Maintain authority files

Discover how to update authority files for the catalogue in OLIB.

Update authority files

If any Authority heading has been created incorrectly, for example with a spelling mistake, or if further information is discovered, for example an author’s full forenames, the record can be changed at any time. The results will be updated immediately on all titles linked to that authority heading. This applies to authors, subject headings, series, classmarks, publishers and places.

This process can be carried out either as a secondary search from a title record, or from a search in the authority files.

Example: change author details

  1. In the Cataloguing> Names domain search for the author Name to be changed.
  2. Switch the record into modify mode and e.g. add Forenames.
  3. Save the record.

The changes are immediately visible wherever that authority heading is in use.

Change the status of authority file entries

As titles and any new authority headings are created in OLIB they are automatically given the status of "To be checked", though this has no impact on their access or use. If your library does follow a process of checking the records can then be authorised after the checking.

 Note: you can put records into Folders for checking.

Note that titles and authority headings for authorisation can be easily identified by running a filtered search.

Change the status of an Authority record from To be Checked to Authorised

  1. Search the appropriate domain, e.g. Subjects, to retrieve the newly created records, using the filter option Record Status = To be Checked.
  2. Check each record as required.
  3. Once the records are approved you can update the default status - select each record from the hit list, and in available Actions choose Authorised.

 Note: if you want to look at the updated record Status use the Refresh button.