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Data element descriptions

Find descriptions of data elements in Online Item Lists in GreenGlass.

Data element descriptions

Export any list of items by clicking on the EXPORT XLSX button at the upper right of the page. 

Local Transaction Data - Title Level

Element  Description
Added to Collection

If the item add date was not included in the original data extract, GreenGlass substituted the bib record create date (fixed field 08 00-05).

Last Charge Date

If the last charge date is not available but the last return date is, the last return date has been used in its place.

Recorded Uses

This tally represents (BIB LEVEL) ILS charges and may include additional in-house use tallies like re-shelving counts, browses, or reading room loans. Exported lists provide more granular usage data. That is, for each item in the list, there is a tally of bib level uses AND a tally of item level uses.

Allocated for retention This specifies if the item has been allocated for retention. 


Element  Description
Bib Record Type Record types include: book, government document, serial, sound recording, visual material, map, score. If a title is both a government document and one of the other format types (e.g. book) it will be listed as a government document.
Primary Language The MARC language code, as it appears in the MARC field 008; 35-37.
The MARC language code, as it appears in the MARC field 008; 35-37.

This Yes/No indicator has been assigned by GreenGlass. For details about how this flag is assigned, watch the Tutorial: Understanding Possible Duplicates (5:09).

Multi-Edition Title

This Yes/No indicator has been assigned by GreenGlass. For details about how this flag is assigned, watch the Tutorial: Understanding Multi-Edition Titles (3:00).

Multi-Volume Set

GreenGlass derives this indicator from a combination of item data including enumeration and OCLC Work ID. This field is available in new projects beginning in January 2018.

Number of Related Ebooks

If your project included an ebook overlap component, this field will indicate the number of surrogate ebooks for this title, that your library has access to.


Element  Description
WorldCat OCLC # The OCLC number from the WorldCat™ record that GreenGlass matched to the library's bib record.   
OCLC work ID An OCLC assigned number used to associate various editions of a given work.

Group Data

If your library is a member of a group project, the total number of holdings among the participant libraries will be displayed in the upper right corner of the item details pane; followed immediately by the total number of recorded uses among all of the participant libraries.

Element  Description
Collective holdings This is the number of holdings within the group.
Group last charge date

If the last charge date is not available but the last return date is, the last return date has been used in its place.

Aggregate uses This is the combined number of recorded uses within the group. 
Special Category Flag Does this item fit the parameters of your library's Title Protection Rules or Special Category Flag? Yes or No. Any given library may or may not have chosen to incorporate this feature. This flag will be labeled as specified.

WorldCat Holdings & Retentions

Element  Description
Country Holdings

This is a WorldCat™ tally of holdings in the country. The library's own holding is included in this tally if the library's holding is set in WorldCat™. The number before the slash represents 'exact edition' matches. The number following the slash represents 'any edition' matches, as established by OCLC.

 Note: Country holdings will only be zero if your holding is unique and your holding is not set in WorldCat.

State/Province/Region Holdings

This is a WorldCat™ tally of holdings in the state. The library's own holding is included in this tally if the library's holding is set in WorldCat™. The number before the slash represents 'exact edition' matches. The number following the slash represents 'any edition' matches, as established by OCLC.

 Note: State/Province/Region holdings will only be zero if your holding is unique and your holding is not set in WorldCat.

Comparator library holdings This is a WorldCat™ tally of all holdings in all the library's comparator libraries combined. The library's own holding is not included in this tally. The number before the slash represents 'exact edition' matches. The number following the slash represents 'any edition' matches, as established by OCLC.

Same and Any Edition Holdings Tallies 

In GreenGlass, there are two ways to estimate the extent to which titles in your collection are widely or scarcely held by other libraries:

  1. Same Edition Holdings Tallies: represent the number of libraries that have a holding set in WorldCat on the same OCLC number as yours, or, on an OCLC record that has been merged with yours. 
  2. Any Edition Holdings Tallies: represent the number of libraries that have a holding set on the same or related edition of the work as established by OCLC's implementation of work families. 

In the GreenGlass Item Lists, Same Edition tallies precede the slash and Any Edition tallies follow the slash.


 Note: Any Edition holdings tallies represent the number of libraries that have a holding set on the same or related edition of the work. Same and Any Edition tallies will match if there are no other editions of this work. If they don't match, Any edition tallies will always be bigger.  

Additional views of Same and Any Edition Holdings Tallies:

  • From the Visualize section, when the Comparator Libraries distribution type is selected, a same edition hyperlink will appear by default. You can click this hyperlink to switch to an any edition view of the overlap.

  • In Exported Item Lists, Same Edition tallies and Any Edition tallies are delivered in separate columns. 

  • In Query Builder, choose to set WorldCat overlap thresholds on Same or Any edition tallies via the radio buttons. Example use cases include:
    • Lists of weeding candidates
      • Use Same Edition thresholds to return smaller lists of weeding candidates.
    • Lists of scarcely held titles
      • Use Any Edition thresholds to avoid identifying too many titles that are not rare. 



Include or exclude titles based on their HathiTrust status. Some titles in HathiTrust are in the public domain while others are still in copyright. Options include:

  • No restriction
  • HathiTrust
  • HathiTrust - copyright ONLY
  • HathiTrust - public domain ONLY
  • NOT in HathiTrust - public domain
  • NOT in HathiTrust

In item Lists, a URL to the appropriate HathiTrust record is provided and can be batch loaded to the local OPAC.

In item lists, Hathi Public Domain and In-Copyright flags appear in the detail pane. The Query Builder includes HathiTrust selections on the left panel.

On the GreenGlass Collection, Visualize page, use the HathiTrust Overlay to see how many of your items are in the Hathi corpus. The matches are shown in green with Public Domain titles represented by bright green tips. 

For more information about HathiTrust Matches and URLs, watch the tutorial: Understanding HathiTrust Matches and URLs (2:37).  

Hathi in Copyright 

Is this title in HathiTrust Digital Library - In Copyright?

  • GreenGlassuses identifies HathiTrust matches by seeing if the OCLC Number matches a Hathi Bib Record or if an 019 related to the WorldCat OCLC Number matches a HathiTrust bibliographic record.
  • To determine if the item is in the HathiTrust In-Copyright, GreenGlass looks to see if the HathiTrust rights code is 'ic' (in-copyright). 
Hathi Public Domain 

Is this title in HathiTrust Digital Library - Public Domain? 

  • GreenGlassuses identifies HathiTrust matches by seeing if the OCLC Number matches a Hathi Bib Record or if an 019 related to the WorldCat OCLC Number matches a HathiTrust bibliographic record.
  • To determine if the item is in the HathiTrust Public Domain, GreenGlass looks to see if the HathiTrust rights code is one of the following:
    • 'pd' (public domain) 
    • 'pdus' (public domain only when viewed in the US)
    • 'ic-world' (in copyright and permitted as world viewable by the copyright holder)
    • Begins with 'cc' (Creative Commons).  

 Note: For non-US libraries, the Hathi Public Domain definition is adjusted to exclude the 'pdus' status.  


Element  Description

Was this title ever reviewed in CHOICE? No or Yes. This match point may or may not be available, depending on the library's specific project plan.


CHOICE Outstanding Title

Was this title ever named a CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title? No or Yes. This match point may or may not be available, depending on the library's specific project plan.

View Details About Holdings

Click on the green bar to expose a more granular view of comparator library holdings as listed in the WorldCat Holdings section. This section also includes a list of comparator libraries that hold the title. Once retention allocations have been made, the retaining library or libraries will be indicated as well.