Borrowing requests
Create, manage and process borrowing requests using NRE/VDX.
Borrower work queue and statuses
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Definitions of work queue categories and request statuses.
Borrower request workflow
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Actions you perform as a borrowing library.
Borrowing Library: Possible request actions
Authorize idle requests
Receive requested items
Return items to lender
End of rota workflow
Cancel a request
Terminate a request
Complete a request
Search for complete requests
Renew a requested item
Automatic expiry of requests
Informed shipped/Informed not supplied
Send a note
Request an item
No image available
There are 2 ways to place an ILL request: Use bibliographic data found in a NRE/VDX search and use a blank request form for titles not found in a NRE/VDX search.
Request items found in a search
Request items not found in a search