Print requests and manage queue

Learn how to print individual requests, add or remove requests from the print queue, and print all items in the request queue in Tipasa.

Print an individual request (print now)

You can print individual requests from the request screen.

To print an individual request:

  1. Open the request you want to print.
  2. In the request, on the upper right side of the screen, click Print Now.
    •  Note: Some requests will show additional print check boxes (for example, Print Book Straps/Stickers or Print Shipping Labels/Return Labels) if they are available.

  3. On the Print Preview window, use the printer icon or links to print the request.
  4. Click Done or the X (x_icon.png) at the top of the window to close it.

Run time: 7:46

This video shows how to print full requests.


Add requests to the print queue (print later)

You can add requests to the print queue to print them later.

To add a request to the print queue

  1. Open the request you want to print.
  2. In the request, on the upper right side of the screen, click the down arrow next to Print Now.
  3. Select Add to Request Print Queue.
  4. A confirmation message appears, and the request is added to the appropriate print queue.
  5. On the left navigation, click Print Queue.
  6. Click Requests (either under Borrowing, Lending, or Purchasing, depending on the request).
  7. On the Print Queue screen, select the check boxes for the requests you want to print.
    • To print all requests in the table, select the check box at the top of the first column of the table.
    • To change the number of rows you see in the table, select a number from the Rows list.
  8. When printing requests, you may select to print 1 or 2 requests per page. Click either Print 1 per page or Print 2 per page, depending on how many requests you want to print per page.
  9. On the Print Preview screen, use the printer icon or links to print the request.
  10. Once you have confirmed your printing was successful, you can delete requests from requests print queue. Requests stay in the print queue until they are removed.
  11. Go back to the Requests queue, select the check boxes for the requests you printed, and click Remove.

Print all items in a request queue

You can print all items in a request queue at once.

Follow the below instructions to print all items in a queue.

To print all items in a request queue:

  1. On the left navigation, click Print Queue.
  2. Click Print All.
  3. The Request Queues screen appears and displays all the request queues.
  4. Select the check boxes for the request queues you want to print.  Note:There is a limit of printing 500 requests at a time.
    Click Next.
  5. On the Marked Queues screen, click Print 1 per page or Print 2 per page for the marked queues you want to print, depending on how many requests you want to print per page.
  6. The Auto-update check box is automatically selected. If you do not want the status of the request to automatically update, deselect the check box. For more information, see Auto-update with Print All below.
  7. On the Print Preview screen, use the printer icon or links to print the requests.
  8. The requests print and a confirmation message appears.

Remove items from a print queue

Items are not removed from a print queue until you remove them.

To remove all items from a print queue:

  1. On the left navigation, click Print Queue.
  2. Select the queue from which you want to remove items.
  3. Select the check boxes for the items you want to remove. To select all items, select the check box at the top of the first column in the table.
  4. Click Remove.
  5. The items are removed from the queue.

Auto-update with Print All

The auto-update option allows you to control the status of Borrowing Not Reviewed requests or Lending New – Copies and New – Loans requests after they are printed. The system default is to advance these items to an updated status after the Print All action is taken. Not Reviewed requests will be updated to Reviewed. New – Copies and New – Loans will be updated to Considering. If you do not want to advance the request to Reviewed or Considering status, deselect the Auto-update check box.

 Caution: The system does not retain the setting from the previous print. The update status must be chosen every time you print.