The Assessment Tools tab enables your library to evaluate your WorldCat holdings and ILL Lending and Borrowing activity. The two new tools are the WorldCat Collection Dashboard and the ILL Reciprocity Report.
The WorldCat Collection Dashboard report displays information on your holdings as OCLC WorldCat sees them. It displays unique and commonly-held titles, percentage of holdings by format, number of titles by publication year. Use this report as a tool for your library in updating your WorldCat holdings and to aid in collection development decisions.
Navigating the data
Instead of scrolling down to see all aspects of the dashboard, you will tab through the data located at the top of the report
Defining the data
Library Holdings Comparison Pie Chart:
Unique = the percentage and total number of your holdings that are unique to your library compared to all of WorldCat
2-10 = the percentage and total number of your holdings that are held by 2-10 other libraries in WorldCat
11-20 = the percentage and total number of your holdings that are held by 11-20 other libraries in WorldCat
21+ = the percentage and total number of your holdings that are held by 21 or more other libraries in WorldCat
On the pie chart, the user can select a piece of the pie, and the system will load 100 bib records below the pie chart for viewing.
Publication Dates:
Publication dates are listed for where your holdings fall in terms of publication dates compared to all of WorldCat.
For example: The chart below indicates that this library’s holdings reside in the 2000-2006 publication date range:
Formats Data:
The pie chart shows you where the majority of your collections format resides compared to all of WorldCat. Results are the top percentages and total number of holdings in your collection.
Formats displayed: Book, File, Serial, Projected Visual, Other Sound, Music, and Visual
Top 3 Subjects:
This data shows the top three subjects in your collection (based on holdings) against all of WorldCat.
Create reports of your library’s borrowing and lending activity with libraries of your choice. These reports will provide data you can use to manage your interlibrary loan partnerships, such as reciprocal borrowing agreements.
You may create reports for up to 5 years of interlibrary loan activity.
The Journal Titles Borrowed report provides details about the titles your library has lent and borrowed during a given time frame. The OCLC number, title, and ISSN for each item borrowed is provided as well as the number of requests sent and requests filled for each title.
You may create reports for up to 5 years of interlibrary loan activity.
The Lender String report provides up to 12 months of data about the number of times any library said ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to your requests as a borrower. It breaks down the data by Copy/Loan, provides the average response time it took the lender to respond, and provides percentages of filled and unfilled requests. The report also allows you to key in a value for percentage filled that will assist you in evaluating a lender’s fill rate