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Stocktake: Report missing items

Learn how to create a list of all items that were not present during the stocktake in Amlib.

Report on missing item

This procedure is for use when: you have completed a stocktake and need a list of all items that were not present during the stocktake.

Check individual items

Individual items can be checked from the Main> Stockitems > Stockitem - Item > History. This screen displays the last StockTake date. If the flags have been set, this will be empty (until counted). This is the field that is updated if the item has been wanded using Offline, Online, on Issue or on Return.


Reports can be done either via a Where Search or set up as a Stockitem Report.

Recommended Where Searches for Stocktake missing items:

  • They can be saved and adapted to report various sections of the database, for example, Missing NF can be set up for Call Numbers > 0 and < 299 ZZZ, saved and adapted for Call Numbers > 300 and < 499 ZZZ
  • The same report can be viewed as a Count, a Query table or QueryInto File
  • When the items are to be changed (for example: to Missing 2011) as a Process, then a Stockitem Wand Change can used to save the Where Search or File created:

Where statement

The Where Clauses used will depend on the site and the report required. The most important

WhereSearch clauses will be Stocktake Date is NULL. Other conditions to include could be:

    • Location – for example: Branch, Campus, Dept, LIB only, etc
    • Stats Code – for example: JF (Junior Fiction) only
    • Form Code – for example: BK (Books) only
    • Loan Status – for example: On Loan = N
    • Call Number range – for example: F AAA to F CZZ
    • Item received by date – for example: Items received before Stocktake started
    • Process – for example: exclude Damaged or Missing
    • On Order – for example: exclude On Order items
    • InterLibrary Loan – for example: exclude all ILLs

This table contains a list of column names from which to choose (use the scroll bar to move up and down this list):





Where the required data in this field begins with the text entered

LIKE ELD (for Eldorado)


Where the required data in this field does not begin with the text entered

LIKE ELD (for all except Eldorado)


Useful for multi-selections of codes

IN F,JF (for all Fiction, Junior Fiction)


Useful for multi-selections of data not to be included.

IN F,JF (to exclude these codes)


Where the text entered is exactly equal to the data required

= BK (for only this Form)

Where the text entered is not equal to the data required. Useful for “not equal to

null” – choose this operator but do not enter any data and press paste

≠ BK (to exclude the Form of BK)


Where the text entered is less than the data required

< 01/10/11 (less than 1 October 2011)


Where the text entered is equal or less than the data required

< 01/10/11 (less than or equal to 1 October 2011)


Greater than

>01/10/11 (greater than 1 October 2011)


Equal or greater than the text entered

> 01/10/11 (greater than or equal to 1 October 2011)

  1. Type the Where Condition (box 1)
  2. Choose an Operator (box 2)
  3. Type your search term for the chosen field (box 3) OR use the Special button, which enables you to choose useful fields (for example: Current Date) that can be used for any mathematical operand (for example: , , , , , )
  4. Click the Paste button to add in each statement

Description of buttons




Adds the Where Condition to the Query box


Deletes the Highlighted Where Condition from the Query box


Includes the “and” separator to the multiple Where Conditions in the Query box. This is the default


Includes the “or” separator to the multiple Where Conditions in the Query box


Adds a beginning bracket to the Where Condition in the Query box


Adds a closing bracket to the Where Condition in the Query box

Get your results

  • Click the F5 Query button to view the records contained in the Query
  • Click the F6 Count button to Display the number of matching records
  • Click the F7 QtoFile button to save the results of the query in a file. Either select a file or create a new file and then click the F9 Select button. The number of records inserted into the file will be displayed. If the file already contains data the new records will be added to the file and existing data remains. It is possible to empty the contents of the file by selecting the F2 Empty button before selecting the file:

Saving where searches

  1. Where searches can be saved by selecting the F2 Insert button
  2. Type a Description so that they can be recalled for execution at another time from Stockitem (Item menu)

Alternatively the search can be saved from the Where Search screen by choosing the F4 Select button. This is useful for calling up queries used on a regular basis and can be used when updating Process to MISSING in Stockitem Wand Change.

It is also very useful for Stocktake Reports as the parameters can be set and then altered slightly for a different area of Stocktake – for example: the Missing Fiction Where search can be edited when the non-fiction area is counted – just change the Stats code to be NF rather than F.

Accessing the saved searches

Saved Where Searches can be accessed either through:

  • The Where Search Window by clicking the F4 Select button OR
  • From the Stockitem screen menu, select Item > SavedWhereSearch (the searches can be executed or counted from this option)
  • Reports cannot be edited here; editing is only done within the Where Application

Printing a list

A printed listing of missing items is usually required so they can be checked on the shelf.

  1. From the table of items generated from the Where Search (by using F5 Query) highlight the items to be included in the report
  2. Click the F6 (to print) or F7 (to report) key on your keyboard OR from the Amlib client menu, select Table > Print or Table > Report

F6 print

This is a preset Format, giving details of each item.

F7 report

All the available templates for Reports will display, where a specific style can be chosen.

  1. In many templates, the heading can be typed in the Report Description:

    To select the sequence in which the items display (for example: Call No):
  2. Select the F9 Order button – the Order By screen will display

  3. Highlight the item to order by in the Columns list, click the arrow to add to the Order By list
  4. Click the F3 Save button

To View/Print

  1. Click the F8 View button

Check the shelves

  1. The Report can then be printed by using the Print icon
  2. The shelves can then be checked for missing items, using the Report as a guide as to those items to be searched
  3. If an item is found it can be wanded into the F8 Upload button of Stocktake or Returned through circulation