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Online Digital Limit

Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Online Digital Limit word (on:) index.

Word (on:)


  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label --- --- on: ---
Search? --- --- Ja ---
Browse? --- --- --- ---
Examples --- ---
  • To search for your library's records from the Digital Collection Gateway — on:DGCNT AND on:[your library's OCLC Symbol] AND cs=[your library's OCLC Symbol] 
  • To search for your library's records from CONTENTdm — on:CNTNT AND on:[your library's OCLC Symbol] AND cs=[your library's OCLC Symbol] 
Fields/Subfields --- --- 029 a b c t ---
Qualifier index? --- --- Ja ---
Notes --- --- You must specify your library's OCLC symbol in the search (cs=[your library's OCLC symbol]) ---