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2024 MuseumKey and LendingKey updates

Review MuseumKey and LendingKey features and fixes from 2024.

Full list of new features and fixes in 2024

Type of update Update Details Issue/Update date
New feature

Override Global Museum Closing Dates

Key Central >> Museums >> Dates

Automatic closing dates can be overridden and marked as open without needing to contact support.

July 2024
New feature

Media Library for Things

Key Central >> Things >> Add>> Upload Media

Staff can now upload their own 150px by 150px PNG images for their Things, without needing to submit a support request. Images can be added to existing Thing records, used to create new Thing records, and can be deleted.

July 2024
New feature

Check-In Modal

Key Central >> Reservations

Added modal after check-in button on Reservation screen for staff to prevent accidental check-ins.

July 2024
New feature

Expanded Export

Key Central >> Reservations>> Export

Added Reservation Created Timestamp column to Reservation export screen.

July 2024
New feature

Checked in reservation automatically moved to past

Key Central > Reservations

All reservations checked back in are automatically moved from upcoming to past reservations. In Past Reservations, these reservations can be moved back to Upcoming if needed.

Installed Spring 2024
New feature

Pagination in LendingKey

LendingKey >> By Date >> Dates

Pagination for listing things by date to prevent page from timing out

Installed Spring 2024
New feature

Disabled Items Removed From Reservation Checkout Options

Key Central >> Reservations

Museums or Thing Items marked as 'Disabled' will be hidden from Reservation Checkout selection dropdown.

Installed Spring 2024
New feature

Added Reservation Created Timestamp Column to Reservation Export Screen

Key Central >> Reservations >> Export

A column with reservation creation timestamp added to export data

Installed Spring 2024
New feature

Additional Enhanced WCAG 2.1 Compliance

Public interfaces have been given additional accessibility tags in order to increase WCAG 2.1 compliance.

Installed Spring 2024
New feature

PHP 8 Compatibility Update

Global code changes made in order to ensure PHP 8 compatibility for future server migration.

Installed Spring 2024
New feature

Update to WYSIWYG editor from TinyMCE to Trumbowyg 

Key Central >> Library >> Settings, Museum >> Settings, Things >> Settings

TinyMCE editor for text fields changed to lightweight Trumbowyg for speed and cross-domain compatibility.

Installed Spring 2024
Bug fix

Branch closing dates not reflecting on list branch screen

  Installed Spring 2024
Bug fix

Expanded Date Range for Staff Modify Reservations

  Installed Spring 2024
Bug fix

Landing Page By Date defaults to monthly if configured in LendingKey

  Installed Spring 2024
Bug fix

Modify reservation due date range not far enough

  Installed Spring 2024
Bug fix

Printable Pass Branch hidden in LendingKey By Branch

  Installed Spring 2024
Bug fix

Reservation creation timestamp incorrect

  Installed Spring 2024
Bug fix

Reservation Fail Wording for Things

  Installed Spring 2024
Bug fix

Server variable updated for MySQL connection in Git

  Installed Spring 2024