Claims notices

Discover how to setup claims notices in OLIB Acquisitions.

►Alerting > Notices

Claims notices are part of the setup for using OLIB's Alerting feature with claims. An Example Monograph / Serial Order Claim notice is supplied by default in the Notices domain. This is for overdue monograph orders and journal subscription orders where the first issue has not yet been received. This contains HTML tags so that the email is properly formatted. You can copy this record to create your own notices as required.

This alert can be sent to the supplier's claim email address, or to a nominated member of staff for review before forwarding on to the supplier or logging on to their web site.

  1. Select the Example Mono/Serial Order Claim. In Other Actions choose Create Close Copy.
  2. Click on the copy to display full details and Modify Record.
  3. Set Notice Type to Monograph Claim or Serial Order Claim.
  4. In the Notice Text change the contents to specify the text and punctuation you wish to include in the email. This is using the same syntax as is used for configurable export formats to define the main body of the email. The OLSTF Tags table indicates which tags are available for you to use in the Notice Text field; you can include a small number of Order Item OLSTF tags. For example, to include data from a field in the order item record, enter the OLSTF tag surrounded by angle brackets. If you only want the text to be included if the field itself contains data, surround the OLSTF tag and associated text with the appropriate hash tag combination.
  5. Set From Address to a valid email address, e.g. a generic address for your library.
  6. Set Transmit Type To supplier’s email address or if the email is to be sent to members of staff set to To To List.
  7. Configure the recipients of the email:
    1. To List – Used to specify who the notice should be sent to.
    2. CC List – Enter an email address to which a copy of the notice should be sent.
    3. BCC List – Enter an email address to which a blind copy of the notice should be sent.
    4. NB – In all three of the above fields, multiple email addresses can be entered. Multiple addresses should be separated with a semi-colon. 
  8. Enter the text to be used as the Subject Line of the notice.
  9. Set Enabled Yes for OLIB to start sending notices in daystart, using the settings in the previous fields. If Enabled is set to No or is empty, Claim notices will not be sent.

Next the claim Notices need to be attached to claim sequences.