OLSTF tags for export/output

Find OLIB Standard Transfer Format (OLSTF) tags for export.

General Tags




Header - include whatever text is included between the #H#…#/H# tag set on the first line of the file that is created by the export


Footer - include whatever text is included between the #F#…#/F# tag set on the last line of the file that is created by the export


Insert the current date and/or time in the format specified by the Oracle date format code included between the hash tags. For example, #SYSDATE#dd/mm/yyyy#/SYSDATE# will insert the current date, e.g. 29/10/2016


Include a blank line in the text file, e.g. between records


e.g. 'DD-MON-YYYY'. When exporting OLSTF records, the DF tag should be included at the top of the file to specify the date format used for all the records in the file


Any tag can be surrounded by the #NULLxxx#...#/xxxNULL# hash tag (where xxx is the tag itself) to indicate that whatever is included between the start hash tag and the end hash tag should be output if the field is empty. For example, #NULLPP#No place of publication#/PPNULL# will cause “No place of publication” to be included in the output if the Place of Publication field (the PP tag) is empty.




Non-Repeatable Tags
(Note: all non-repeatable tags have corresponding "not null" hash tag sets, e.g. #STNN#…#/STNN#)




Additional conditions key ID (titles.addcon)

(Added in SP9)


Additional conditions long description

(Added in SP9)


Amendment note (titles.ammend)

(Added in SP5)


A single field that is a concatenation of parent information for this title, if the title has a parent. For titles that do not have a parent, refer to the <TISRC> tag.

For serial article records, this will be the journal title, issue title, the article record’s Article Source field and the article record’s Pagination field. The Bound Volume information will not be included.


Binding notes

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Binding type key ID


Binding type long description


Binding type short description

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Date catalogued (DD-MON-YYYY)


Number of copies

NB – the OLSTF import process uses the <CO> tag


* (only present if the title record’s mxxi_rec_status is set to d)

(Added in SP5)


Available online

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The title's general published date (genpubdate)


The user who entered the record – [Sname], [Fname]




Format key ID


Format long description


Gen. exp. date (DD-MON-YYYY)


Gen. exp. date (YYYY-MM-DD). Specific to the Datasets XML output, for NRW and anyone else who needs to export records to GEMINI or MEDIN XML. Hard-coded as YYYY-MM-DD, irrespective of whether a DF has been supplied, as this is stipulated by the GEMINI and MEDIN standards

(Added in OLIB 9.0)

<GLKEY1> - <GLKEY30>

General Lookup 1 – 30 key ID

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


General Lookup 1 – 30 description

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Holdings summary.

HSUM+ can be used as a repeatable tag during import to append to previous content of this field.


(Article records only) The parent title record's non-file characters


Inclusive dates

INCDAT+ can be used as a repeatable tag during import to append to previous content of this field.


Last changed date (DD-MON-YYYY)


Last changed date. Specific to the Datasets XML output, for NRW and anyone else who needs to export records to GEMINI or MEDIN XML. Hard-coded as YYYY-MM-DD, irrespective of whether a DF has been supplied, as this is stipulated by the GEMINI and MEDIN standards

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


(Serial records only) Latest received issue (but only if the issue record’s COPIES field is > 0)


Lower X co-ordinate (taken from the titlecartcodes record with a title cart. Code type of LXCD). Specific to the Datasets XML output, for NRW and anyone else who needs to export records to GEMINI or MEDIN XML

(Added quite a while ago, but only just included in the tag list in SP9)


The title in MARC tag 245 format

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The user who last modified the record – [Sname], [Fname]


Media sub-type key ID


Media sub-type long description

(Added in SP6)


Media type key ID


Media type long description


Non-file characters


OCLC Record Number

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Organisation type key ID


Include in OPAC (Y or N) (Defaults to Y if the field is blank in the database)


OS Grid Reference (a concatenation of the os_sheet, os_easting and os_northing fields in the title record)

(Added in SP8)


Pagination, extent


Primary Classmark

(Added in SP12)


The parent title record’s 1st object’s object locator


The parent title's import record control number (or title number if the import RCN field is blank) if the media type is anything other than SART


Parent Title Number (Hex 6-Char)

(Added in SP13)


The parent title record’s media type long description (for titles other than articles)


Dates of publication and/or sequential designation


The parent title record’s subtitle (for titles other than articles)


The parent title record’s title (for titles other than articles)


The parent title record's ISxN (for titles other than articles). If the parent title record has more than one ISxN, the ISxN record with the lowest isnno (i.e. the ISxN that was entered first) will be used for the PTISN tag


Publication pattern 1 key ID


Publication pattern 2 key ID


* (only present if the title record’s status is anything other than AUT or UNAUT)


Record status long description


Record source key ID


Record source long description


Retention date (DD-MON-YYYY)


Title import record control number


Statement of responsibility

RS+ can be used as a repeatable tag during import to append to previous content of this field.


(Article records only) The grandparent (i.e. journal) title's series status key ID


(Article records only) The grandparent (i.e. journal) title record's 1st ISxN


(Article records only) The parent (i.e. issue) title record’s title


Supplier name


(Article records only) The grandparent (i.e. journal) title record’s object locator


(Article records only) The grandparent (i.e. journal) title's non-file characters


(Article records only) The grandparent (i.e. journal) title record’s title




Owner/Allocated To


A single, non-repeatable field that is a concatenation of all the authors, separated by semi-colons (titlecrosstabview.authors)

Note: The data in the <TAUTHS> tag is taken from a special table in the OLIB database called a "materialized view". Materialized views are updated in daystart, not in real time. Thus, for example, when you link a new author to a title record, that author will not be included in the TAUTHS tag until daystart is next run. Typically, this will mean that it will not be included until the day after you link it to the title


Frequency key ID

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Frequency long description

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The complete title record in Harvard citation format. Uses the Titles_HarvardDisplay.GetHarvardDisplay function

(Added in SP9)


Catalogue source description (titles..cat_src)


End date (DD-MON-YYYY)


