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WorldCat Discovery

Find information about OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat Discovery Services and see a description of the available WorldCat Discovery Services reports.

Using OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat Discovery Services

OCLC Usage Statistics for WorldCat Discovery Services provides three levels of information about your library's use of the WorldCat Discovery service. This assists you in monitoring user activity and evaluating which databases are searched most often.

WorldCat Discovery Services Reports

WorldCat Discovery Service usage reports are available at institution and consortia levels. Reports will only appear for a given month if there was activity during that period.

Report Description
Overview reports Provides total searches, by month, for your institution.
Searches Used reports Provides information about the searches performed in each database you have configured for your users' discovery experience.
Institution/Database Summary -- Consortium report Provides a roll-up of search activity for all consortia and subgroup members who used the service during the month specified. Available for Consortia and Subgroups.