The standard search is a keyword search – it returns hits containing your search term(s) anywhere in the record.
Enter the word or words you would like to search for in the Search for: box, then click the Search button.
NRE/VDX will put an implied ‘AND’ between multiple search terms, so the example above will return hits containing the words “black” AND “holes.”
If you are searching for more than one word and want them searched as a phrase rather than individual words, enclose the phrase in quotation marks, for example, “black holes” will search for the phrase “black holes” rather than searching for the individual words – “black” and “holes.”
The Reset link clears the search terms entered.
The list of Searchable Collections (catalogues) being searched appears on screen. You can click the Collections link to toggle the view of the list on or off.
You can click on the name of each collection displayed to see more information about the collection.
Here the Concordia collection has been selected. A pop-up window is presented describing the collection.
To de-select a collection from your search, uncheck the check box preceding the collection name. The search will only include selected collections.
Select all and Deselect all options are also provided which will check/uncheck all the searchable collections.
Click the Search button to execute the search.
You will be presented with the search results. The Results page is discussed in detail in Search Results.
After you have performed a search, you will see more links in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
Each of these links will be discussed in detail later in this section.