End date (YYYY-MM-DD). Specific to the Datasets XML output, for NRW and anyone else who needs to export records to GEMINI or MEDIN XML. Hard-coded as YYYY-MM-DD, irrespective of whether a DF has been supplied, as this is stipulated by the GEMINI and MEDIN standards

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Edition remainder note

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The title's expiry date (titles.expdate)



NB – this is the TITLES.NOTES field. Notes from the TITLENOTES table are included in the Notes repeatable data block (see below)


The title's publication date (titles.pubdate)


A single, non-repeatable field that contains the publication date from the first titlepub record (nvl(titlepub.tdate, to_char(titlepub.pubdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY')) where titlepub.repeat_seq = 1 )


A single, non-repeatable field that contains the 2nd publication date from the first titlepub record (nvl(titlepub.tdate, to_char(titlepub.pubdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY')) where titlepub.repeat_seq = 1 )

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The first place of publication (place long description)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The first publisher (publisher name)


Start date (DD-MON-YYYY)


Start date (YYYY-MM-DD). Specific to the Datasets XML output, for NRW and anyone else who needs to export records to GEMINI or MEDIN XML. Hard-coded as YYYY-MM-DD, irrespective of whether a DF has been supplied, as this is stipulated by the GEMINI and MEDIN standards

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Series status key ID


Article source


The title's item number


Title number

<TN1> - <TN30>

The title's Note 1 – Note 30 fields

Each can be specified with a + (e.g. TN4+ ..) during import to append to the previous value of this field


Title number left-padded to 6 digits. Specific to the Datasets XML output, for NRW and anyone else who needs to export records to GEMINI or MEDIN XML

(Added in OLIB 9.0, but no longer used by NRW)


The title's reprint year


Title series status key ID (titles.serst)

(Added in SP9)


Title series status long description

(Added in SP9)

<TYN1> - <TYN20>

The title's Yes/No 1 – Ys/No 20 fields

(Added in SP9)


Upper Y co-ordinate (taken from the titlecartcodes record with a title cart. code type of UYCD). Specific to the Datasets XML output, for NRW and anyone else who needs to export records to GEMINI or MEDIN XML

(Added quite a while ago, but only just included in the tag list in SP9)

Repeatable Data Blocks



Only include whatever is between the not null authors hash tag set if there is at least one author linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the authors hash tag set for each author not already covered by the #A1#…#/A1#, #A2#…#/A2#, #A3#…#/A3# and #AL#…#/AL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first authors hash tag set for the first author


Include whatever is between the second authors hash tag set for the second author


Include whatever is between the third authors hash tag set for the third author


Include whatever is between the last authors hash tag set for the last author if it has not already covered by the #A1#…#/A1#, #A2#…#/A2# and #A3#…#/A3# hash tag sets


Date of birth (DD-MON-YYYY)


Date of death (DD-MON-YYYY)









<AN1> .. <AN10>

Notes 1 .. 10


Responsibility type key ID

<MR> can be used during import to assign the responsibility type to this and all preceding authors linked to the title


Responsibility type long description




Corporate/conference author subordinate unit




Author's textual dates


Author type key ID


Filing surname




International Standard Name Identifier

(Added in SP12)


Open Researcher and Contributor ID

(Added in SP12)


Virtual International Authority File identifier

(Added in SP12)



Only include whatever is between the not null publishers hash tag set if there is at least one titlepub record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the publishers hash tag set for each titlepub record not already covered by the #P1#…#/P1#, #P2#…#/P2#, #P3#…#/P3# and #PL#…#/PL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first publishers hash tag set for the first titlepub record


Include whatever is between the second publishers hash tag set for the second titlepub record


Include whatever is between the third publishers hash tag set for the third titlepub record


Include whatever is between the last publishers hash tag set for the last titlepub record if it has not already covered by the #P1#…#/P1#, #P2#…#/P2# and #P3#…#/P3# hash tag sets


Sort publication date (DD-MON-YYYY)

<TD> Free text publication date


Place of publication



<TIPU1> The publisher from the first publication record for this title
<TIPP1> The place of publication from the first publication record for this title
<TIPD1> The free text date from the first publication record for this title. If not set, this will export the second (or third) free text date from this same record. If none of those are set, this will export the sort date in the format DD-MON-YYYY
<TIPD2> The second free text publication date from the first publication record for this title

Price details


Only include whatever is between the not null price details hash tag set if there is at least one price details record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the price details hash tag set for each price details record not already covered by the #R1#…#/R1#, #R2#…#/R2#, #R3#…#/R3# and #RL#…#/RL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first price details hash tag set for the first price details record


Include whatever is between the second price details hash tag set for the second price details record


Include whatever is between the third price details hash tag set for the third price details record


Include whatever is between the last price details hash tag set for the last price details record if it has not already covered by the #R1#…#/R1#, #R2#…#/R2# and #R3#…#/R3# hash tag sets


Price in textual format


Price (numeric)


Currency key ID


Currency long description



Only include whatever is between the not null series hash tag set if there is at least one series record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the series hash tag set for each series record not already covered by the #E1#…#/E1#, #E2#…#/E2#, #E3#…#/E3# and #EL#…#/EL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first series hash tag set for the first series record


Include whatever is between the second series hash tag set for the second series record


Include whatever is between the third series hash tag set for the third series record


Include whatever is between the last series hash tag set for the last series record if it has not already covered by the #E1#…#/E1#, #E2#…#/E2# and #E3#…#/E3# hash tag sets


Series title


Series media type key ID


Series citation note


Series status key ID


Series ISSN


Series import record control number


Series type key ID


Series type long description


Part number (from the textual Vol/No field)



Only include whatever is between the not null notes hash tag set if there is at least one title notes record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the notes hash tag set for each title notes record not already covered by the #N1#…#/N1#, #N2#…#/N2#, #N3#…#/N3# and #NL#…#/NL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first notes hash tag set for the first title notes record


Include whatever is between the second notes hash tag set for the second title notes record


Include whatever is between the third notes hash tag set for the third title notes record


