About serials claiming

Discover how serials claiming works in OLIB.


OLIB's alerting process for Acquisitions is often used to alert staff by email when issues are overdue. The setup and use of this for Serials is similar to that for materials generally. It is common practice to log claims on a supplier's web site; you may choose to use OLIB's claiming and alerting facility to output emails to staff for entering on the supplier's web site.

Claim cycle

In Alerting>Notices the Issues Claim Notice is copied and configured for overdue issues. This is configured into a claim cycle in Claim Sequences. The Steps in here define the interval after the expected date of receipt at which claims notices should be generated. For example a typical overdue claim cycle for weekly issues would be to generate the first claim after just 2 or 3 days; for a quarterly publication 28 days.

Note that if a later issue is checked in before an earlier issue has arrived, OLIB automatically claims for the earlier issue. This happens even if the earlier issue has not yet reached that point in the claims cycle.

Claims setup procedure for serial issues

Follow the normal setup procedure for claims in Acquisitions except that:

Supplier responses

If a supplier provides a response to a claim you can add a Note to the Claim Event that OLIB has generated, e.g. Reported out of print. Go to the Claim Events domain - anything you add in the Note field then displays in the Check-in hitlist when you hover over the Claim Summary.

Other serial claim notices

Other serial claim notices can be used in addition to regular claiming: