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Cataloging documentation

Find links to commonly used resources, organized by category, that provide guidance for working with OCLC cataloging products and services.

Cataloging interfaces

WorldShare Record Manager documentation

How to use the web browser-based interface to catalog in WorldShare Record Manager.

Connexion client documentation

How to use the Windows-based interface to catalog in OCLC Connexion. Links to Getting Started, Basics, Cataloging, and Authorities documents.

Simplified cataloging interface

How to use the simplified cataloging interface in WorldShare Record Manager for copy cataloging.

Z39.50 Cataloging

How to use Z39.50 for cataloging.

WebDewey documentation

How to use WebDewey for Dewey classification.

OCLC Cataloging Authorization Levels quick reference.

Defines authorized actions for each OCLC cataloging authorization level.


Cataloging guidelines

Bibliographic Formats and Standards

Tagging conventions, input standards, and guidelines for WorldCat records.

Expert Community: Expert Guidelines

Cataloging guidelines for participants in OCLC's Expert Community

Entering non-ALA Diacritics and Special Characters

Procedures for entering diacritics and special characters in Latin-script-based records.

Find information about Resource Description and Access (RDA).

Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)

DDC resources

Find DDC resources

DDC system updates

Find DDC updates.


Technical bulletins

List of Technical Bulletins

WorldCat Validation release notes

Find WorldCat Validation release notes.


Searching WorldCat Indexes

Description, guidelines, and examples of indexes for searching WorldCat, including fields and subfields indexed. Indexes are supported for all OCLC WorldCat search interfaces (except Z39.50), including Connexion, CatExpress, FirstSearch, and FirstSearch Resource Sharing.

Connexion: Searching WorldCat Quick Reference
en español in PDF

Provides summary instructions, formats, techniques, guidelines, examples, and indexes for searching WorldCat for cataloging purposes, using the Connexion client.


WorldCat Record Use Policy

WorldCat Rights and Responsibilities for the OCLC Cooperative outlines the rights and responsibilities associated with the stewardship of the WorldCat bibliographic and holdings database by and for the OCLC cooperative.


Record structure, character sets, and exchange media formatting for OCLC-MARC records on magnetic tape, via electronic file transfer or via export.

MARC 21 bibliographic data elements not implemented by OCLC

List of MARC 21 bibliographic data elements that OCLC has not implemented along with possible OCLC action to implement them.



Authorities: Format and indexes

Provides details on the format of OCLC authority records. Describes indexes and indexed fields/subfields. Also covers procedures for submitting authority record change requests (Supersedes the Authorities User Guide).

Closed dates in authority record

Find information about closed dates in authority records.

OCLC Connexion: Add and Replace Authority Records (NACO-Authorized Users Only)

Provides details on adding new name authority records, replacing master name authority records and submitting records for national review.

Authorities (cont.)

OCLC Connexion: Create Authority Records

Provides details on creating name authority records from workforms or existing records and generating records from name headings.

OCLC Connexion: Verify and Control Headings in Bibliographic Records

Provides details on supporting the ability to associate headings in bibliographic records with authority records.

OCLC Connexion: Edit Authority Records

Provides details on editing authority records, inserting diacritics, and displaying and printing records.

OCLC Connexion: Export and Import Authority Records

Provides details on setting export options and exporting authority records, multiple records, and flagged records, and importing MARC records.

OCLC Connexion: Find Authority Records

Provides details on searching and browsing the Authority File, viewing and using search results, and using the flagged authority records screen.

OCLC Connexion: Searching Authorities Quick Reference

Provides summary instructions, formats, techniques, guidelines, examples, and indexes for searching OCLC authority records using the Connexion client.

OCLC Connexion: Use Authority Constant Data

Provides details on selecting, creating, editing, finding, and using authority constant data.

OCLC Connexion: Use the Authority Save File

Provides details on using, searching, and viewing the Authority Save file.

Record Manager: Authorities Guide

Describes indexes and indexed fields/subfields for all the authority files that are available using Record Manager.

Local holdings

Local Holdings Maintenance support site

You can use the Local Holdings Maintenance service to maintain accurate, current holdings information and to create Local Holdings Records (LHRs) that enable you to share detailed holdings information with library staff, users, and other libraries.

A Holdings Primer: Principles & Standards for Local Holdings Records

General information on Z39.71 Holdings Format and MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data (MFHD); OCLC LDR format and SERHOLD format are also briefly discussed.

Find Local Holdings

Explains how to search for local holdings records in WorldCat and use search results.

Create and Maintain Local Holdings Records

Procedures for creating, editing, and deleting local holdings records; provides procedures and information for local holdings agents.

Create and Apply Local Holdings Constant Data

Explains how to create, customize, and apply local holdings constant data records.

OCLC-MARC Local Holdings Format Tag Chart

Brief, general information on each tag and subfield.

OCLC-MARC Local Holdings Format and Standards

Detailed reference on the format for OCLC local holdings records. Defines fields, subfields, and indicators. Provides guidelines for creating and editing record content.

Local bibliographic data

Work with local bibliographic data

Description of local bibliographic data (LBD), the fields that use LBDs, and the search labels you can use to search LBDs.


WorldCat cooperative quality

Find information about how OCLC delivers quality and learn about the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF). Find a link to the form: WorldCat and Authority Record Quality Control Request.

Cataloging Defensively series

List of Cataloging Defensively events and presentations

Give background on how OCLC's Duplicate Detection and Resolution (DDR) software deals with bibliographic records.