Include whatever is between the last notes hash tag set for the last title notes record if it has not already covered by the #N1#…#/N1#, #N2#…#/N2# and #N3#…#/N3# hash tag sets




Note type key ID


Note type description



Only include whatever is between the not null subjects hash tag set if there is at least one subject linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the subjects hash tag set for each subject not already covered by the #S1#…#/S1#, #S2#…#/S2#, #S3#…#/S3# and #SL#…#/SL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first subjects hash tag set for the first subject


Include whatever is between the second subjects hash tag set for the second subject


Include whatever is between the third subjects hash tag set for the third subject


Include whatever is between the last subjects hash tag set for the last subject if it has not already covered by the #S1#…#/S1#, #S2#…#/S2# and #S3#…#/S3# hash tag sets




Subject type key ID


Subject type long description


Subject record status key ID

Subjects (subject type-specific)

(replace XXXXX with the subject type)


Only include whatever is between the not null subjects hash tag set if there is at least one subject linked to the title with the specified subject type


Include whatever is between the subjects hash tag set for each subject with the specified subject type not already covered by the #SXXXXX1#…#/SXXXXX1#, #SXXXXX2#…#/SXXXXX2#, #SXXXXX3#…#/SXXXXX3# and #SXXXXXL#…#/SXXXXXL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first subjects hash tag set for the first subject with the specified subject type


Include whatever is between the second subjects hash tag set for the second subject with the specified subject type


Include whatever is between the third subjects hash tag set for the third subject with the specified subject type


Include whatever is between the last subjects hash tag set for the last subject with the specified subject type if it has not already covered by the #SXXXXX1#…#/SXXXXX1#, #SXXXXX2#…#/SXXXXX2# and #SXXXXX3#…#/SXXXXX3# hash tag sets





Only include whatever is between the not null classmarks hash tag set if there is at least one classmark linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the classmarks hash tag set for each classmark not already covered by the #L1#…#/L1#, #L2#…#/L2#, #L3#…#/L3# and #LL#…#/LL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first classmarks hash tag set for the first classmark


Include whatever is between the second classmarks hash tag set for the second classmark


Include whatever is between the third classmarks hash tag set for the third classmark


Include whatever is between the last classmarks hash tag set for the last classmark if it has not already covered by the #L1#…#/L1#, #L2#…#/L2# and #L3#…#/L3# hash tag sets


Classmark schema long description

(Added in SP9)




Classmark description

(Added in SP13)


Classmark schema key ID

Classmarks (classmark type-specific)

(replace XXXXX with the classmark type)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Only include whatever is between the not null classmark hash tag set if there is at least one classmark linked to the title with the specified classmark type


Include whatever is between the classmark hash tag set for each classmark with the specified classmark type not already covered by the #LXXXXX1#…#/LXXXXX1#, #LXXXXX2#…#/LXXXXX2#, #LXXXXX3#…#/LXXXXX3# and #LXXXXXL#…#/LXXXXXL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first classmark hash tag set for the first classmark with the specified classmark type


Include whatever is between the second classmark hash tag set for the second classmark with the specified classmark type


Include whatever is between the third classmark hash tag set for the third classmark with the specified classmark type


Include whatever is between the last classmark hash tag set for the last classmark with the specified classmark type if it has not already covered by the #LXXXXX1#…#/LXXXXX1#, #LXXXXX2#…#/LXXXXX2# and #LXXXXX3#…#/LXXXXX3# hash tag sets




Classmark description

(Added in SP13)

Title control numbers


Only include whatever is between the not null title control numbers hash tag set if there is at least one title control number record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the title control numbers hash tag set for each title control number record not already covered by the #Y1#…#/Y1#, #Y2#…#/Y2#, #Y3#…#/Y3# and #YL#…#/YL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first title control numbers hash tag set for the first title control number record


Include whatever is between the second title control numbers hash tag set for the second title control number record


Include whatever is between the third title control numbers hash tag set for the third title control number record


Include whatever is between the last title control numbers hash tag set for the last title control number record if it has not already covered by the #Y1#…#/Y1#, #Y2#…#/Y2# and #Y3#…#/Y3# hash tag sets


Title control number


Title control number type key ID



Only include whatever is between the not null copies hash tag set if there is at least one copies record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the copies hash tag set for each copies record not already covered by the #C1#…#/C1#, #C2#…#/C2#, #C3#…#/C3# and #CL#…#/CL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first copies hash tag set for the first copies record


Include whatever is between the second copies hash tag set for the second copies record


Include whatever is between the third copies hash tag set for the third copies record


Include whatever is between the last copies hash tag set for the last copies record if it has not already covered by the #C1#…#/C1#, #C2#…#/C2# and #C3#…#/C3# hash tag sets


Date accessioned (DD-MON-YYYY)


Copy barcode


Copy category key ID


Date created (DD-MON-YYYY)


Copy category long description


Holdings end date


Holdings start date


Holdings summary



<CN1> .. <CN5>

Note 1 .. 5

(Added in SP11)


Collection code

(Added in SP12)




Currency key ID


Copy summary:

decode(c.withdraw, 'Y', 'Withdrawn: ', '') ||

c.shelfmark || chr(9) || g.description ||

chr(9) || s.shelfsd || chr(9) || l.locsd ||

chr(9) || cs.copystsd || chr(9) ||


from copies c, copysts cs, locs l,

shelves s, geo_collections g

where s.shelf(+) = c.shelf

and c.copyst = cs.copyst

and c.loc = l.loc

and c.geo_collection = g.collection(+)


Copy status


Copy status long description


Extraction status key ID


Location key ID


Location long description (export only)


Loan status


Loan status long description (export only)


Return date


Shelf description (import only)


Shelf key ID


Shelf long description


Sub-location key ID

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Sub-location long description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)



Cross-referenced titles


Only include whatever is between the not null xref titles hash tag set if there is at least one cross-referenced title record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the xref titles hash tag set for each cross-referenced title record not already covered by the #X1#…#/X1#, #X2#…#/X2#, #X3#…#/X3# and #XL#…#/XL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first xref titles hash tag set for the first cross-referenced title record


