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Check the status of searchable collections

If you think there is a problem obtaining results from any collection, you can check the status of each collection that you are searching.

After executing a search, click the Status option from the top menu bar.

The collections searched are listed in the Target column.

Each collection searched will have a Status. The possible statuses are outlined in the table below:


The Collection has found results and is in the process of displaying them.

Search Complete

The Collection has found and displayed all the results.


The Collection was interrupted before your search was completely processed.


The Collection is not operational at this time.


The Collection is operational, but doesn’t support this search.


The search is still in process; no results have been returned

No Hits

The search was completed but no results were found to match the search terms.

The Total Hits displays the total number of hits found from the search.

Fetched Hits displays the number of hits currently displayed. At the beginning of your search, this is the total number of hits automatically displayed in the initial search result set. When you return to Search Results and ask for more hits - by clicking on the arrow or page number - this number changes as additional hits are displayed.

Requested Hits shows the number of hits requested by clicking to see additional results. Not all requested hits may be returned yet.

If a collection shows an error status, this may be a temporary problem and it is often worth trying the search again a few moments later. If the collection consistently has a status of Error, please report it to OCLC Support.