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Create new themes and logos

Learn how to create a new theme and add a logo to Amlib OpenOPAC.

Creating a new theme in Open OPACs

For setting colours in OpenOPACS – to match your logo and colours – creating a new Theme

To get your correct colours from your logo or banner

  1. Take screenshot of your Logo
  2. Open it in Paint.NET or Paint, use the colour picker, hover over the colour you need and write down its red, Green and Blue Values
  3. Then go to the site below using these numbers for each colour you want to use, to get the HEX value you will need to enter into OpenOPACS
  4. Often you need shades of these main colours to blend into your theme and as there are so many to choose from, you may like to use the other site below that gives you the matching shades of the HEX values you want to use.

This is great site to get the Hex values if you know the Red, Green and Blue values of a colour

This site is great once you have the HEX value to get matching shades of your school colours.

If your logo is NOT a rectangular in shape

  1. You will need to create a NEW Logo that is 340 pixels x 115 pixels.
  2. The easiest way to do this is to first open you LOGO in Paint.NET or Paint
  3. Then select ‘new’ and create a new image, setting the size you need it to be [340px X 115px]
  4. Go back to your original Logo and select sections you want on the New logo, copy and paste them onto the new logo canvas [you may need to re-size them a little to fit]
  5. Place all the parts of the logo you want to use, in this way until happy with result. [You may need to add some background colour if logo image does not fill entire space].

Save file in a .GIF, .PNG, or .JPG format and upload via the configuration screen for administrators.

To add new logo to OPEN

  1. Launch Open OPAC http://xxxxx (server name)/OCLC_Open_Frontend_Gui/Main.aspx
  2. Log in as an Administrator
  3. Select the Parameters Tab
  4. Scroll down to Main Logo Image
  5. Select Browse and navigate to your new saved logo image
  6. Select Upload
  7. Select Save at the bottom of this page and refresh your Browser select > Ctrl F5 > select resend > to see you new logo displayed