Include whatever is between the second xref titles hash tag set for the second cross-referenced title record


Include whatever is between the third xref titles hash tag set for the third cross-referenced title record


Include whatever is between the last xref titles hash tag set for the last cross-referenced title record if it has not already covered by the #X1#…#/X1#, #X2#…#/X2# and #X3#…#/X3# hash tag sets


The import RCN or, if this is null, the title number from the cross-referenced title


Link type key ID


Link type long description


The cross-referenced title record in Harvard citation format. Uses the Titles_HarvardDisplay.GetHarvardDisplay function

(Added in SP9)


Cross-referenced title note


Cross-referenced title

Alternative titles


Only include whatever is between the not null alternative titles hash tag set if there is at least one alternative title record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the alternative titles hash tag set for each alternative title record not already covered by the #T1#…#/T1#, #T2#…#/T2#, #T3#…#/T3# and #TL#…#/TL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first alternative titles hash tag set for the first alternative title record


Include whatever is between the second alternative titles hash tag set for the second alternative title record


Include whatever is between the third alternative titles hash tag set for the third alternative title record


Include whatever is between the last alternative titles hash tag set for the last alternative title record if it has not already covered by the #T1#…#/T1#, #T2#…#/T2# and #T3#…#/T3# hash tag sets


Alternative title


Alternative title type key ID


Alternative title's first indicator


Alternative title type long description



Only include whatever is between the not null ISxNs hash tag set if there is at least one titleisns record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the ISxNs hash tag set for each titleisns record not already covered by the #I1#…#/I1#, #I2#…#/I2#, #I3#…#/I3# and #IL#…#/IL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first ISxNs hash tag set for the first titleisns record


Include whatever is between the second ISxNs hash tag set for the second titleisns record


Include whatever is between the third ISxNs hash tag set for the third titleisns record


Include whatever is between the last ISxNs hash tag set for the last titleisns record if it has not already covered by the #I1#…#/I1#, #I2#…#/I2# and #I3#…#/I3# hash tag sets




ISxN type

Attached objects


Only include whatever is between the not null objects hash tag set if there is at least one object linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the objects hash tag set for each object not already covered by the #O1#…#/O1#, #O2#…#/O2#, #O3#…#/O3# and #OL#…#/OL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first objects hash tag set for the first object


Include whatever is between the second objects hash tag set for the second object


Include whatever is between the third objects hash tag set for the third object


Include whatever is between the last objects hash tag set for the last object if it has not already covered by the #O1#…#/O1#, #O2#…#/O2# and #O3#…#/O3# hash tag sets






Mime type


Copyright statement


Object status key ID


Object type key ID


Object type long description




Object title

Physical details


Only include whatever is between the not null physical details hash tag set if there is at least one physical details record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the physical details hash tag set for each physical details record not already covered by the #F1#…#/F1#, #F2#…#/F2#, #F3#…#/F3# and #FL#…#/FL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first physical details hash tag set for the first physical details record


Include whatever is between the second physical details hash tag set for the second physical details record


Include whatever is between the third physical details hash tag set for the third physical details record


Include whatever is between the last physical details hash tag set for the last physical details record if it has not already covered by the #F1#…#/F1#, #F2#…#/F2# and #F3#…#/F3# hash tag sets


Binding details




Dimensions (non-use)


Enrichment data


Full physical details:

decode(no_items, NULL, NULL, no_items||'; ')||

decode(materialtp, NULL, NULL, materialtp||'; ')||

decode(trade_names, NULL, NULL, trade_names||'; ')||

decode(length, NULL, NULL, length||'; ')||

decode(physical_chars, NULL, NULL, physical_chars||'; ')||

decode(enrich, NULL, NULL, enrich||'; ')||

decode(specific_enrich, NULL, NULL,

specific_enrich||'; ')||

decode(special_char, NULL, NULL, special_char||'; ')||

decode(dim_non_use, NULL, NULL, dim_non_use||'; ')||

decode(weight, NULL, NULL, weight||'; ')||

decode(dim_use, NULL, NULL, dim_use||'; ')||

decode(format, NULL, NULL, format||'; ')||

decode(acc_material, NULL, NULL, acc_material||'; ')||

decode(acc_desc, NULL, NULL, acc_desc||'; ')||

decode(binding, NULL, NULL,

binding||'; ')

from titlephysical


Number of items



PAG+ can be used as a repeatable tag during import to append to previous content of this field.


Specific enrichment data


Accompanying materials


Accompanying materials description



Cartographic Data


Only include whatever is between the not null cart. data hash tag set if there is at least one cart. data record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the cart. data hash tag set for each cart. data record not already covered by the #G1#…#/G1#, #G2#…#/G2#, #G3#…#/G3# and #GL#…#/GL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first cart. data hash tag set for the first cart. data record


Include whatever is between the second cart. data hash tag set for the second cart. data record


Include whatever is between the third cart. data hash tag set for the third cart. data record


Include whatever is between the last cart. data hash tag set for the last cart. data record if it has not already covered by the #G1#…#/G1#, #G2#…#/G2# and #G3#…#/G3# hash tag sets


Coordinates text

(Added in SP9)


Projection text


Scale additional text

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Scale text


Cart. Data gen. lookup 1

(Added in OLIB 9.0)

Child Records


Only include whatever is between the not null child records hash tag set if there is at least one child record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the child records hash tag set for each child record not already covered by the #?D#…#/D1#, #D2#…#/D2#, #D3#…#/D3# and #DL#…#/DL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first child records hash tag set for the first child record


Include whatever is between the second child records hash tag set for the second child record


Include whatever is between the third child records hash tag set for the third child record


Include whatever is between the last child records hash tag set for the last child record if it has not already covered by the #D1#…#/D1#, #D2#…#/D2# and #D3#…#/D3# hash tag sets


Child record’s copy count


Child record’s media type key ID


Child record’s media type long description


Child record’s title



Only include whatever is between the not null languages hash tag set if there is at least one language record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the languages hash tag set for each language record not already covered by the #U1#…#/U1#, #U2#…#/U2#, #U3#…#/U3# and #UL#…#/UL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first languages hash tag set for the first language record


