Address Book
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This is an advanced setting available to Tipasa subscribers. If you are a Tipasa library, refer to Tipasa, Address Book.
Create and maintain details about off-system institutions that you borrow from and lend to in order to automatically populate the partner details in your off-system borrowing and lending requests. Entries must be created in the Partners tab before they are able to use the partner in an off-system request. Refer to Off-System Requesting for more information.
Partners cannot be deleted once created, but they can be flagged as inactive so that they cannot be included in future transactions.
Use the search box to search by Partner Name, Alternate Name, Partner Symbol, and OCLC Symbol.
Note: There is a limit of 8,000 active partners.
To add a library partner to the Address book:
- Select the Partners tab.
- Select the Add Partner button.
- From the New Partner screen, enter the information about the library partner's identity in the following sections:Partner Information
- Partner Information
- Notes:
- Must include the Partner Name, Partner Symbol, and ILL Email.
- Each partner record must have a unique Partner Name and Partner Symbol.
Setting Description Partner Name Required.
Name of the partner institution.
Alternate Name Alternate name for the partner institution Partner Symbol Required.
For Partner Symbol, enter a well-known symbol such as an ISIL (International Standard Identifier for Libraries) or OCLC number. Otherwise, create a mnemonic for this institution based on its name. The symbol cannot be changed after creation. The OCLC Symbol must:
- Be between 3-20 characters in length. Valid characters are A-Z, 1-9, # / : - @ $
- Belong to an institution that is set as a non-supplier
- Not be currently configured for ISO 10161 or ISO 18626
- Not be a special symbol like "RAPID" or "OFSYS"
- Not already be linked to another partner record
ILL Email Required.
Email address for the partner institution.
Role Choose the role of the institution. Options include
- Borrower and Lender
- Borrower
- Lender
Days to Respond (Copy) The number of days the copy request will remain with the partner institution. Days to Respond (Loans) The number of days the loan request will remain with the partner institution. Online Catalog Link The online catalog link for the institution.
- Notes:
- Locale
The Locale will default to the creating library's information. If the partner is in a different locale to that of the creating library, manually change the local details using the drop-downs for Country and Language.
- Shipping Address
- Billing Address
- Return Address
- Contact Address
- Notes
Click Save.