Other Class Number
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Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Other Class Number number (ot:) and number phrase (ot=) indexes.
- Number (ot:)
Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery WorldCat.org Label ot: --- ot: Search? Ja --- Ja Ja Browse? --- --- --- --- Examples If data is KB110.5.c5 1988 search as: - ot:kb110.5.c5 1988
Or - ot:kb110
--- If data is KB110.5.c5 1988 search as: - ot:kb110.5.c5 1988
Or - ot:kb110
Fields/Subfields - 055 a (if indicator 2 = 6, 7, 8, or 9)
- 084 a
--- - 055 a (if indicator 2 = 6, 7, 8, or 9)
- 084 a
Qualifier index? Nee --- Nee Nee Notes - Enter all numbers and letters.
- Retains periods, minus-hyphens, and plus signs.
- Deletes and concatenates all parentheses and apostrophes.
- Replaces all other punctuation marks with a space.
- All spaces are retained.
--- - Enter all numbers and letters
- Retains periods, minus-hyphens, and plus signs.
- Deletes and concatenates all parentheses and apostrophes.
- Replaces all other punctuation marks with a space.
- All spaces are retained
- Contains data from your local bibliographic data records.
- Enter all numbers and letters
- Retains periods, minus-hyphens, and plus signs.
- Deletes and concatenates all parentheses and apostrophes.
- Replaces all other punctuation marks with a space.
- All spaces are retained
- ot:kb110.5.c5 1988
- Number Phrase (ot=)
Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery WorldCat.org Label ot= --- ot= Search? Ja --- Ja Ja Browse? --- --- --- --- Examples If data is KB110.5.c5 1988 search as: - ot=kb110.5.c5 1988
--- If data is KB110.5.c5 1988 search as: - ot=kb110.5.c5 1988
Fields/Subfields - 055 a (if indicator 2 = 6, 7, 8, or 9)
- 084 a
--- - 055 a (if indicator 2 = 6, 7, 8, or 9)
- 084 a
Qualifier index? Nee --- Nee Nee Notes - Enter all numbers and letters.
- Retains periods, minus-hyphens, and plus signs.
- Deletes and concatenates all parentheses and apostrophes.
- Replaces all other punctuation marks with a space.
- All spaces are retained.
- Performs an unanchored phrase search.
--- - Enter all numbers and letters.
- Retains periods, minus-hyphens, and plus signs.
- Deletes and concatenates all parentheses and apostrophes.
- Replaces all other punctuation marks with a space.
- All spaces are retained.
- Performs an unanchored phrase search.