Include whatever is between the second languages hash tag set for the second language record


Include whatever is between the third languages hash tag set for the third language record


Include whatever is between the last languages hash tag set for the last language record if it has not already covered by the #U1#…#/U1#, #U2#…#/U2# and #U3#…#/U3# hash tag sets


Language description


Language description (export only)


MARC language code (titlelangs.mxxi_lang_code)

(Added in SP9)


Language key ID


Language key ID in lower case

(Added in SP7)

Metadata Languages

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Only include whatever is between the not null metadata languages hash tag set if there is at least one metadata language record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the metadata languages hash tag set for each metadata language record not already covered by the #Q1#…#/Q1#, #Q2#…#/Q2#, #Q3#…#/Q3# and #QL#…#/QL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first metadata languages hash tag set for the first metadata language record


Include whatever is between the second metadata languages hash tag set for the second metadata language record


Include whatever is between the third metadata languages hash tag set for the third metadata language record


Include whatever is between the last metadata languages hash tag set for the last metadata language record if it has not already covered by the #Q1#…#/Q1#, #Q2#…#/Q2# and #Q3#…#/Q3# hash tag sets


Metadata language description


Metadata language key ID

Film Notes


Only include whatever is between the not null film note records hash tag set if there is at least one film note record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the film note records hash tag set for each film note record not already covered by the #M1#…#/M1#, #M2#…#/M2#, #M3#…#/M3# and #ML#…#/ML# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first film note records hash tag set for the first film note record


Include whatever is between the second film note records hash tag set for the second film note record


Include whatever is between the third film note records hash tag set for the third film note record


Include whatever is between the last film note records hash tag set for the last film note record if it has not already covered by the #M1#…#/M1#, #M2#…#/M2# and #M3#…#/M3# hash tag sets


Film note (specific to LDS)



Only include whatever is between the not null permissions records hash tag set if there is at least one permissions record linked to the title.


Include whatever is between the permissions records hash tag set for each permissions record not already covered by the #Z1#…#/Z1#, #Z2#…#/Z2#, #Z3#…#/Z3# and #ZL#…#/ZL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first permissions records hash tag set for the first permissions record


Include whatever is between the second permissions records hash tag set for the second permissions record


Include whatever is between the third film note records hash tag set for the third permissions record


Include whatever is between the last permissions records hash tag set for the last permissions record if it has not already covered by the #Z1#…#/Z1#, #Z2#…#/Z2# and #Z3#…#/Z3# hash tag sets





Only include whatever is between the not null abstract hash tag set if the title has an abstract.


Abstract, output in one unbroken chunk


Abstract, divided into lines of up to 100 characters. The first line is prefaced by "AB ". Subsequent lines are prefixed with "AB \ "

Title Borrowers (link type-specific)
(replace XXXXX with the link type)

(Added a while ago but not documented until SP9)


Only include whatever is between the not null title borrower hash tag set if there is at least one borrower linked to the title with the specified link type


Include whatever is between the title borrower hash tag set for each borrower with the specified link type not already covered by the #VXXXXX1#…#/VXXXXX1#, #VXXXXX2#…#/VXXXXX2#, #VXXXXX3#…#/VXXXXX3# and #VXXXXXL#…#/VXXXXXL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first title borrower hash tag set for the first borrower with the specified link type


Include whatever is between the second title borrower hash tag set for the second borrower with the specified link type


Include whatever is between the third title borrower hash tag set for the third borrower with the specified link type


Include whatever is between the last title borrower hash tag set for the last borrower with the specified link type if it has not already covered by the #LXXXXX1#…#/LXXXXX1#, #LXXXXX2#…#/LXXXXX2# and #LXXXXX3#…#/LXXXXX3# hash tag sets


The user’s title, e.g. Mr or Mrs


The user’s forename


The user’s surname


The user’s email address


The user’s department long description


The user’s telephone number (from the user’s address with an address type of M if there is one, otherwise from the user’s location’s address with an address type of M)


The user’s fax (ditto)


The user’s house name (ditto)


The user’s street (ditto)


The user’s PO Box number (ditto)


The user’s postcode (ditto)





Repeat whatever is between the not null item hash tag set for each copy record on loan to the user for whom the alert is being generated.


Date accessioned (DD-MON-YYYY)


Date and time on which the item was automatically banned (DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Item barcode


The barcode of the user to whom the item is currently on loan

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Bound volume parent title

(Added in SP13)


Copy category key ID


Date created (DD-MON-YYYY)


Copy category long description


Copy category short description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Current fine


The currency of the current fine (taken from WorldView Defaults Default Currency)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Circulation status



<CP_CN1> .. <CP_CN5>

Note 1 .. 5

(Added in SP11)


Collection key ID

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Collection long description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Collection short description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Copy number


The copy record’s sequence number

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The status that the item was set to before it was issued in transit

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The number of traps that are currently entered against the item

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Copy title




Currency key ID


Copy status


Copy status long description


Copy status short description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


The item’s end fine

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Extraction status key ID


Extraction status long description


Extraction status short description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


The fine sequence that is currently being applied to the overdue item

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Geographic collection code

(Added in SP12)


Geographic collection description

(Added in SP12)


Grandparent title. If present, the grandparent’s subtitle will be appended with a “: “ separating the two fields.

