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Sign in to OCLC Service Configuration

Find instructions to sign in to OCLC Service Configuration.

Sign in to Service Configuration

Sign in to Service Configuration to configure settings for your institution(s). There are two ways to sign in. You can Sign in with your WorldCat Account or Sign in with your OCLC Services Account (WorldShare users).

Service Configuration sign in

  1. Go to the Service Configuration Sign In screen at
  2. Decide how you want to sign in. You have two options:
    1. Click Use Your WorldCat Account if you want to Sign in with your WorldCat Account, or
    2. Click Use Your OCLC Services Account if you want to Sign in with your OCLC Services Account (WorldShare users)
      1. If it is your first time signing in using this method, you will be prompted to search for your institution. Enter your institution's OCLC symbol, name, or zip code.
      2. Click Continue or press <Enter>.
  3. Enter your User Name and Password.
  4. Click Sign In or press <Enter>.

Sign in with your WorldCat Account

 Caution:  All WorldCat Registry accounts will need to be migrated to WorldShare Service Accounts. WorldCat Accounts are linked to specific institution registry IDs. Please see WorldCat Account Migration for assistance migrating your account.

You will still be able to sign in with your WorldCat Account currently.

You can use your WorldCat account if you use the following services: legacy, WorldCat Discovery, CONTENTdm, or Digital Collection Gateway. You can also use your WorldCat Account to sign in to Service Configuration before and want to continue using your account.

Sign in with your OCLC Services Account (WorldShare users)

You will want to sign in with your OCLC Services Account if:

  • You are a WorldShare user and want to use your WorldShare account to sign in to Service Configuration.
  • You only want to configure the settings for the institution tied to your WorldShare account.
  • You are a WorldShare user and want to configure your WorldCat Registry institutions. 

 Note: You must have a WorldShare Circulation or a WorldShare ILL role to sign into the Service Configuration with your WorldShare user name and password.  Please see OCLC Service Configuration roles for more information.