After logging into WorldShare ILL, I do not see anything on the page

Applies to

You need someone with Administrative Privileges to update your account so your Roles are set up correctly.  If you do not have anyone who can do this for you at your site, you contact OCLC Support.

  1. You will need to make sure the Everyone role is selected.
  2. If you are an Admin, the WorldShare_ILL_Admin Role needs to be selected.
  3. If you are a User, the WorldShare_ILL_User Role needs to be selected.
  4. Save the change.
  5. Clear your browser cache.
  6. Close the browser and open it back up.
  7. Logon to WorldShare ILL.

 You should see everything as you expect.  If you do not, then press the F5 key to refresh the page.  You should now see everything correctly.

If this has not worked, check your firewall, as it may be blocking your access to WMS.

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