►Circulation Reference Data> Loan Statuses
►Circulation Reference Data> Copy Statuses
The Loan and Copy Status describes the current state of a copy of an item.
A pre-defined list of Loan Statuses are provided as standard. These determine what circulation actions are possible based on the current status of any particular Copy:
Key ID | Short Description |
A | Available |
O | On Loan |
U | Unavailable |
H | Held |
Caution: all of these loan statuses are required by OLIB and should not be deleted or added to.
Each Copy Status belongs to a specific Loan Status – one of Available, On Loan, Held or Unavailable. They further describe the loan status, e.g. the Loan Status On Loan includes the Copy Statuses On loan and Loan - To Be Withdrawn.
A pre-defined list of Copy Statuses are provided as standard.
Key ID | Short Description | Long Description |
LOAN* | On Loan | On Loan |
LOANW* | Loan – Wdrw | On Loan – To Be Withdrawn |
AVL* | Available | Available |
AVLW* | Avail – Wdrw | Available – To Be Withdrawn |
HELD* | Reserved | Reserved |
HELDW* | Res – Wdrw | Reserved – To be Withdrawn |
WRDW* | Missing | Lost Presumed Missing |
WDRWW* | Withdrawn | Withdrawn From Circulation |
BIND | Bind – Wdrw | Withdrawn For Binding |
ATBIN | Binding | At Binders |
ODUE* | Overdue | Overdue |
LODUE* | Long Overdue | Long Overdue |
RECAL* | Recalled | Recalled |
LRECL* | Odue Recall | Overdue Recall |
INTR* | In Transit | In Transit |
INCAT | In Cat. | In Cataloguing |
PLN | On P. Loan | On Permanent Loan |
PLNW | P.Loan - WDRW | On Permanent Loan - To be Withdrawn |
Caution: the copy statuses marked * are required by OLIB and should not be deleted.
OLIB Defaults (Overdue Defaults) allows the system manager to specify which statuses should be used when overdues and recalls occur.
PLN and PLNW are used for issuing permanent loans. PLN is the default setting for permanent loans set in OLIB Defaults (Overdue Defaults).
This Yes/No flag indicates whether copies on this copy status should be issued at the Circ. Desk. If set to No, a message displays -
This item has a copy status which indicates that it is not allowed to be issued
By default the operator can click Continue to override the message, issue the item and thereby change it's status to On Loan.
( Circulation messages allow you to configure whether such messages can be overridden).
All Copy Statuses must be linked to the relevant Loan Status. In practice, several Copy Statuses can be linked to a single Loans Status. For example the Copy Statuses of At Binders, In Processing, Repairs, can all be linked to the Unavailable Loan Status.
The Copy Status domain includes a Lost Status field. By default this is set to Yes for these Copy Statuses:
Note: if your OLIB system includes other copy statuses that represent a Lost or Missing status, their Lost Status field should be set to Yes manually.
When you use the relevant Transaction Types in the Circ Desk, e.g. Claims Lost Returned, OLIB sets the Status to e.g. Claims Lost.
OLIB records the date and time on which a copy was flagged as Lost. This is shown in Copies, at the foot of the page: Miscellaneous Copy Settings: Recorded as Missing on.
Note: if you re-introduce a Copy into Circulation by changing the Status to Available, you will also need to clear the date from Recorded as Missing on.