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Cataloging questionnaire and code keys

Learn about the cataloging questionnaire and code keys that will be collected prior to beginning a GreenGlass project.

Cataloging questionnaire

The first step after your library has decided to move forward with a GreenGlass collection analysis project is to fill out an ILS specific Cataloging and Data Questionnaire. The questionnaire will be provided by your SCS liaison and is used to obtain details about the cataloging extract used for your project. Information you will provide in the questionnaire includes:

Information Details
  • This URL should be designed to locate a specific bibliographic record
  • It should include a bibliographic record number rather than a title string, and should contain fewer than 255 characters, e.g.
Collection Codes and Location Codes
  • The location data of your records
  • Please see Query Parameters for more information.
Cataloging schema(s)
  • If your library uses LC call numbers, Dewey call numbers, or something else
  • This information is less critical if you are able to supply an item-level call number for every item
Item level data elements
  • SCS will provide a list of important item level data elements, which may have different labels in your ILS
  • See Item and usage data for more information.
Code Keys

Codes are natural language labels or names that appear in the item records you provide for your project. You will need to provide Code Keys for three item level codes, and an indication of whether each code is in or out of scope for the project. Keys are required for the following codes:


These code keys should be delivered in an Excel or .csv file if possible.


Next steps

If you deliver your item data in a separate, delimited text file, please be sure that the file contains column headers that will be easy to interpret. If item data will be embedded in MARC records, you will need to provide a mapping to indicate which sub-field contains each of the item-level data elements. Please see Data extract for more information and next steps.