Rate and review

Discover how to manage the rate/review feature to gather feedback about your app, in the CapiraMobile Staff Dashboard.

When rate/review is enabled, app users will be prompted on launch with a pop-up that asks if they are enjoying the application. The options for their review differ depending on if they answer Yes or No:

To enable or disable Rate/Review:

  1. From the left navigation, under the Elements menu, select Options > Rate & Reviews.
  2. Slide the toggle to the right to enable Rate/Review and allow users to leave feedback about your app.
  3. If enabled:
    • Number of launches - Enter the numerical number of times the user can launch the app before they are prompted for a review.
    • Repeat after launches - From the drop-down list, choose the number of times a user can launch the app before being re-prompted for a review.
  4. Click Save.