(Added in SP12)


Gift (Y or N)

(Added in SP8)


Holdings summary

(Added in SP8)


The location from which the item was issued in transit (key ID)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The location from which the item was issued in transit (long description)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The location from which the item was issued in transit (short description)

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Issue count

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Date issued (DD-MON-YYYY)


Date/time issued (DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI) (for hourly loan items)


Date issued in transit (DD/MM/YY)


Location issued in transit to (key ID)


Location issued in transit to (long description)


Location issued in transit to (short description)

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Location key ID


Location long description


Location short description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Loan status


Loan status long description


The next overdue step that is due to be generated

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


OCLC Symbol

(Added in SP5)


The auditno of the most recently sent overdue notice

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The overdue sequence that is currently being applied to the overdue item

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The item’s original return date (DD-MON-YYYY)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Y if the item is on permanent loan

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The item’s current total renewal count


Date last renewed (DD-MON-YYYY)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The count of active reservations on the item


The count of as yet unactivated reservations on the item

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Date reserved (DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The barcode of the user who is first on the item’s reservation list

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Date due back (DD-MON-YYYY)


Date/time due back (DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI) (for hourly loan items)


Shelf key ID


Shelf long description


Shelf short description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Sub-location key ID

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Sub-location description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)




The parent title record’s record number

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The number of traps that are currently entered against the item’s parent title record

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The item’s current unseen renewal count

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Y if the item is due to be or has been withdrawn

(Added in OLIB 8.1)

Copy Transactions

Added in OLIB 8.2




Copy transaction ID


Transaction type key ID


Transaction type short description


Transaction type long description


Date processed


Transaction date


Transaction recorded by (Sname, Fname)


Sent To address (using AddressDisplay.GetAddress)


Client in which the transaction was recorded (OLIB Web / WorldView / SIP / NCIP / OPAC)


Manually recorded transaction date





Alternative barcode


The date on which the user’s current balance was last re-calculated (DD-MON-YYYY)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)




User record number


User category


User category long description


Y or N to indicate whether the user has been flagged as “banned”

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


‘true’ if CIRCBAN = Y


Current balance


The currency of the user’s current balance (taken from WorldView Defaults Default Currency)

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Number of items currently on loan


Number of items currently overdue


Number of held items currently awaiting collection


Number of inactive reservations

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Number of non-held active reservations


Membership expiry date






Institution code


Join date (DD-MON-YYYY)


Last active date (DD-MON-YYYY)




Location long description


Email address


Maximum loans


Maximum seen renewals

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


Maximum reservations


Maximum total renewals


Maximum unseen renewals

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


A single field containing a concatenation of the user's surname and the user's forename (or initials if the forename field is blank), separated by a comma and a space


A single field containing a concatenation of the user's forename (or initials if the forename field is blank) and the user's surname, separated by a space



<NOTE1U> - <NOTE10U>

User note 1 – User note 10


OCLC Institution ID (from the user’s location or, if this is not set, from OLIB Defaults)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Password reset due date

(Added in SP9)


Room number




The user’s home telephone number (from the borrowers record)


The user’s work telephone number (from the borrowers record)


The user’s mobile telephone number (from the borrowers record)


Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss, etc.)


The number of traps against the user record

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The user's 1st address (using AddressDisplay.GetAddress3)


The user or organisation's address (using AddressDisplay.GetAddress3). Replace [X] with the address type


User's address. Replace [X] with the address type.

The following fields are available:













User's date of birth (DD-MON-YYYY)


User's Identification field (export only)











User's overdue/recall address fields

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


User's organisation’s name. Replace [X] with the link type used to link the user to the organisation


User's secondary code


User's supervisor’s forename


User's supervisor’s surname


User's supervisor’s title


User type key ID

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


User type long description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


User type short description

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


sysglobs.wms_sourcesystem if sysglobs.oclc_institutionid is not null

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Membership expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD) (for XML export)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Membership expiry date (YYYY-MM-DD"T"hh24:mi:ss) (for XML export)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Join date (YYYY-MM-DD"T"hh24:mi:ss) (for XML export)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Last changed date (YYYY-MM-DD"T"hh24:mi:ss) (for XML export)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)

Repeatable Data Blocks



Only include whatever is between the not null departments hash tag set if there is at least one department linked to the user.


Include whatever is between the departments hash tag set for each department not already covered by the #D1#…#/D1#, #D2#…#/D2#, #D3#…#/D3# and #DL#…#/DL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first departments hash tag set for the first department


Include whatever is between the second departments hash tag set for the second department


Include whatever is between the third departments hash tag set for the third department


Include whatever is between the last departments hash tag set for the last department if it has not already covered by the #D1#…#/D1#, #D2#…#/D2# and #D3#…#/D3# hash tag sets


User's department key ID


User's department long description

Subscription Services


Only include whatever is between the not null subscription services hash tag set if there is at least one subscription service linked to the user.


Include whatever is between the subscription services hash tag set for each subscription service not already covered by the #S1#…#/S1#, #S2#…#/S2#, #S3#…#/S3# and #SL#…#/SL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first subscription services hash tag set for the first subscription service


Include whatever is between the second subscription services hash tag set for the second subscription service


Include whatever is between the third subscription services hash tag set for the third subscription service


Include whatever is between the last subscription services hash tag set for the last subscription service if it has not already covered by the #S1#…#/S1#, #S2#…#/S2# and #S3#…#/S3# hash tag sets


Subscription service description


The number of copies covered by the subscription


The subscription reference

User Financial Transactions
(Added in OLIB 8.1, but not currently available for export)


Only include whatever is between the not null subscription services hash tag set if there is at least one subscription service linked to the user.


Include whatever is between the subscription services hash tag set for each subscription service not already covered by the #S1#…#/S1#, #S2#…#/S2#, #S3#…#/S3# and #SL#…#/SL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first subscription services hash tag set for the first subscription service


Include whatever is between the second subscription services hash tag set for the second subscription service


Include whatever is between the third subscription services hash tag set for the third subscription service


Include whatever is between the last subscription services hash tag set for the last subscription service if it has not already covered by the #S1#…#/S1#, #S2#…#/S2# and #S3#…#/S3# hash tag sets


The amount debited or credited (9G999G999G999G999G990D99)


The auditno of the financial transaction record


Whether the financial transaction was a debit or credit transaction


The transaction type key ID


The transaction type description


The currency of the financial transaction (taken from WorldView Defaults Default Currency)


The barcode of the item to which the transaction applies (debit transactions only)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The outstanding amount (9G999G999G999G999G990D99)


The transaction method key ID (credit transactions only)


The transaction method description (credit transactions only)


The date and time of the transaction (DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI)


(Added in SP5)


Only include whatever is between the not null courses hash tag set if there is at least one course linked to the user.


