Standard ILL request search

Learn how to perform a standard ILL request search in UnityUK.

By default, the Standard ILL Request Search screen is displayed. Here you can search for individual requests.

ILL Request Search screen

The Standard Search screen can also be accessed by clicking on the Standard option from the top menu bar.

Standard option

A list of search options is displayed, depending on whether you are the borrower or the lender for the request.

Here you can search on a unique ILL Number which identifies the request – for example, the ILL no (the request number), or Local Request Number.

You can also search on the first few words of the Title / Author Keyword, ISBN or ISSN, or on the Patron Name or Patron Barcode.

You can search on the date when the request is due back by selecting the Request Due Date option.

You can search on all requests you have sent to a specific lender or which a particular borrower has asked you to supply- using the location code present in the Location details record  by selecting the Lender Code or Borrower Code option.

If you do not want to display all the available searches on the Standard Search screen, you can remove unused searches by clicking on the Edit Searches button (located at the top right hand of the screen):

Edit Searches button

ILL Request Search screen - Edit Searches button

You will be presented with this page where you can choose which searches you want to display. The system will remember your selections the next and subsequent times you log in.

ILL Standard Searches Edit screen