My deflection policy based on e-license terms is letting through requests for items we want to deflect.

Applies to
  1. Ensure that your E-license agreements are configured in Collection Manager and/or License Manager.
    1. In Collection Manager, open the collection-level Holdings and MARC Records accordion and select No under ILL allowed. You will need to repeat this process for each collection that you want to deflect.
    2. In License Manager, see the following instructions: Add an interlibrary loan term to a license
  2. In OCLC Service Configuration > WorldShare ILL > Interlibrary Loan Options, make sure the Knowledge Base Active Link setting is turned On.

If you still receive requests that should've been deflected after making these changes, please contact OCLC Support and provide the following information:

Additional information

Deflect lending requests in Collection Manager

Deflect lending requests in License Manager

Knowledge Base Active Link setting

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