Manage Label(s)

Learn how to add, edit, and remove requests from Relais ILL.

Custom labels

Labels are keywords or tags that a staff user can add to requests to categorize, identify, and bookmark them.  Labels do not have to be from a pre-defined list and can be created and assigned to requests so that the respective requests can be found more easily using a label filter. 

Manage labels

From the Manage Label(s) section, view all the currently available labels and the number of requests associated with the label.  Select the link under the Request(s) Count column to retrieve all requests associated with the label. 

From this screen, you can edit the Label name, the Background Colour, and whether to make the request Available to All Libraries. From the Action column, determine whether to Cancel any changes made to the label and reset it to the previous state.

Add a label

  1. Select the Click here to add a new label option.
  2. Enter the label name into the Label column.
  3. Select a Background Colour for the label.
  4. Optional. Determine whether the label should be available for all libraries in your consortia to use. If so, select Available to all libraries. Otherwise, the label will only be available for your institution. 
  5. Select Add.

To delete a label, click on the label row and select the Delete option.

Add a label to a request

Multiple labels can be added to a single request. 

  1. Select the request to add the label.
  2. From the request view, select the edit option next to the Label(s) field.
  3. Select a pre-defined label from the Suggestions section or enter your free-text label into the Label(s) field. 
  4. Select a background color for the label. 
  5. Optional. Determine whether the label should be available for all libraries in your consortia to use. If so, select Available to all libraries. Otherwise, the label will only be available for your institution. 
  6. Select Add label.
  7. Select Update

To remove the label from the request, select the X next to the desired label to remove and select Update