Create search profiles

Learn how to create search profiles in UnityUK.

A search profile is a group of searchable Collections. OCLC has created a default profile for UnityUK users, containing the UnityUK union catalogue, COPAC, Revealweb and the BL Combined file.

Regional profiles have also been provided, made up of all the searchable Collections in your region, including libraries whose catalogues are not included in the union catalogues, but which are searched in real-time using the Z39.50 protocol. 

A user can also create personal profiles.


To create a new profile or modify a profile you created previously, click on Profiles from the top menu.

Profiles option

The Search Profile Manager screen will be displayed. Any Search Profiles previously created by the user will be shown under My Search Profiles. The Search Profiles which are available to all users of UnityUK are shown under Shared Search Profiles.

Search Profile Manager screen

To create a new Search Profile - click on the Create button.

You need to give your profile a Name. Enter the details of the Search Profile in the Description field.

Create Profile screen

Select the collection or collections to be included in your Search Profile by checking the check boxes.

Collection hierarchy in the Search Profile Manager

To display a description of the Collection, click on the collection name.

Collection Detail screen

Once you have selected your preferred list of Collections, click the Create button to save your profile.

The new profile will be accessible from profiles drop-down in both the Standard and Advanced Search.

Profiles drop-down list

To modify an existing profile, select the Search Profile to be modified and click Edit.

Search Profile Manager screen

You will then be presented with the list of Collections, from which you may select new Collections and/or deselect previously selected Collections.

 Note: Next time the user logs into UnityUK, the last profile searched in the previous session is selected by default.