WorldShare Interlibrary Loan videos
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Get started
Create constant data for ILL
Custom holdings for interlibrary loan
OCLC IFM - Interlibrary Loan Fee Management
Establish ILL Policies in OCLC Policies Directory
OCLC Article Exchange
Workflow integration: ILL and Circulation
Print book straps and labels
OCLC Article Exchange
Respond to an ILL loan request
Responding to an ILL copy request
Lender Off-System ILL requests
Basics of deflections
Deflecting knowledge base collections
Deflecting all electronic items
Lender Off-System ILL requests
Borrower: Create ILL loan requests
Borrower: Create ILL copy requests
Process ILL requests as a Borrower
New For Review ILL requests
Print book straps and return labels
Configure patron-initiated request for WorldCat Discovery
ILL Requests: Expired, overdue, or unfilled
Borrower Off-System ILL requests
Print requests
Borrower: Print book straps and return labels
Lender: Print book straps and shipping labels