Include whatever is between the courses hash tag set for each course not already covered by the #C1#…#/C1#, #C2#…#/C2#, #C3#…#/C3# and #CL#…#/CL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first courses hash tag set for the first course


Include whatever is between the second courses hash tag set for the second course


Include whatever is between the third courses hash tag set for the third course


Include whatever is between the last courses hash tag set for the last course if it has not already covered by the #C1#…#/C1#, #C2#…#/C2# and #C3#…#/C3# hash tag sets


User's course key ID


User's course long description





Reservation number


Y/N to indicate whether the reservation has been activated


Date on which the reservation was activated – DD-MON-YYYY


If the reservation is an area-specific reservation, the area long description


The reservee’s barcode


If the reservation has been cancelled, the date on which it was cancelled


Collect From or Deliver To

(Added in SP7)


The collection location key ID


The collection location long description


The collection location short description

(Added in SP9)


Y/N to indicate whether the reservation has been confirmed


The number of copies held (set reservations)

(Added in SP4)


The number of copies issued (set reservations)

(Added in SP4)


The number of copies requested (set reservations)

(Added in SP4)


The number of copies reserved (set reservations)

(Added in SP4)


If the reservation is a copy category-specific reservation, the copy category key ID


If the reservation is a copy category-specific reservation, the copy category description


Delivery address (using AddressDisplay.GetAddress4)

(Added in SP7)


The date on which the system has calculated that the item will become available (DD-MON-YYYY)


The date on which the hold on a held reservation is due to expire (DD-MON-YYYY)


Y or N to indicate whether it is a global reservation

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The barcode of the copy which has been trapped an held to satisfy the reservation


The location of the copy that has been held to satisfy the reservation (key ID)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The location of the copy that has been held to satisfy the reservation (long description)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The copy category of the copy that has been held to satisfy the reservation (key ID)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The copy category of the copy that has been held to satisfy the reservation (long description)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The shelf of the copy that has been held to satisfy the reservation (key ID)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The shelf of the copy that has been held to satisfy the reservation (long description)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The sub-location of the copy that has been held to satisfy the reservation (long description)

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The shelfmark of the copy that has been held to satisfy the reservation

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


The date on which an item was held to satisfy the reservation (DD-MON-YYYY)


The record number of the linked reservation

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


If the reservation is a location-specific reservation, the location key ID


If the reservation is a location-specific reservation, the location description


The OCLC number of the title to which the reservation relates

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Y or N to indicate whether to ignore the ban flag in Loan Terms

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The date before which the reservation is required (DD-MON-YYYY)


The date after which the reservation is required (DD-MON-YYYY)


The date from which the reservation is required (DD-MON-YYYY)


The date to which the reservation is required (DD-MON-YYYY)


The date on which the reservation was placed (DD-MON-YYYY)




The reservation priority


Reservation type (Title or Copy)

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


Y or N to indicate whether the reservation has been satisfied

(Added in OLIB 8.1)


The date by which an item must be sent to satisfy the reservation (DD-MON-YYYY)


Reservation status

(Added in OLIB 8.2)


The record number of the title record that has been reserved

(Added in OLIB 8.1)





Order number


Date completed


Supplier’s contact addressee ([title] [forename] [surname])

(Added in OLIB 9.0)




Currency long description


Delivery method key ID


Delivery method description


Order location key ID




Order date


Order reference




Status long description




The supplier’s order email address


Supplier reference


Total cost


Supplier’s contact forename

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Supplier’s contact initials

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Supplier’s contact job title/position

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Supplier’s contact surname

(Added in OLIB 9.0)


Supplier’s contact title

(Added in OLIB 9.0)










Supplier's order address fields

(Added in OLIB 9.0)

Order Items




Order item number


Date cancelled


Order item copy category


Order item copy location


Delivery period


Discount rate (990D99)


Date expected


Internal notes. Also used for the reason for rejection if a purchase suggestion is rejected


Number invoiced


Item price


Needed By date


Order items’ order location


Number ordered


Order date


Order number


Order reference


Number outstanding


Number received


Date received


Order status key ID


Order status long description


Subscription start date (serial subscription orders)


Subscription end date (serial subscription orders)



(Added in SP9)


Supplier’s email address for claims


Supplier reference


Tax rate, e.g. VAT rate (990D99)




Total cost


Order item type (CAT=monograph order item ; SER=serial subscription order item ; NONC=non-catalogue order item


External notes

Payment Accounts


Only include whatever is between the not null payment accounts hash tag set if there is at least one payment account linked to the order item.


Include whatever is between the payment accounts hash tag set for each payment account record not already covered by the #P1#…#/P1#, #P2#…#/P2#, #P3#…#/P3# and #PL#…#/PL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first payment account hash tag set for the first payment account record


Include whatever is between the second payment account hash tag set for the second payment account record


Include whatever is between the third payment account hash tag set for the third payment account record


Include whatever is between the last payment account hash tag set for the last payment account record if it has not already covered by the #P1#…#/P1#, #P2#…#/P2# and #P3#…#/P3# hash tag sets


Payment account (ac_accsd || ' ' || fp1.fp_sd || decode(ae_debitaccinstno, ae_requestaccinstno, NULL, ' (Paid by ' || a1.ac_accsd || ' ' || fp1.fp_sd || ')') || ' - ' || ltrim(to_char(ae_debitcommitamtsource, '99G999G999G999G990D99'))





Invoice number




Currency long description


Invoice date


Invoice reference




Other costs


Other costs notes


Date processed




Total cost


Tax amount


Tax rate


Type (I – Invoice ; C – Credit note)

Invoice Items




Invoice item number


Total invoice item cost


Discount rate (990D99)


Number invoiced


Item price




Tax rate, e.g. VAT rate (990D99)

Payment Accounts


Only include whatever is between the not null payment accounts hash tag set if there is at least one payment account linked to the order item.


