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OCLC Support

Request items not found in a search


There will be occasions when the item you need to request cannot be found via a bibliographic search. NRE/VDX allows you to enter the request details yourself.

Select the Create Request option from the links at the top of the page if you are in the Search domain.

Or select the Create option from the links at the top of the page if you are in the Requests domain.

A blank ILL Request screen is displayed.

Select the appropriate Item Format from the drop-down list. The bibliographic fields provided are dependent on the item format chosen.

Enter the required information (as much bibliographic information as possible, though only Title is required).

Click the Request button.

It is strongly recommended that you enter an ISBN, ISSN or OCLC Number. Without one of these keys NRE/VDX will not build a Rota or be able to identify titles that you may hold.