
When printing the Pull List or Clear Hold Shelf reports, stale data from a previous report was sometimes sent to your local printer.
Both issues have been fixed in this release.
Error when clicking a barcode link to view a withdrawn item
An error message (Unknown barcode) displayed when clicking on the barcode of a withdrawn item. This issue has now been resolved when clicking on the item barcode link from the following screens:
- Check In
- Checkout
- Scheduled Items accordion on the patron's Holds tab
- Transaction History
- Notification History
- Clear Hold Shelf report
Please note that the Unknown barcode error will still occur if the withdrawn item's barcode is clicked from the Holds accordion of the patron's Holds tab or the Pickup Location report. These screens will be fixed in a future release. As a workaround, you may search for the item barcode using Discover Items > Enter barcode.
Known issues
See the Known Issues page.
Important links
Support website(s)
Support information for this product and related products can be found at: