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Hours and holidays

Discover how to adjust the open hours and holiday closings for a branch in the CapiraMobile Staff Dashboard.

Use these settings to adjust the hours and holiday closing information for the branch. 

Branch hours and holidays in mobile app - Image

The Library Details page for a branch in a CapiraMobile app, listing all daily hours the branch is open

  1. From the left navigation, under the Elements menu, select Branches then click Edit Settings next to the title of the branch you would like to update.
  2. Click the Hours/Holidays tab.
  3. For each day of the week, select an Open and Close time to set the hours.

     Note: To indicate that the branch is closed all day, set both the Open and Close times to 12:00 AM.

  4. Enter a Holiday Closing Description to indicate the holidays that the branch is closed.
  5. (Optional) Click Add Row to add additional holiday closing descriptions.
  6. Click Save Hours/Holidays.

The CapiraMobile Staff Dashboard and Capira app are responsive to time zones. For example, if your library is located in the Central Time zone and open from 10am-6pm, a user in the Eastern Time zone would see the open hours as 11am-7pm. 

Watch a Video 

Library Hours and Holiday Configuration

Run time: 3:28

This video will show you how to configure a library’s hours and how to mark a closure due to a holiday.