OCLC Usage Statistics
Find support materials about account management and the reports available in the OCLC Usage Statistics portal.
About OCLC Usage Statistics
Find an overview of the interface and the features available in OCLC Usage Statistics.
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for FirstSearch and see a description of the available FirstSearch reports.
WorldCat Discovery
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat Discovery Services and see a description of the available WorldCat Discovery Services reports.
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat.org and see a description of the available WorldCat.org reports.
WorldShare Interlibrary Loan
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldShare Interlibrary Loan or Tipasa and see a description of the available reports.
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for Cataloging and see a description of the available Cataloging reports.
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for COUNTER and see a description of the available COUNTER reports.
Digital Collections
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for ArchiveGrid and Camio and see a description of the available Digital Collections reports.
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for Publisher Reports and see a description of the available Publisher Reports.
Link Resolver
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for Link Resolver and see a description of the available Link Resolver reports.
Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WebDewey and see a description of the available WebDewey reports.
Assessment Tools
Find information about the Assessment Tools in OCLC Usage Statistics.
Known issues
This page lists known issues in the OCLC Usage Statistics application. Availability dates are subject to change.