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Tags 960, 961

Discover how item order information is used for import in OLIB.


Tag(s) 960, 961
Indicators Undefined The indicators will be ignored
Subfields 960: e, h, k, o, s, t, u
961: d
These Tags and subfields are imported to Order and Order Item records
Imports to   Data for these tags are imported to the Order and Order Items linked to the Title during import when processed from an EDI Quotes (MARC) Import batch. See below for a breakdown of this information


The functionality of the subfield below is used when receiving data from ProQuest's online ordering system and requires configuration on their system to complete the process.


Example value (960):

$eSTAND$kMAIN$o3$q23-02-17$s13.95$tBR1$uBooks/Special Needs


Subfield Sample Notes
960 e STAND Copy category code to assign to the copy that is created when the order item record is checked in
960 k MAIN Location code to assign to the order record
960 o 3 Number of copies ordered
960 q 23-02-17 Date order placed in DD-MM-YY format
960 s 13.95 Individual item price.
960 t BR1 Location code to assign to the copy that is created when the order item record is checked in.
960 u Books/Special Needs Payment account (long description) to commit the order item cost to
960 h Extra packaging requested Notes to be associated with the order item for passing to the supplier
961 d Ordered for B3458 Notes (Internal) for the order item