I want all my items currently on loan to have a due date extended to a date in the future
Applies to
- Amlib Circulation
- Amlib Stockitem
It is possible to alter everything on loan by creating a File of those items to change:
- No check will be made on the new due date entered so ensure it falls on a date when the library is open
- Before running ensure that you really want to change ALL due dates. There may be differences based on whether the item has a particular Form code
- Check the File after creating it to ensure you wish ALL of the items will require a due date change
First of all ensure that there are sufficient numbers allowed in Stockitem. To do this:
Step 1: Change the Search Size in Stockitem
- Access Stockitem from Main > Stockitem.
- Go to the Item menu and select Query Settings > Set Search Size.
- Ensure it is the highest number you can choose.
Step 2: Set up a Where Search
- Access Stockitem from Main > Stockitem > Where
- From Box 1 select On Loan
- From Box 2 select =
- From Box enter Y
- Click the Paste button
- Select the F7 QtoFile button – this will open Stockitem Saved Query Results screen
- Click F1 New and enter the description of the File in the Details Column - for example, Items on Loan and F3 Save
- Highlight the File and press F9 Select. A Saved File Count dialogue box will appear which will show how many items are contained in the File.
- Revise and select OK.
Step 3: Make the Change to the Issue Date Due Back
- Access Stockitem > Display File.
- Highlight the File created above. Click F9 Select. This will display the items in a Stockitem List.
- Highlight all items in the list for which you want to make the change of the due date.
- From the Table Menu select ChangeDueDates.
- Enter the New Due Date and click OK.
- The change will be made.