Include whatever is between the payment accounts hash tag set for each payment account record not already covered by the #P1#…#/P1#, #P2#…#/P2#, #P3#…#/P3# and #PL#…#/PL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first payment account hash tag set for the first payment account record


Include whatever is between the second payment account hash tag set for the second payment account record


Include whatever is between the third payment account hash tag set for the third payment account record


Include whatever is between the last payment account hash tag set for the last payment account record if it has not already covered by the #P1#…#/P1#, #P2#…#/P2# and #P3#…#/P3# hash tag sets


Payment account (ac_accsd || ' ' || fp1.fp_sd || decode(ae_debitaccinstno, ae_requestaccinstno, NULL, ' (Paid by ' || a1.ac_accsd || ' ' || fp1.fp_sd || ')') || ' - ' || ltrim(to_char(ae_debitcommitamtsource, '99G999G999G999G990D99'))


All added in OLIB 8.2




Enquiry number


Allocated to


Date to be completed by


Date completed


Total time spent on the enquiry


Enquiry description


Do By date


Date received


Date entered


Enquiry location


Entered by


External sources


Internal user name (Sname, Fname)


Lapsed time between the date/time the enquiry was received and the date/time it was marked as completed

<NOTE1> - <NOTE10>

Notes 1 – 10


Previously allocated to


Previous status




Preferred response method


Contact details for response


Received by


Enquiry reference


Referred to




Receipt method




Enquiry title


Enquiry type


External user details


User type


Word Index



Only include whatever is between the not null enquiry subjects hash tag set if there is at least one subject linked to the enquiry.


Include whatever is between the enquiry subjects hash tag set for each enquiry subject record not already covered by the #E1#…#/E1#, #E2#…#/E2#, #E3#…#/E3# and #EL#…#/EL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first enquiry subject hash tag set for the first enquiry subject record


Include whatever is between the second enquiry subject hash tag set for the second enquiry subject record


Include whatever is between the third enquiry subject hash tag set for the third enquiry subject record


Include whatever is between the last enquiry subject hash tag set for the last enquiry subject record if it has not already covered by the #E1#…#/E1#, #E2#…#/E2# and #E3#…#/E3# hash tag sets



Subject Headings






Subject type key ID


Subject type long description


Scope note



Broader Terms


Only include whatever is between the not null broader terms hash tag set if there is at least one broader term record linked to the subject.


Include whatever is between the broader term hash tag set for each broader term record not already covered by the #B1#…#/B1#, #B2#…#/B2#, #B3#…#/B3# and #BL#…#/BL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first broader term hash tag set for the first broader term record


Include whatever is between the second broader term hash tag set for the second broader term record


Include whatever is between the third broader term hash tag set for the third broader term record


Include whatever is between the last broader term hash tag set for the last broader term record if it has not already covered by the #B1#…#/B1#, #B2#…#/B2# and #B3#…#/B3# hash tag sets


Broader term subject

Narrower Terms


Only include whatever is between the not null narrower terms hash tag set if there is at least one narrower term record linked to the subject.


Include whatever is between the narrower term hash tag set for each narrower term record not already covered by the #N1#…#/N1#, #N2#…#/N2#, #N3#…#/N3# and #NL#…#/NL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first narrower term hash tag set for the first narrower term record


Include whatever is between the second narrower term hash tag set for the second narrower term record


Include whatever is between the third narrower term hash tag set for the third narrower term record


Include whatever is between the last narrower term hash tag set for the last narrower term record if it has not already covered by the #N1#…#/N1#, #N2#…#/N2# and #N3#…#/N3# hash tag sets


Narrower term subject

Related Terms


Only include whatever is between the not null related terms hash tag set if there is at least one related term record linked to the subject.


Include whatever is between the related term hash tag set for each related term record not already covered by the #R1#…#/R1#, #R2#…#/R2#, #R3#…#/R3# and #RL#…#/RL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first related term hash tag set for the first related term record


Include whatever is between the second related term hash tag set for the second related term record


Include whatever is between the third related term hash tag set for the third related term record


Include whatever is between the last related term hash tag set for the last related term record if it has not already covered by the #R1#…#/R1#, #R2#…#/R2# and #R3#…#/R3# hash tag sets


Related term subject

Use Terms


Only include whatever is between the not null use terms hash tag set if there is at least one use term record linked to the subject.


Include whatever is between the use term hash tag set for each use term record not already covered by the #S1#…#/S1#, #S2#…#/S2#, #S3#…#/S3# and #SL#…#/SL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first use term hash tag set for the first use term record


Include whatever is between the second use term hash tag set for the second use term record


Include whatever is between the third use term hash tag set for the third use term record


Include whatever is between the last use term hash tag set for the last use term record if it has not already covered by the #S1#…#/S1#, #S2#…#/S2# and #S3#…#/S3# hash tag sets


Use term subject

Used For Terms


Only include whatever is between the not null used for terms hash tag set if there is at least one used for term record linked to the subject.


Include whatever is between the used for term hash tag set for each used for term record not already covered by the #F1#…#/F1#, #F2#…#/F2#, #F3#…#/F3# and #FL#…#/FL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first used for term hash tag set for the first used for term record


Include whatever is between the second used for term hash tag set for the second used for term record


Include whatever is between the third used for term hash tag set for the third used for term record


Include whatever is between the last used for term hash tag set for the last used for term record if it has not already covered by the #F1#…#/F1#, #F2#…#/F2# and #F3#…#/F3# hash tag sets


Used for term subject

Classmarks Linked To Subjects


Only include whatever is between the not null classmark hash tag set if there is at least one classmark record linked to the subject.


Include whatever is between the classmark hash tag set for each classmark record not already covered by the #C1#…#/C1#, #C2#…#/C2#, #C3#…#/C3# and #CL#…#/CL# hash tag sets


Include whatever is between the first classmark hash tag set for the first classmark record


Include whatever is between the second classmark hash tag set for the second classmark record


Include whatever is between the third classmark hash tag set for the third classmark record


Include whatever is between the last classmark hash tag set for the last classmark record if it has not already covered by the #C1#…#/C1#, #C2#…#/C2# and #C3#…#/C3# hash tag sets

