Patron ID field not in the request form

Applies to

To check that the Workforms have a Patron ID field, follow these steps:

  1. In Service Configuration go to WorldShare ILL > Patron Request Workforms.
  2. Expand each Workform accordion.
  3. For each Workform that is enabled, check if there is a field for the Patron ID.
  4. If not, and you want to add it, go to Patron Request workform and scroll to Article, Book, and Other Forms. Then Add a field to display on this Section.
  5. Click Save.

If after adding Patron ID to the request forms, you still don't see it, then check with your IT if your authentication method is provision on demand. With provision on demand there is no Patron ID created in the user record in Tipasa.

If you have questions please contact OCLC support.

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