Location data

Use the Locations feature in NRE/VDX to find contact information for other libraries, temporarily suspend your own library as a lender, and set the default home page for all users from a specific location.


You can use the Locations feature in NRE/VDX to find contact information for other libraries, or to temporarily suspend your own library as a lender in NRE/VDX.

Any site that you send ILL requests to needs to exist as a location in NRE/VDX.


  • Search locations
    See how to search for locations by any word in their name or by symbols associated with the location.
  • Suspend your location as a lender
    Shows how to stop receiving NRE/VDX borrowing requests temporarily. Use this feature when your library will not be able to participate in interlibrary loan as a lender for a period of time.
  • Set default home page in the location record
    See how to select the default home page for all users from a particular location. Appropriate permissions are need to perform this task.