â–ºAdmin Client Configuration> Search Templates
After following these procedures and rebuilding the configuration data, you can see the changes when you next log in. Many domains have a list of Other Searches that you can choose from; these can be tailored to your library.
The search options available in a domain can be renamed to reflect your own terminology. This may also be used to match a new domain name change that you have already made.
The following searches are available in Cataloguing Reference Data> Shelves
Shelves Search
Shelves Short Description Search
The sequence that searches appear in a domain can be changed, so that the most used searches appear at the top of the list.
At the top of the list the following searches are available in Cataloguing> Subject Headings
Subject Heading Search
Subject Heading Search (exact match)
Subject Heading Search (All Subject Types)
Subject Heading Search (All types, exact match)
Subject Heading Search (Bulletin type)
Subject Full Display Search
In this example the Subject Heading Search (All subject types) needs to appear first (i.e. be the default search). The current Subject Heading Search should be second in the list and Subject Heading Search (exact match) third. This has a practical application for those libraries who use more than one subject type, otherwise they may get misleading results during the cataloguing process.
In several areas of OLIB there are a large number of search options available. In some cases it may be worthwhile restricting the range of options for non-system administrators.
For example in the Titles domain you can hide the Titles by Control Number search: