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Find an item at a nearby library using and Google Scholar

Learn how to locate and use links from Google Scholar to locate items at your local library.

Add Open WorldCat links to Google Scholar

You can link directly from articles discovered through Google Scholar search results to records at your local library.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Click the Menu button (Screenshot of the Google Scholar Menu button) and then click the Settings button (Screenshot of the Google Scholar Settings button) to open the Settings menu.
  3. Select Library links from the Settings menu.
  4. Select the OpenWorldCat - Library Search checkbox.
  5. Click Save.


  • If you do not see the Library Search link in your search results, you may need to click the More button (Screenshot of the Google Scholar More button) or All versions link to access the link for Open WorldCat.
  • Libraries with an OCLC cataloging subscription can surface their materials in Google Scholar.