VDX is a standards-compliant interlibrary loan and document request management system.
VDX is also known as NRE (Navigator Request Engine) the core of the OCLC product called Navigator. Although NRE and VDX are the same product there are differences in functionality depending if VDX is stand alone or bundled with Navigator. These differences will be pointed out as you run across them in this documentation.
The following is a list of the primary differences between NRE and VDX:
The logo in the top left hand corner displays NRE |
The logo in the top left hand corner displays VDX |
Patrons place request using the WorldCat Group catalog |
Patrons place request using ZPORTAL |
NRE is configured to only search the WorldCat Z39.50 server |
VDX can search any of the libraries Z39.50 enabled catalogs and WorldCat |
Statistical reports are available via the stats.oclc.org link. |
Stats are available via the reports link |
Any Edition? |
Does not use Any Edition |
Both NRE/VDX enables users to:
There are also a few changes in the terminology :
Lending string |
Rota |
Request number |
ILL number |