Request items not found in a search

Learn how to request an item not found in a UnityUK search using a blank request form (and then either add rota locations manually or allow UnityUK to automatically build a rota).

There will be occasions when the item you need to request cannot be found via a UnityUK search. UnityUK allows you to enter the request details yourself.

Select the Create Request option from the links at the top of the page if you are in the Bib Search domain.

Create Request option

Or select the Create option from the links at the top of the page if you are in the requests domain.

Create option

A blank ILL Request screen is displayed.

ILL Request screen

You should select the appropriate Item Format from the drop-down list. The bibliographic fields which are provided are dependent on which Item Format is chosen.

Enter the required information (as much bibliographic information as possible, though only Title is required). It is essential that you choose at least 1 rota location, by searching for a location in the rota search box.

Click the Request button.