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Configure EDIFACT messages for EBSCO

Discover how to configure EDIFACT claiming from GOBI Library Solutions.


This page documents how to configure EDIFACT messages for making claims with EBSCO. EDIFACT messages are sometimes required by vendors to support other forms of EDIFACT transactions including importing invoices, order response files, claims and cancellations. For instructions on how to import invoice and order response data for all vendors, including EBSCO, see Import invoice data from EDIFACT file and Import EDIFACT order response data.

 Note: Although ordering is supported by EBSCO, this document only includes instructions for setting up claiming messages.

Set up EDIFACT claiming messages

Notes about EBSCO EDI claim service

  • EBSCO supports the receipt of WMS EDI claims via FTP.  Prior to going live, testing a small set (one to five claims) is essential to ensure proper setup, receipt, and file structure.
  • The match-point for claims is the EBSCO Order Number (EX: F8284502). 
  • EDI claims are transmitted from WMS to the EBSCO hosted server via Secure FTP.  EDI Claims are transmitted to the “Orders” Directory.
  • The FTP URL, UserID and Password will be provided at the time of testing with EBSCO.  If your institution is already receiving EDI Invoices from EBSCO, the FTP URL, UserID and Password will be same.

Configure EBSCO vendor record

  1. In WorldShare Acquisitions, in the left navigation, click Vendors.
  2. Search for and select the EBSCO vendor record.
  3. In the vendor record, click the Links & Logins accordion.
    1. Click Add New Link.
    2. Complete the following fields for the secure FTP link.
      • Link Name - Enter a descriptive name for the link (e.g., FTP account for EBSCO claims).
      • URL - Enter the URL of your vendor's FTP site. The URL must start with sftp:// or ftps://.
      • Type - Select SFTP or FTPS from the drop-down list.
      • User ID - Enter the username provided by EBSCO for the secure FTP account.
      • Password - Enter the password provided by EBSCO for the secure FTP account.
      • Directory - Enter the directory or folder where EDIFACT messages should go.
        • Top-level folders do not require a beginning slash (e.g. claims not /claims).
        • Sub-folders require a slash (e.g., incoming/claim).
    3. Click Save in the upper right corner.
  4. In the vendor record, click the Acquisitions Settings accordion.
    1. In the Specific Notification Settings fields, set the following:
      1. In the Action list, select the type of EDIFACT messages you would like to set up with EBSCO.
        • Claiming serial issues
      2. In the Delivery Method list, select FTP (EDIFACT).
      3. In the FTP Profile list, select the profile you created in step 1.
    2. In the Edifact Notification Settings fields, use the lists to select the type of identifiers provided to you by EBSCO:
      1. Configure UNB Vendor Identifier
        Identifier Type to select in drop-down Identifier to enter in Institution Registry or EDIFACT settings
        Vendor-supplied identifier EBSCO
      2. Configure UNB Library Identifier
        Identifier Type to select in drop down Identifier to enter in Institution Registry or EDIFACT settings
        Vendor-supplied identifier Provided in the EBSCO Welcome Letter.
      3. Configure NAD Vendor Identifier
        Identifier Type to select in drop-down Identifier to enter in Institution Registry or EDIFACT settings
        Vendor-supplied identifier EBSCO
      4. Configure NAD Library Identifier
        Identifier Type to select in drop-down Identifier to enter in Institution Registry or EDIFACT settings
        Vendor-supplied identifier Same as the EBSCO-provided UNB Library Identifier above.
  5. Click Save.

EBSCO will send an email acknowledgement within 24 hours of an EDI Claim transmission from WMS.